"Idiot, this is the Destroyer armor! The most powerful armor in Asgard..."

"I heard that the Destroyer's armor is so unruly that even Odin can't tame it. Who is this who can actually wear the Destroyer!"

When Dormammu saw that it was Xiao Hai, he instantly said furiously: "It's actually you ants, do you think you can defeat me by wearing the Destroyer armor?"

Xiao Hai shook his head and said, "I don't know! However, if it's the two of us, you're definitely not an opponent!"

Dormammu was startled, and only then did he realize that a portal appeared behind Xiao Hai, and in the portal stood a woman in a yellow coat with a shiny bald head. The woman smiled faintly: "Hello, Dormammu!"

Chapter [-] I want to be invincible

The Destroyer Armor also has Odin's Odin power.

That is a powerful power unique to Odin, and most of Asgard's defense is made up of this power! So Xiao Hai, wearing the Destroyer armor, can break through the defense and open a portal in front of the ancient side of the earth. Dormammu sneered: "The ancient one is not the earth, it's just you and an armor-clad trash..."

Before he could finish his words, suddenly an incomparably powerful force erupted in Asgard. There is only one person in Asgard who can have such a terrifying power! That is Odin! If it is only Odin or the ancient one, more Mam is not afraid, but the two come together, and there is a destroyer armor, so there is no need to fight! "Boy, I remember you!"

After leaving this sentence, the... darkness faded away immediately, the dark dimension expanded by Dormammu was taken back, and he escaped! Anyway... It is not the first time that he has escaped in front of the two of them, he is used to it! And in the previous location of Jotunheim, there is still half of it, it seems that even Dormammu can't swallow a world in a few minutes! ...... Asgard's royal city, A grand banquet is being held! Battles, death, banquets... This is the custom of the Asgardians, and only in this festive carnival will they forget the pain of their lost loved ones! Hawkeye and Coulson, who have recovered their hands, are holding the barbecue and gnawing wildly while drinking wildly. This rough way of eating is surprisingly refreshing! The Destroyer Armor has returned to its "residence"

, Although it is extremely unhappy, it can't get rid of Odin's control now! Odin raised the glass on his own throne: "My people, who gave us victory this time!"

"Xiao Hai!"

"Xiao Hai!"

All the gods cheered Xiao Hai's name, he blocked Dormammu from killing the sky at the most critical moment, and he also summoned Master Gu Yi to let Dormammu flee.

He is the hero of this battle, Odin looked at Xiao Hai and said: "Xiao, my hero, you saved my people, my queen, then what do you want.


Xiao Hai is also welcome: "Asgard's technology and magic!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole banquet instantly became quiet! Technology and magic are the foundation of a civilization, and your requirements are too much! Xiao Hai couldn't help laughing: "I didn't make it clear, I just want some basics. s things!"

So it is! Those foundations of Asgard may not be considered as advanced technology for human beings. Humans have made progress in the past few hundred years, no, the past few decades are too fast! As for the basic rune Even if Hai has learned all the magic, he is afraid that it is not as good as his current magic. He has to learn it! Odin smiled: "The god of Asgard has never promised himself that you can learn all these things!"

Hehe, even if it's the basics, as long as you learn it, you will naturally advance! This time I really made a lot of money. Although I let the Destroyer follow my Zhenjin armor, I just need to make another set of it.

If you have something to learn, you are... happy! Xiao Hai drank the wine in his glass and dragged a young lady to dance! The dances went one after another, and one drink after another... .Xiao Hai let go of the young lady in his arms, then pulled a slender hand, and then he spit out a mouthful of wine immediately...Pfft...a magic fan blocked Xiao Hai's wine! Drink Xiao Hai, who was a little drunk, woke up immediately: "Master, you scared me!"

Gu Yi said lightly: "Why, I can't dance! In other words, after I have lived for so long, there is no dance in this world that I can't dance!"

After all, Xiao Hai used to study with Gu Yi. This is her teacher, so she can't let go now! Gu Yi smiled and said, "I heard that you recited Vishanti's honorable name during the battle before!"

"That Coulson... big mouth! I'll slap him to death!"

"It doesn't matter, the magic of the Book of Vishanti, do you want to learn it or not!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hai was like a head... The ice water was poured down from the head, and the whole body was hit with ice cream, and he was completely awake immediately.

Although he can learn magic and gradually advance, or his own magic will automatically advance to the level of the Book of Vishanti in the future, but it will take time, and God knows how long it will take.

If the school started directly from the Book of Vishanti, it must be much faster! This may be one of the most powerful magics in the Marvel world! Xiao Hai thought of another question: "But there is only one Supreme Mage!"

Gu Yi said lightly: "You are different, others may have to become Supreme Mage to be able to cast the magic of the Book of Vishanti, but you are different, you are the only one who can use this kind of magic without becoming a Supreme Mage! "

Xiao Hai was stunned for a moment, looking at the green pendant on Gu Yi's chest. Needless to say, it was a time gem: "What did you... see?"

"Just a possibility!"

Gu Yi looked at him and said, "Do you want to learn?"

Xiao Hai nodded, of course he had to learn! Gu Yi sighed: "I know your body is a bit special, you have an immortal body.

But remember the magic of the Book of Vishanti, the reaction force is quite powerful, so don't use it until the most critical time!"

"Xiao Hai rubbed his nose. Of course, I know that the nickname of Dr. Kidney Deficiency came from this way! In the past, I only relied on the diversification of my abilities to attack the enemy's shortcomings and defeat the enemy, but I learned the book of Vishanti. The magic of this world, there are not many people who can beat me! I want to be invincible! ...... the remaining Jotunheim.

Thor came here with mixed feelings! Loki destroyed the entire Jotunheim, of course he was not a good person, but...after all, he was the younger brother he grew up with, and he was turned into a black-hearted demon by Dormammu in this way. Things of mind, he is still uncomfortable in his heart! "It's Thor, the god of thunder, Jotunheim has become like this, do you still want to kill them all?"

A frost giant woman is holding a child, her face is full of fear! There are not many frost giants who can survive this unprecedented catastrophe! Thor said: "No, am I here to help you? The money is good for you!"

A cube appeared in his hand, and that was the Heart of Ice in Laufey's hand! The Heart of Ice fell on the broken Jotunheim, and then the cold burst out, layer after layer of ice cubes frantically It rose! Half a day later, the broken Jotunheim was actually replenished by the Heart of Frost, and it was restored to a complete ice world.

Thor turned his head and left Jotunheim! Two shadows emerged from behind a layer of ice, Mordo and Loki.

It's unimaginable that Dormammu didn't devour these two people! Loki snorted coldly: "Saul, actually become: so hypocritical, that Thor's Hammer would actually agree with such a person, don't worry!"

Mo Du showed his white teeth and smiled: "As long as you are alive, everything has a chance, isn't it?"

"Why save me"

"Or, we have a chance to work together in the future! I like crazy people like you!"

"To each other, to each other!"

Chapter [-]: Ancient Secrets

The night is like ink! Xiao Hai and Gu Yi are standing on the top of a mountain in Asgard, and the shadows of the other eight kingdoms are faintly visible in the night sky! Xiao Hai is practicing the magic of the Book of Vishanti, he has tried it nearly a thousand times However, I still see no possibility of success! Gu Yi held his hands and said lightly: "You are better than I thought..."

Xiao Hai couldn't help shaking his head: "Forget it, I know these magics can be seen by someone once!"

Think about Doctor Strange in the movie. Except for the beginning, when he mastered the first magic, all magic can be learned.

Even time magic! Gu Yi smiled and said: "Your talent is not a one-time ability, but your comprehension and error correction ability is particularly strong, each practice is better than the last, success is only a matter of time!"

Awesome! Gu Yi's eyes are really poisonous, and he actually sees my true ability here! Xiao Hai exhausted his mana, sat on the ground, and said, "I feel that the magic of the Book of Vishanti is the same as what I learned before. The spells are completely two kinds, it is too difficult..."

For example, when reciting Vishanti's real name, how to use the mana and how the brain visualizes, it seems to be distracted, and the consumption of mana is huge.

With his current mana, when he recites the incantation, it will be exhausted two or three times. This 867 has only just started. If it is really successful, I am afraid not to empty myself! Help him restore his mana.

From his point of view, the magic that he learned in the past Kama Taj is like a super simplified version of these magics, and the difference between the low-end version is too great! Looking at Gu Yi looking at the night sky with his hands down, Xiao Hai curiously said: "What are you looking at? Can you, like Heimdall, know everything about the Nine Realms?"

Gu Yi hehe smiled: "No one can understand everything, I'm just yearning for the starry sky!"

Xiao Hai was stunned: "With your ability, you can't go anywhere"

"This...I would like to, but it's impossible!"

Gu Yi shook his head and laughed, "The earth can't be without the protection of the Supreme Mage, I can't leave too far, can't leave for too long!"

"The Lord of Dimension, the Demon Lord has a lot of means, you can't underestimate them!"

"When I got the book of Vishanti, my destiny was doomed, and this is my responsibility!"

Xiao Hai said: "Then you need to train more mages!"

"Huh, how can it be so easy, I have only met one person like you in so long!"

Gu Yi said lightly! Oh, are you complimenting me or hurting me, "You might as well open a magic university and recruit a lot of students. If the base is large, there will be more geniuses!"

Xiao Hai said indifferently.

Gu Yiyi was stunned: "Your idea is really weird, but the mage's responsibility is to protect the earth from being swallowed up by the gods and demons in the dimension space, let ordinary people know about this..., really want !"

"You are a scientist's idea, but I am a mage, fate and fate!"

Therefore, Doctor Strange is your Xiao Hai and couldn't help but smile, he stood up again, and said in his mouth: "In the name of the ancient body of Hoggs and the ancient name of Oshutu, Agomoto listens to my generation..."

Xiao Hai's mana rushed out like a dyke burst, swaying, and in the night, three 3 phantoms appeared on Xiao Hai's head! One was a woman with closed eyes, giving people an incomparably ancient, holy, Bright feeling, the three 3 phantoms seem to be dominated by her.

Another phantom, one looks like a huge white tiger, and the other is the image of a bald man! Although this phantom only existed for a moment, the entire Asgard shook!  … .In Asgard.

Odin is talking to Thor.

"Saul, it's not your fault! Loki acted like this because my adoptive father didn't teach him well. Most of my energy was on you, but I ignored his heart... "

But at this moment, the two suddenly turned their heads, Thor clenched the Thor's Hammer tightly, and said with an icy expression: "What is this, has someone invaded?"

Odin also opened his mouth wide, with an incredible light shining in his one eye, he shook his head and said, "No, is this the second supreme mage salivated?"

"Impossible, there is only one Supreme Mage!"

Thor looked blank, he did not have the all-seeing eye like Odin.

Odin laughed: "Xiao Hai, became the Supreme Mage... No, he did not become the Supreme Mage, but he has the power to summon Vishanti!"

The supreme mage Lei Shen opened his mouth and couldn't close it. Xiao Hai is very strong, but in Lei Shen's eyes, Xiao Hai only has a little more means. To be honest, his strength is incomparable to himself! But now Xiao Hai has become Supreme Mage, or in other words, how is it possible to have power similar to that of the Supreme Mage! Does Vishanti, the god of magic really exist, can he really be summoned? Odin said: "The source of white magic is... this... Shandy, and the source of black magic is the Demon God Sithorn..."

"Vishanti created white magic to fight Sithone!"

At this point, Odin looked at Thor and hesitated for a while, but finally said: "Vishanti is a trinity of gods, among which the goddess of the East Star or the goddess of morning light Ao Shutu is the leader!"

"When there was no life on the earth, the creator came to the earth, and then he created the gods! The first four 44 gods were called the four old gods. Among them were the goddess of morning light, Ao Shutu, and the goddess of the earth. Gaia, Serpent God Seth, Demon God Sithorn!"

"They were the first gods of the earth, and after them other gods were born!"

"The snake god Seth discovered that he could become stronger after devouring these brothers, so the gods began to fight, and most of the gods fell into demons,..."

"A great battle, the final result is that the snake god Set and the demon god Sithorn escaped from the earth!"

"Ao Shutu turned a tear into Argomato, the two gods and another god Hoggs formed a trinity of god Vishanti, who has been fighting against the demon god Sithone from all angles... "

"And Gaia walked the earth, sighed at the withering of the gods of the earth, and gave birth to many gods. She is the mother of many gods and your biological mother..."

When Thor heard this, if he was struck by lightning, the whole person would be stupid! Odin sighed: "I have never told Loki his true identity, so when he found out that he was a frost giant, he would feel bad, and even made Such a move, so I thought, I shouldn't hide these things from you..."

It took a while for Thor to recover, and he said, "I...my mother, there is only one!"

Odin said lightly: "Gaia is the mother goddess of the earth, the god in charge of fertility, she is not the kind of person who... would come to grab a child with Felicia... all the gods are her children!"

"People in the world think that there are only white magic and black magic in the world, but it's actually much more than that."

"If we can advance to the original Rune Rune Magic of the Aesir, it will be the most powerful force in the world!"

"Even Vishanti and Sishorn can't compare... I'm getting old, and the future of the Nine Realms will be guarded by you!"

Because of the blood of Odin and Gaia, Thor's potential is so great. Odin believes that his potential is far above himself!

Chapter [-] Hydra, long live! (For subscription, for follow-up)

on top of the mountain.

Seeing that Xiao Hai was finally able to reluctantly use the magic of the Book of Vishanti, Gu Yi began to tell him some secrets, and Xiao Hai listened to Gu Yi telling ancient myths.

Like Thor, he couldn't close his mouth.

"So, in fact, white magic was created to fight black magic," he said.

Gu nodded and said: "Demons like Dormammu and Mephisto also use black magic to borrow Sithorn's power and even be influenced by Sithorn, so they are so obsessed with the earth! "

"Of course, that's my guess!"

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