Even now, the views of these two people are still very representative! Seeing Xiao Hai, Shu reached out and shook hands with Xiao Hai and said, "Xiao, thank you for everything you have done to the mutants!"

Xiao Hai withdrew his hand and gave Ophelia's hand, which is completely different! Magneto's face also squeezed a smile: "Thank you, Xiao! What do you think about the development of mutants? He is also a mutant, and he is also a great hero!"

What's so special, I'm also a mutant now, but I always forget! Xiao Hai rubbed his temples and said, "Of course it's both sides, it's best to come together!"

Grant is a person who is really in the present. The strongest brain on earth is not only because the spiritual power is strong enough: "The truth is this, but we don't have enough energy to develop in both directions!"

Xiao Hai smiled and said, "For people's livelihood, first buy from Earth! If your portal can go to Mars, then you can go to other planets, and it's not difficult to mine some rare metals with Magneto's ability."

"These things can be sold for a good price on earth!"

"The most important thing is that you still remember why humans, inhumans and mutants can form an alliance." "This is not because of the appearance of sentinel robots, but because the Kree are watching the inhumans too late!"

"The foundation of the Alliance was founded to deal with the Kree."

"Kree people can create super warriors like Inhumans in the era when humans were still Homo sapiens. Even if their civilization has had ups and downs, they are now far stronger than humans!"

"Even if it's not for the alliance, will the Kree clean up the Inhumans and clean up the humans and mutants together?"

"They will use: Inhumans as weapons, and they will want to use mutants as weapons!"

"So, military equipment is the priority!"

Xiao Hai's words silenced the two of them. They really didn't care about the Kree before. After all, the alien invasion is something that only happens in movies. They have no sense of reality! Xiao Hai looked at the... Council The person who went on to say: "I said before that mutants are powerful, but this ability is more powerful in creation than in destruction. That's how your space transition device came from!"

"If we develop science and technology with all our strength, the change and progress will be great!"

"The power of mutants is innate, but not sustainable. The technological potential of mutants is unlimited and can be used by future generations!"

The Speaker of the Mutant Council, Emma Frost, the White Queen, said: "I agree with what Xiao Hai said! Why do you have such a whimsical idea!"

Xiao Hai chuckled, Lao Tzu read the comics before he crossed the road, other than that, the brain hole is big enough! To him, this is like a farming game that uses the abilities of mutants to climb technology, he just needs to move his mouth Skin, you can see that the technology tree is slowly climbing! The power of the technology side of the Marvel world has never been weak, just look at the later Iron Man can create weapons that disperse the power of the phoenix, and the gods can destroy countless parallel universes. Got it! After the formal meeting, it's... a private dinner.

Grant, Magneto, White Queen, Cyclops, Phoenix Girl, Scarlet Witch, all of them are acquaintances. They used to be enemies, but now they are all compatriots! So it's a lot of fun.

Xiao Hai ate a fiery red fruit and said in surprise, "This is really delicious!"

The White Queen on the side smiled and said: "This is a special product of Mars, it is a species improved by elixir, it is most suitable for the environment of Mars, and it can also produce oxygen."

Xiao Hai said in surprise: "But Mars has no water! This thing has so much water!"

At this time, the Phantom Cat came over and said, "You forgot, we have Bobby the Iceman!"

She used to fight side by side with Xiao Hai, and the friendship between the two is very good! Xiao Hai nodded fiercely, the Iceman can make ice out of thin air, or he can make a big lake and sea appear on Mars after working for a while! The environment of Mars is Among the planets in the solar system, the closest to the earth, with the ability of beasts, it is not difficult to electrolyze water to produce oxygen! As long as the attack rate of electrolyzed water is large enough, maybe in a short period of time, the air composition of Mars can be close to the earth! The Storm Girl can control the weather, which is really interesting to see how much advantage it has in improving the atmosphere of Mars. It's really interesting to see this mutant climbing technology! After eating, drinking and chatting, Colossus suddenly walked up to Xiao Hai and said: "Xiao Hai , I want to ask you a favor!"

Xiao Hai was surprised: "What's the matter, you say it first!"

Colossus said: "I will pay! I want to ask you to help me find my sister, can't you open the portal?"

In fact, he has a big company in his name, and he is very rich! "Your sister"

Xiao Hai still doesn't know that Colossus has a younger sister! "En!"

Colossus nodded, "My sister, she is a bit like you. She has the ability to teleport in space and can do magic. Her name is Liana Rasputin, and others call her a secret guest!"

"Since she has the ability to teleport, it is possible for her to go anywhere, maybe to some fun place, not missing!"

Xiao Hai said casually.

0 Colossus shook his head and said, "No, she won't disappear for so long! And I feel like she might be in trouble!"

Xiao Hai ate another red fruit and said, "Let's hear it!"


Colossus said: "My sister said she was looking for a painting, and then she disappeared..."

Xiao Hai was taken aback for a moment, now he is really interested!...In Xiao Hai's laboratory, he was holding the picture of the painting that Colossus gave him.

Soon, Xiao Ai gave him the answer: "This painting has appeared before, and it will disappear after a while, but every time it appears, there are some big events!"

"I can't be sure that all these major events are related to it, but it is very likely! The lost painting of Ophelia is probably this one!"

It seems that Mi Ke might know something! Xiao Hai held the photo of Mi Ke in his hand, and started to visualize, and soon he located the Mi Ke's location! "Hey...not on Earth, it's someone dimensional space"

The next moment the portal opened and Xiao Hai appeared in this world!

Chapter [-] Pretend to be cool for a while

The world is gray, there is no sun, no moon, and no stars in the sky, the only light is the... the tumbling magma glows red! There is a sickening smell of decay everywhere.

It was as if dozens of pieces of rotten pork were placed in a sealed room and mixed with the smell of sulfur.

And the place where Xiao Hai appeared is a battlefield! There are endless monsters in the distance. From the description of the magic book Xiao Hai has read, these are the demons of hell! "So, is this hell?"

"Human Mage!"

A girl's voice sounded, Xiao Hai turned his head, and saw a girl who was exactly the same as the photo that Colossus gave him, it was Mi Ke! Mi Ke was wearing a beautiful and gorgeous armor, holding a lightsaber in his hand, Xiao. Hai Neng could feel the powerful magic aura from this sword! The secret user killed more than a dozen demons with one sword, and she said to Xiao Hai: "This is the border of hell! Damn it, you really didn't come at the right time!"

Xiao Hai turned the photo in his hand to the secret guest and said, "This is you. It is said that you have been missing for two or three years. Why hasn't there been any change?"

The secret guest was taken aback and said: "This is the border of hell. The flow of time here is different from that of the earth! I have only been here for less than an hour, and you are here to find me!"

Xiao Hai looked at the dense and endless demons and said, "Yes! Your brother asked me to find you! I also collect money to do things, let's go!"

"Can't go!"

The secret smiled and shook his head: "Velasco has set up a great imprisoning formation here. There is magic and technology. I am fine with magic, but I can't understand the components of technology, so I can't go!"

Well, it's not difficult! I have both science and magic! However, the devil still understands technology. The Marvel worldview is really weird! At this time, a devil rushed towards Xiao Hai, Xiao Hai clenched his fist with his right hand, Then he punched and slammed... There was a sudden explosion in the air, as if a bomb had detonated! The demon's body exploded like fireworks. Blow them all away!" Oh, sure enough, physical power is also useful, so these... demons can be just some weird creatures... In this world full of perverts, my power It's not bad, it looks like there won't be many people who can stop my punch after a long time!"

Before Xiao Hai fought with others, most of them used magic and fighting skills, and rarely fought with his own strength! The power of this punch really surprised him! The secret guest looked at Xiao Hai and was a little surprised. She couldn't close her mouth, she really didn't think that the power of this mage was almost comparable to that of her brother! After her brother's steel power transformation, he could lift more than 90 tons of heavy objects! But Xiao Hai is a mage! Earth! Xiao Hai's punch was so violent that the demon was still shocked. At this time, a demon with a height of at least five meters came out of the demon pile.

It was a monster with barbs all over its body, half-thick armor, and a powerful magic shield! The demon snorted coldly: "It's just a brute force human mage. In front of the uncle, it's just scum!"

Its huge palm, which is bigger than Xiao Hai's body, immediately brought a disgusting smell and slapped Xiao Hai.

The secret guest was shocked, he was about to come over and said, "Be careful, it..."

With a flash of sword light, the huge demon's palm was separated from his body, and his body instantly turned into dozens of piles of flesh! Xiao Hai turned his head: "What do you want to say?"

Mi Ke's face instantly froze, and his mouth trembled: "Nothing!"

"However, this is useless. If we can't unlock the magic power restriction, we can't go! It's better to save our physical strength, let's fight together and kill Velasco!"

Xiao Hai waved his space blade, he found these... the demons are still somewhat resistant to his space blade, it seems that magic can deal with magic! However, they still can't stop the space blade's slash , Xiao Hai ignored Mi Ke's suggestion and asked again, "By the way, were you looking for a painting before you disappeared?"

Mi Ke was stunned again, and while beheading the demon, he said: "Yes, I found the breath of the painting, and when I tracked it, I entered the border of hell, and I didn't want to be trapped by Velasco!"

The teleportation ability of the mic is by teleporting to the hell frontier, and then teleporting from the hell frontier to other places.

This is the same as the Mage's portal! Xiao Hai once again slashed off a demon's head and asked, "What is that painting!"

"That...that painting has an aura of black magic, I think I can find the legendary book of darkness through it, I originally wanted to find it and seal it on the border of hell, it's too scary on Earth! "


Xiao Hai was shocked by these words.

He immediately remembered that the previous conversation with the ancient one was the medium of the demon god Sishorn, and Sishorn could use this to lower some of his own energy.

This made Xiao Hai a little moved! He learned the highest secret method of white magic, the secret method in the Book of Vishanti, and also learned rune magic, but he has never dabbled in black magic.

Or you can try it yourself! Although it is said that the cost of using black magic is very high, in fact, the cost of using white magic is still not small, as long as you are careful not to be eroded by the power of Sishorn and corrupt your mind! Just like the ancient one , She absorbs Dormammu's power, is it alright? Even if I can't do it now, but at the most in a year or two, my mana will be stronger, then I can try it... Thinking of this, Xiao The sea doesn't want to waste it here! The mana on his body surged like the waves of the ocean, and he recited in his mouth: "In the ancient name of Hoggs, the ancient name of Oshutu, Agamotto listens to me, and Vishanti gives me the flame. …”

A powerful wave of magical power instantly appeared on the border of hell, and the entire border of hell felt this power! Demon Velasco was shocked: "This... This is the power of the Supreme Mage, is it the ancient one? …”

He panicked instantly! "No, don't be afraid, this is the border of hell, even Gu Yi..."

But at this moment, he saw a fire light illuminating the entire border of hell, shrouding the entire demon army under him! The demon army under his command had no resistance under the flame! "What kind of flame is this?"

Velasco screamed, he couldn't understand the scene he saw, thousands of demons under his subordinates had no resistance under this flame! As soon as it gritted its teeth, it finally escaped! The secret agent added this to 090 Respect the Master, you are definitely not an opponent that you can defeat! Damn, Mi Ke is still the queen of the frontier of hell, but one day, one day, I will kill her, and I am the king of the frontier of hell. The magic smashed the demon army, and the Mystic breathed a sigh of relief.

She is the queen of the frontier of hell, and it's not that she can't do anything about it... the army of demons, but if you use too much power, you will stimulate the most evil side of your heart..., stimulate your own Evil personality, she really doesn't want to do this! "Is this the magic of the Book of Vishanti that can only be mastered by the legendary Supreme Mage? Sure enough, it is completely different from ordinary white magic..."

Mi Ke looked at Xiao Hai, and there seemed to be little stars flashing in his eyes, what a powerful white magic, if I could learn it, would I not have to worry about the evil personality in my body? It's all burnt! Let's go!"

After she finished speaking, she opened the portal! Xiao Hai had a proud and stern look, passed through the portal, and returned to Earth! It's not that he didn't want to speak, but he couldn't speak. The magic of the Book of Vishanti was against him. Doctor Strange is much more ruthless! Doctor Strange just used it to make his kidneys weak, but the backlash from his blow just now shattered his internal organs. If he didn't have a super self-healing factor, he would have died just now! Even if he had a super self-healing factor Yu Yin, it will take several days for his injury to heal, and the pain will last longer! "Pretending for a while... cool, hum, pretending to be cool all the time... But, it really hurts , I'll go to his uncle's Vishanti!"

Chapter [-] Palladium Poisoning (Have a Happy Weekend)

"What, Sentinel Robot Mutant Act Space Jumper Most of the mutants migrate to Mars My brother is there too"

After listening to Xiao Hai's story about the mutants, the secret guest was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth. For her, it was only an hour or two, but the world had undergone such a big change.

It took her a while to digest the news, and she said to Xiao Hai, "Thank you so much, I'll go see my brother!"

After she finished speaking, she opened a portal, but the end of the portal was Central Park! Xiao Hai looked confused, what is the situation, Mi Ke said a little embarrassedly: "When I am on Earth, my power will change. Weak, sometimes the portal opening is inaccurate!"

When Xiao Hai heard this, he immediately remembered the description of the dimensional master. If he leaves his own dimension, the power of the dimensional master will drop significantly! "You won't be the dimensional master, right?"

Xiao Hai looked at Mi Ke in shock. The master of the dimension in his eyes was a terrifying existence like Doma Geum. Although Mi Ke's previous performance was strong, it was not that strong! Mi Ke was stunned for a moment: "Dimension The lord is not clear, but I am the queen of the borders of hell!"

Her magic was taught to her by Velasco, the demon on the border of hell. She taught her magic at the beginning, just to sacrifice her better! So her magic theory is not very good, and she does not know how powerful she is.

Xiao Hai couldn't help rubbing his temples: "So it was the border of hell before... This should be the master of dimensions! But your power..."

He couldn't believe that this little girl was such a terrifying existence. He had to know that... at the border of hell before, the secret agent didn't show such exaggerated combat power that Xiao Hai felt.

The secret agent said with some depression: "If my power explodes uncontrollably, it will stimulate an evil personality in my body, which is terrible, so if it is not necessary, I will control my power!"

The standard Marvel routine! Just like the Phoenix Girl, Scarlet Witch, and Doctor Strange, they have absolutely powerful power, but the power has hidden dangers and cannot be used casually. Most of the time, only conventional combat power can be used.

Xiao Hai smiled and said, "I can help you control your power, sort out your magic, and even help you clean up those demons who dare to covet your position."

"However, if you have the chance, you will do one thing for me!"

Before, Xiao Hai asked Gu Yi how one of the conditions for killing Dormammu's existence is to let Dormammu leave his own dimension and go to a dimensional space with a dimensional master. Myster satisfies this condition! Xiao Hai ruined Dormam's good deeds. He believed that Mam would not let him go easily, all the demons hold revenge! And if Dormam succeeded in invading the earth, he wouldn't have to become that kind of... puppet So if the opportunity is right, kill him first! The secret guest thought about it and decided to ask his brother's opinion first. After all, she didn't know Xiao Hai, so Xiao Hai sent her to Mars first. .

Just sent the secret away, he received a call from Iron Man! Iron Man's voice was a little tired: "Xiao, how are you... how are you..."

Well, Iron Man actually cares about my body, is our friendship already so good? Xiao Hai sighed: "No, it's not very bad, most of the internal organs are still broken, but it can be better! Iron Man cursed: "Damn, sure enough You are also poisoned by palladium, and it is unexpected that it will still be poisoned if it is not embedded in the body!"

Xiao Hai: ""

"I used palladium in the ark reactor, but it poisons us..."

Hearing Iron Man's words, Xiao Hai remembered that there is still such a thing! This seems to be the plot of Iron Man 2! Xiao Hai opened the door and appeared beside Iron Man, coughing lightly: "This... it's like this , I'm not poisoned by palladium, I'm just fighting with people and breaking my internal organs!"

Iron Man was so angry that he wanted to throw the phone at him.

Xiao Hai said: "This is very simple, you will be fine if you put this outside the body like me!"

Iron Man picked up a cup of green herbs and said while drinking: "I have a few pieces of iron in my heart, if I remove the ark reactor, those iron pieces will flow back into my heart, and I will die immediately! It's funny! , this is still injured by the weapon I made!"

"Cut! What a big deal!"

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