Xiao Hai was still wondering if Loki would cause trouble for him, but he didn't think that he would actually hit him first! "This kid is looking for death..."

Xiao Hai snorted and said: "Search for Loki's whereabouts with all your strength, this time Odin don't blame me for not giving him face, his son is... need to be cleaned up!"

He just tried it and couldn't locate Loki. Obviously, Loki has at least mastered the power of the space gem.

He stretched out his hand to Xiao Chili, and the green runes were linked together, and there seemed to be a rattling sound of time being moved in the void! He wanted to manipulate the time on Little Chili to see if he could use it. This method removes... the mind gem's control!

Thanks to book friend Yew Wah for the 1000 point reward

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 10th to August 1th

Thanks to book friend Jason's 1000 point reward

Bow and thank you!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-]: The Expanded Loki (Second)


Delay, the update is late! In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the wound on Xiao Hai's face that was blasted by Xiao Hai began to "heal" quickly

, Soon she opened her eyes, and then looked at everyone in surprise.

"This is what happened why I'm here why I'm wearing armor"

Xiao Hai said to Madeleine: "Check her consciousness and see if there is...mind control!"

Madeleine checked it and shook her head: "No more! It's amazing, what kind of spell is this boss!"

Xiao Hai breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, I just let her return to a state where she didn't accept mind control!"

He pushed Pepper's state forward for about a few days. This time, he used the power of the time gem, but he still couldn't control it precisely. Fortunately, he didn't turn her into a little loli! Only then did he discover the time magic Against the sky, it can not only heal any damage, but also be immune to any defect... The reaction force of magic is still strong, and it is easy to form "seven-three-zero"

The dead end of the time loop, this is a magic that can be used or not used! Scarlet Witch's eyes are shining with small stars, the boss is still so powerful, I can't see what magic he uses.

Xiao Hai taught Scarlet Witch a lot of magic, allowing her to control her power more precisely.

But until now, Xiao Hai even read the book of Vishanti, and couldn't confirm the source of Scarlet Witch's power.

Before looking at the qualifications of a witch on the Internet, it said that her power came from Sithone's chaotic magic, but now Xiao Hai scoffs.

Sithone is so strong, how can Vishanti have the ability to compete with him! Scarlet Witch's power comes from a more terrifying, higher-end existence! He said: "Find Loki!"

Loki dared to send someone to assassinate him, but this time Thor and Odin came together and it was not easy to save face!... "Ah che..."

Loki sneezed, and he rubbed his nose: "Could it be that that woman misses a humble mortal and always disappoints me!"

He would choose Chili Pepper to assassinate Xiao Hai, because in his opinion, Chili Pepper is the least...suspected person.

Behind him, stood Mrs. Hydra, Hawkeye, Captain America, Wolverine, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Black Widow! Before he became Nick Fury and wiped out the rest of the Avengers Although Jarvis warned, the shadow left in people's hearts before the Sentinel was too terrifying. Those... Avengers still chose to believe Nick Fury's words.

Loki's skills are not bad, and who would have thought of "Nick Fury"

They will suddenly attack themselves, so they are all controlled by the mind gem! These people's consciousness is extremely clear, they clearly know what they are doing, but a powerful thought has been implanted in his brain.

Loki is his own leader who will never betray, he is his own belief, and the object he must remain loyal and serve! Now Loki is on both sides of the people kneeling on the ground, only Loki and these people stand it's here.

Here is Congress, and above is the President of the United States.

Loki is getting more and more familiar with the use of the Mind Stone. For those... steadfast warriors may still need to touch them to control them, but for these ordinary people, Loki easily eased their minds.

The President of the United States said to Rocky: "The Rocky cabinet I respect is my only belief!"

Loki sat in the upper position and had to say: "Very well, I have now secretly mastered the country..."

He still has some regrets, because he is a very narcissistic, very pushy person. He likes to appear in front of everyone and announce that I am the ruler of this country! And Black Widow seemed to see his mind and said .

Lord Loki, in fact, you don't have to secretly grasp it!"

"The system in this country is like this, every few years, two groups of people will launch two groups of people to start elections..."

She gave a detailed account of the electoral system in the United States, and then said: "As long as Lord Rocky participates in the elections in the next election, everyone will vote for Lord Rocky, and then you can become this country in an open and honest way. leader of..."

Hearing this, Loki looked strange and was dumbfounded: "You mean, in this country, every four years, there will be two groups of people quarreling in front of the public, and the person who wins the fight will be the highest in this country. leader!"

Everyone nodded! Loki let out a burst of wild laughter: "This...this is ridiculous. Is this the most powerful country on earth? What a stupid system! It's stupid.. .... it really made me laugh to death!"

His original plan was to win the Cosmic Rubik's Cube first, then use the Mind Gem to control some of the Avengers to let them deal with others, use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to open the space channel, and let the army of the Chitarians invade the earth, thus making himself the king of the earth. ! But looking at it now, I don't need it at all! Now that I have taken control of this country, the election will be held soon, and I can easily become the leader of this country in an upright manner.

Then what else is there to fight, and some benefits will be given to the Chitauri people, why do you pigeons, who cares... Chitaru people die! First rule the country by yourself, and then unify the United Nations, when the time comes , the earth is in hand without blowing dust! The only regret is that Iron Man escaped, and Xiao Hai has not died yet, so solve them first, we can't let them: they ruined their great cause of unifying the earth! "That's good , kill Xiao Hai and his men first... Give them a grand funeral! I want to broadcast nationwide..."

From Loki's point of view, he controls most of the superheroes on the earth, controls a country, and also owns this terrifying scepter and cosmic Rubik's Cube. How can he lose, no matter how he looks at it, he can't possibly lose! So he has to be upright Yes, Xiao Hai was killed under everyone's attention! Then, everyone can shout three times. Long live Lord Loki! In short, after the trick succeeded, he lost his cautious Loki and floated away! ......Xiao Hai's home! Sober Iron Man and Hulk are locating the Cosmic Rubik's Cube... Both of them actually participated in the research of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and Loki sealed his surroundings with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube The space made Xiao Hai unable to locate him.

But he is using the energy of the cosmic cube, which can make people locate the cosmic cube! "We have located him!"

Iron Man said with a blank face, the memory controlled by Loki before has disappeared because of Xiao Hai's time magic! But he still saw the scene in Jarvis' record and heard Xiao Hai The matter of knocking Chili pepper out with one punch... All the accounts, he counted on Loki.

Dr. Banner said in shock: "It's actually...the White House."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the news! What the hell did Loki want to do, but at this moment, Xiao Ai projected a screen of light and said, "Everyone, look at the screen!"

The President of the United States appeared on the screen and said: "Every American people, an unfortunate news to everyone!"

"Iron Man Tony Starr 4.

3 grams has been controlled by its own artificial intelligence!"

"That... the evil artificial intelligence is going to join forces with the evil deceitful mage Xiao Hai to destroy the world..."

Hearing the artificial intelligence, everyone shuddered and thought of the Sentinel, and they believed the words of the President of the United States! Speaking of this, the President of the United States changed his words: "However, don't worry.

Because of the great gods, Prince Loki of Asgard has come down..."

Later, Loki and a row of reunion people appeared on the screen, and Loki smiled evilly: "People of Earth, you are threatened by evil, but don't worry!"

"Asgard's duty is...to protect the Nine Realms, and the Earth is also one of the Nine Realms!"

"I, the prince of Asgard, the future king of Asgard, I will protect you with the Avengers and destroy the evil artificial intelligence and evil mages..."

"Now you, you can cheer!"

"Because Lord Loki is here, no one can hurt you!"

Chapter [-] The backlash of the mind gem? (third more)

Xiao Hai's house was silent, everyone looked at Loki's face, all of them were dazed! Previously, Loki acted cautiously and took every step of the way,,,, without revealing any flaws, like a snake hiding in the dark, Terrible and unimaginable, but now, he acts so recklessly! It can even be said to be childish! "Is this a trap?"

Iron Man wondered.

Xiao Hai shook his head and said, "It doesn't look like it, that's Loki's character! I think he now thinks he's going to win, so there's no need to... be cautious as before!"

"He likes to stand in front of everyone, to be cheered and adored by everyone!"

Xiao Hai looked at Iron Man, "This is what all narcissistic people have trouble with!"

Iron Man said coldly: "I'm not such an idiot!"

Skye thought for a while and said, "Actually, he is... a fool!"

A long time ago, she always felt that gods and superpowers are all high above the world, and they don't eat the fireworks of the world. Now she realizes that they are no different from ordinary people except for their powerful strength! Xiao Hai nodded and said: " A wise fool! But don't underestimate him because of that, he has two Infinity Stones in his hands!"

Everyone looked at Xiao Hai with a blank look on their faces. 15 They didn't know what the Infinity Stones were! Xiao Hai spread his hands: "It's like something like the strongest artifact in the game, it's just a trivial matter to destroy the world!"

He really wasn't bragging, if the power of the Infinity Stones really came into play, even a single gem could really easily destroy the world.

Even in the movie, in the collector's video, the supreme god destroys a planet with a single blow of the power gem! Everyone nodded, although they didn't quite understand, but it was a very powerful thing anyway! Iron Man said: "I Equipping the Avengers and these...government officials with anti-psychic devices, it would take some effort for even a professor to control them, but Loki seems to have done it easily!"

"This infinity gem is very strong, everyone be careful!"

The ability of the grant is invincible, and he can control everyone on the earth while sitting at home. There are countless people with spiritual power in the Marvel world, but only he can do this.

But in fact, knowing his ability is not difficult to deal with. Magneto wears a helmet, and it will protect him for a lifetime! The difficulty of anti-mind device is not particularly difficult! Xiao Hai said lightly: "I don't need everyone, I will do it alone!"

......, the capital of the United States! It's busy now, and the army has cleared a large open space outside the city. According to Loki's idea, the battle is to set up a battle like this.

"The camera here will remember to point my face in the future! Remember, this is a live, live broadcast..."

"Don't pull the cordon too far, so that everyone can see my heroic fighting..."

Watching Loki calmly directing the live helicopter, the U.S. captain said, "Lord Loki, isn't this a bit of a joke!"

Loki said coldly: "You dare to question my decision!"

The captain of the United States immediately said: "Don't dare, fighting is not like this, and the fighting power of Tony and Xiao Hai's group is also very strong..."

"It's very strong, I'm afraid you don't know how strong it is!"

Loki snorted coldly, "Cosmic Rubik's Cube, you call it that, but you probably don't know that this Cosmic Rubik's Cube used to be in it!"

"This is a space gem, with the power to control all spaces! "And I also have a scepter, and no one can resist the power of a scepter!"

"Finally, who am I"

Captain America was taken aback: "You are Lord Loki!"

Loki laughed wildly: "Yes, I am the prince of Asgard, the future king of Asgard, I am a god! My power is much stronger than them!"

"Tell me, what tactics do I need to use in this situation?"

"With such a powerful force, how could I possibly lose!"

So everyone did not dare to question Loki's decision, and just waited for the arrival of the enemy! It didn't take long before a small dot appeared in front of him.

That's Xiao Hai! After all, this may still be a trap, he let others guard the house! Seeing this scene, Xiao Hai was dumbfounded: "There is a battlefield specially created, and there is still a scene, live broadcast, Luo The base actually swelled up like this."

Xiao Hai has begun to wonder if the Mind Stone can erode people's minds like the power of the evil god! This is not impossible! The use of power comes at a price, such as the use of infinite gloves The price is... great, and the same goes for magic! Loki uses the power of the Mind Stone to control others, and it is possible that the mind will be corrupted.

On the opposite side, there are almost all people from the Avengers, and Xiao Hai unexpectedly saw Hate and War Machine! War Machine has not yet joined the Avengers, he is still serving in the army, and it seems that many people in the army are controlled by Loki! The space cube is still suppressing the space, Xiao Hai's portal, the space blade can't be used, and he can't even enter the mirror space, but he is not afraid at all! He fell to the ground, he took a step forward, and became two people.

One more step forward, and it became four people.

After one more step, it became eight people, and then there was... one person appeared, and there were nine people, just the same as the number on the other side! Rocky snorted coldly: "Clone technique! Xiao Hai, he is showing off your poor again. Now, if you kneel down and surrender to me, Lord Loki will be magnanimous and forgive you for your previous rude behavior!"

Nine 9 Xiao Hai gave him a middle finger! Rocky was instantly furious: "You are courting death! Come on, kill him!"

The first person to shoot 953 was the magic eye, he instantly opened his bow and arrow, and the long arrow of the Zhenjin arrow immediately shot at a Xiao Hai.

At the same time, Black Widow, Nick Fury, and Maria Hill all shot at Xiao Hai! Every Xiao Hai's hand was shaking in the air, and soon they emptied their magazines.

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