"I know from the novel that I am an alien. This is handed down from the family. We also have Terrigan in our family: crystal!"

"Originally, I didn't care about my identity until I met the Hydra, was caught by the Hydra, and was subjected to human experiments every day!"

"Then Hydra fell, and I fled, and I started to feel unsafe, so I established Aurora and called aliens everywhere."

"Later...you probably know it, so I won't say more."

"I really don't know where the assistant is, because he found me, and we contacted by email..."

Jia Ying said the email, and Xiao Hai said, "Xiao Ai, check it out..."

Soon Xiao Ai said, "I'm sorry.

Can't find it! This Zola is awesome, pretty awesome, and doesn't leave any traces on the Internet!"

Xiao Hai is not too surprised. Zola is also an artificial intelligence in a certain sense. He achieved Xiao Ai's technology of converting consciousness and data into each other decades ago. Such a powerful person is not... Xiao Hai, who was easy to find, watched Jia Ying put his hand aside a Terrigan: Crystal, he shook his head and said: "Don't do stupid things, I know Terrigan: Crystal as well as you, and ordinary people stick to it. What will happen to this!"

"I know you're crazy, but killing me won't do you any good! I'll be patient and talk to you so much because you're Daisy's mother, don't seek death..."

"Tell me about Zola's plan!"

Jia Ying's hand trembled, and after a while, she finally gave up her plan to kill Xiao Hai with Terrigen: Crystal.

She is crazy, but she is not afraid of death. In fact, she is afraid of death now! She finally said: "Zola usually contacts me once every three days, and he will contact me again soon!"

"His plan was simple...he would give us the opportunity to kill Nick Fury and Maria Hill and destroy S.H.I.E.L.D.



"And the Avengers and...you, are S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... minions, he will also create opportunities for us to kill you..."

This is not any information.

Xiao Hai frowned and said, "Then what else does he do?"

Jia Ying thought for a while and said, "He took something that was handed down from my family. I don't know what it was, but it was said to be an artifact that could communicate with gods, but it was useless, so... "

Xiao Hai pondered for a moment, then said: "Xiao Ai, check the various monitoring satellites to see if there is any... information sent to outer space, especially strong, especially difficult to understand... It's probably... that Earth technology cannot understand. That kind!"

Jia Ying was taken aback: "This is just a legend of our family, never..."

...Xiao Hai nodded and said: "I know! But God, who is a god to the Inhumans, I guess it is the Cree who created the Inhumans, an artifact that can communicate with the gods, I guess it can be connected The Kree communicator..."

"Of course, that's what I'm guessing too, take a chance!"

Soon, Xiao Ai said, "I found it."

Xiao Hai whistled: "I still caught his fox tail, give me the coordinates!"

After getting the coordinates, Xiao Hai said to Jia Ying: "By the way, that... When you dissected your Whitehall, he was already killed by me!"

"If you are still not reconciled, you can let your people participate in the next fight against Hydra!"

"However, I think it's okay, they are all superpowers, but they are not warriors!"

"You'd better stay out of trouble and have a good time with Daisy...I've rarely been so kind to anyone who wants to kill me!"

After speaking, Xiao Hai opened a portal, and walked in there was a huge laboratory-like place. When Xiao Hai appeared, the alarm sounded immediately, and countless soldiers in battle armor rushed out.

"These armors are very high-end, and there is obviously S.H.I.E.L.D.


....and the style of the Sentinel droid.

Although the sex is not as good as Tony's armor... The energy is also very interesting, this is the air energy conversion researched by the boss... They actually did it!"

Xiao Hai said indifferently: "Hydra has been studying the Rubik's Cube since World War II, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... research materials, they also have a lot of ... let's fight!"

Chapter [-] Alien Robots (Third)

Dr. Zola has been very happy these days! As a human who has no body, this is still rare! His so-called insight plan is... based on big data, calculates every possible Those who are unfavorable to the development of Hydra, then use S.H.I.E.L.D.


...the helicarrier built to kill these people in one fell swoop.

Then Hydra can naturally rule the world! It sounds ridiculous, but in fact the theoretical basis is enough.

Nowadays, people are closely connected with the Internet. Through what people say on the Internet, the information they browse... These things can roughly see a person clearly.

Because human speech on the Internet is more in line with their own hearts and closer to their true thoughts.

So Zuowei is full of confidence in the insight plan.

Now that almost all mutants have left the human world, the inhumans have too little contact with humans, and the only obstacle to the insight plan is "two four, seven"

The Avengers and Xiao Hai.

And this is not an enemy that the helicarrier can destroy, so he will go to Mrs. Hydra! He still knows too little about the mages and their positions, and he thinks that only the mages can deal with the mages! Madam Hydra actually hates it too. After Zola showed what she had gained in recent days, Mrs. Hydra felt that it was possible to kill Xiao Hai, so she cooperated with him! They killed The Avengers and Xiao Hai's plan is divided into two steps! The first step is... instigating Jia Ying's Inhumans to kill the Avengers and Xiao Hai, Jia Ying hated Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D.


....! So Zuowei portrayed himself as a cutting-edge scientist, hated like Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....such a dark organization.

He just revealed S.H.I.E.L.D. to Jia Ying.


....The whereabouts of the obelisk has successfully won Jia Ying's trust! The Inhumans have powerful superpowers, and they may kill the Avengers and Xiao Hai.

Even if it can't be killed, it can still provoke the conflict between the Inhumans, Fulian, and Xiao Hai. The king of the Inhumans, Black Bolt, showed his powerful combat power when he killed the sentinel robots, and he is definitely capable of killing them. Xiao Hai's people.

Even if this first step fails, it doesn't matter, because no one knows that this was planned by Zola, because they are going to kill Jia Ying when the plan fails.

Who would have thought that before his plan was implemented, Xiao Hai would come to the door! Zola found Xiao Hai the first time he appeared.

He watched Xiao Hai separate dozens of clones, and these... clones were killing these armored soldiers with a space blade in their hands.

Brush, brush... Dozens of slashes and swords fell, these... Hydra's armored soldiers were instantly wiped out, and there were only two survivors! Even now, Zuowei is no longer alone. Yes, but when I see this picture, I still feel cold all over my body.

These... Hydra soldiers' armor, but his hard work, and also absorbed some of the advantages of the sentinel robot, as well as the new energy equipment researched from the universe Rubik's cube.

But he didn't think, it's not the enemy of Xiao Hai's sword! Xiao Hai is too strong! And how did Xiao Hai find him? He turned his head and glanced at that... The so-called divine weapon he got from Jia Ying was the first thing he saw. At that time, it was found that this is a high-tech product. In addition to the function discovered before, this thing has been in: sending mysterious signals to outer space.

Besides, there is nothing abnormal here! Could it be that Xiao Hai found himself based on this? How could he have not figured out what this signal is, this Xiao Hai came to the door, how could he know this signal and me It's too mysterious about this person! Zora's thoughts moved, and she decided to kill Xiao Hai right now.

...Xiao Hai killed those... Hydra armored warriors, then grabbed a living mouth and asked, "Where is Zola?"

There was a smile on the pale face of the man: "Hydra, long live!"

Xiao Hai looked at the other one he left behind: "Where is the assistant?"

The man also smiled and said, "Hurrah, long live!"

Swipe...Xiao Hai hacked this man to death with a knife, looked at the man before, and said, "Last chance!"

The man grinned and said with a big smile, "Cut off one head and grow two more..."

With a flash of sword light, Xiao Hai chopped off his head and said lightly, "If you have the ability, you can grow two more!"

Xiao Hai didn't do anything to Hydra before, Zuo Wei actually instigated Jia Ying to kill him, how can he bear it! He walked to a computer and said, "Xiao Ai, search for information and see if you can find Zola! "

But at this moment, Xiao Ai said in shock: "I found an abnormally high-energy reading, there are enemies..."

The wall of this hall suddenly cracked, and a tall robot with red eyes flashing came out... Xiao Ai continued: "Energy, can't be analyzed! System, can't be analyzed! Material, can't be analyzed! I have never seen it before Type, I suspect it's an alien robot!"

Xiao Hai: ""

My... go! Hydra actually has an alien robot. The robot spewed a red light towards Xiao Hai, and Xiao Hai's hand appeared... a shield made of polymer adaptable material.

Boom... After a burst of strong light, the shield in Xiao Hai's hand disappeared! This shield is made of polymer-adapted nanomaterials, which can be replenished at any time. The sudden disappearance of this only means that the enemy's attack is terrifying and fast. The nanomaterials were consumed, so that the nanomaterials could not be replenished in time! Then the robot sprayed a red light towards Xiao Hai. Seeing that Xiao Hai was unstoppable, a portal instantly appeared in front of him, and the beam penetrated through the portal, Then hit the back of the robot directly! The robot could not help but stumble, and the offensive was interrupted! Xiao Hai stepped forward, and a space blade appeared in his hand, slashing on the robot! Knife marks appeared on the shell of this robot, but the space blade was not able to cut it! Xiao Hai knew for a long time that the space blade was not indestructible. Strong mana and energy could interfere with the space blade and weaken it. Its power! But this kind of energy level needs to be very high, for example, like Thor's Hammer, Xiao Hai can't be hurt at all.

So this robot is very strong, no wonder 1.

8 Before Xiao Ai couldn't analyze its energy! After receiving a blow, the robot roared and punched Xiao Hai with a lightning-like punch.

Xiao Hai raised his hand to block and fought the robot hand-to-hand.

For a while, Xiao Hai and the robot seemed to have disappeared. There was only a terrible crashing sound in this hall, and the walls and the ground on one side shattered instantly! Boom... After another loud noise, two figures appeared, Xiao Xiao The sea retreated to the wall, panting heavily, and his hands seemed to be trembling! At this moment, a voice sounded: "Tsk tsk, this is the famous Bizarre Mage! That's all..."

Then a silver-white robot came out, that was the assistant.

At the same time, a figure emerged from the darkness, that is Ophelia, Lady Hydra.

Ophelia gritted her teeth and looked at Xiao Hai: "Xiao Hai, you have today too!"

Chapter [-] Spells are all instant (fourth more)

The sudden appearance of two powerful enemies did not frighten Xiao Hai. He looked at the robot and said in surprise: "Zola"

Zola snorted coldly and said, "As expected, it's Jia Ying... It's not enough to succeed, and it's more than enough to fail, can you actually find me with this signal?"

"What is this signal?"

Xiao Hai didn't answer the question, looked at the... huge alien robot and said, "What is this?"

Zola laughed: "I thought you knew everything. This is the clue I found from Jia Ying's... artifact, dug out of the ground..."

"It will end your doom!"

Oh, this thing seems to be related to the Cree people! Xiao Hai turned his neck, and his hands stopped shaking. He sighed: "It doesn't matter, after killing you, I will study it slowly!"

Zola laughed wildly: "You can't beat just an alien robot, you still want to kill me"

Mrs. Hydra also said: "Xiao Hai, I know your strength. If it wasn't for this robot having the power to defeat you, how could I agree to cooperate with Zola!"

Xiao Hai looked at Mrs. Hydra and said lightly, "You know my strength. If you are referring to Whitehall's time, even 18 is almost a month for you!"

"Does a month make any difference?"

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