Ronan's power gem failed to stop Xiao Hai's slash! His entire body was torn apart! He was scattered by the slashed body, and part of his body was sucked into the space crack, It is impossible to leave a message before death like before! With a bang, Ronan's universal warhammer and his head fell to the ground.

The power of the space gem and Vishanti is very strong, but compared to Xiao Hai, the power of the space gem is more difficult to control, and the power of Vishanti is much easier to control, although the sequelae are stronger! General silence, those... Kree fighters, droids when they saw Ronan dead, everyone started to retreat! There was a roar from the Nova Corps, and they began to chase after Ronan's remnants! The Scarlet Witch watched Xiao Hai, his eyes are full of admiration, the boss is still so powerful, there is no enemy he can't beat in this world.

And Nova Supreme only felt that her chin was about to fall to the ground. She knew better than anyone how strong Ronan was who got the power gem and how high his defense was! But Xiao Hai cut off his head with a light knife. , that knife slashed the entire void! Space slicing is nothing, many civilizations have space technology, shuttle space, etc., which is essentially different from slashing space! But Ronan's defense is so high, Xiao Hai The knife that can smash Ronan together with the space is really scary! She can't help shaking her head, it seems that she is allied with the earth, this idea is really good! Xiao Hai picked up Ronan's universal warhammer and died in Ronan After that, the all-purpose warhammer became a waste! Xiao Hai pulled out the power gem and hid it with the space gem and the mind gem! Nova Supreme saw this scene, nothing good! Xiao Hai killed the person, Xiao Hai defeated Ronan and saved Xandar Star. If he was talking too much, he would be too ignorant! But at this moment, the second guys of the Guardians of the Galaxy appeared in front of Xiao Hai again.

As soon as Xing-Jue was about to blow his hair with Xiao Hai, he was kicked to the ground by Gamora. He went to provoke Xiao Hai and wanted to die! Yongdu did not seek revenge for Xiao Hai, but the sudden betrayal of his subordinates made him no longer in this mood. His subordinates had a different opinion, maybe Xiao Hai saved him at the time! What's more, Xiao Hai was so strong, he slashed Luo Nan with one slash, and if he troubled him himself, he would be courting death! After Daxing stayed for a while, he reached a lot of agreements with Nova Corps, and finally left Xandar and returned to Earth!... Thanos sits on his throne.

He didn't even know that he had obtained the power gem for a short time.

It wasn't until the news from Nebula that he knew that Ronan was dead and Gamora betrayed! And he also saw Xiao Hai's image, and he was slightly startled: "This is the Earthman who killed the superstar. !"

"He killed Ronan and got the Power Stone Is he collecting the Infinity Stones too"

"If that's the case, he doesn't have three...maybe four Infinity Stones"

"Can't let: He has collected all the Infinity Stones, Gamora may know the whereabouts of the Soul Stone, I have to take the Soul Stone in my hand first, then go to Earth, kill this man, and grab the stone!"

Chapter [-] Venom (fourth more)

"What, you found an alien ally for Earth"

As soon as Xiao Hai returned to Earth, he went to find Iron Man and told him about Nova Corps.

The current Avengers is funded by Iron Man and has established its own base. It is a spontaneous civil organization. There are quite a few organizations like this in the United States.

Hearing Xiao Hai talking about his experience in Xandar, Iron Man's eyes lit up a little, and he was a little envious! Why didn't he want to go to the universe, communicate with those magical civilizations, and explore endless unknowns.

Xiao Hai said: "Moreover, I also got the blueprints of them and the planetary defense system!"

Iron Man jumped up: "They are willing to give you this kind of thing, too"

Xiao Hai spread his hands: "I saved their world! Besides, it's not as good as you think...because the source of their power is a computer life called World Wind, a field of power generated by it. , there is no such thing on earth!"

"It's also because of this that others are so generous!"

"Does Computer Life Artificial Intelligence?"

Iron Man curiously said that Xiao Hai couldn't help shaking his head: "That's someone else's top secret, how could I know the design of this planetary defense I can give you at 840, but I need a design, you have to do it for me... .."

Xiao Hai is researching a glove that can carry the power of three 3 Infinity Stones, and his progress is really slow. Although he studies every day and has made great progress, he still has a certain distance from Iron Man in terms of engineering! Strength! The news that the gem has fallen into his hands will definitely not be hidden from Thanos, so he will meet Thanos soon.

I'm afraid it's not enough to face him with my current strength, so of course the equipment must keep up.

Even if it is not the Infinite Gloves, as long as the power of the three 3 Infinity Stones can be exerted without backlash, it is enough to easily defeat the tyrant who does not have the Infinite Gloves! Xiao Hai decided to only give Iron Man the data of the Infinity Stones, not him In fact, Xiao Hai is not too worried that Iron Man will be greedy, he is worried that Iron Man will get Ultron out! Ultron is far more terrifying artificial intelligence than the Sentinel, and it is better than the Sentinel, Xiaoai, Jarvis and The leopard girl is much stronger! Because it has the self-evolution function that Xiao Ai dreams of, in the comics, it is easy to hack into the sentinel mother machine and control the sentry mother machine.

", at least for reference..!"

Iron Man designed the planetary defense system together, but this is too advanced compared to Earth's technology.

Even for a super genius like him, the progress is slow! Suddenly, Iron Man said: "By the way, Peter was looking for you the other day!"


Xiao Hai was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Does he want to come to my laboratory to work?"

Iron Man valued Spider-Man very much. Of course, he was upset when he heard this. He snorted: "He heard that you took people on a tour in the universe, and he really wanted to go with him!"


Xiao Hai nodded, and then asked Xiao Ai to pass the data of the Infinity Stones and the model he built to Iron Man.

Xiao Ai can contact Iron Man at any time and help to study together, there is no problem.

Then Xiao Hai went home, Scarlet Witch, and Polaris also came back.

This time, they also saw the big scene. Speaking of being in Xandar, they envy the others! But Gambit didn't come back. He followed the Galaxy team and wanted to make a lap in the universe.

He is still a thief in essence. He is quite tempted by the inexhaustible treasures in the universe! Soon, Spider-Man has been here for more than two years. In fact, Spider-Man often comes to Xiao Hai's laboratory, So I am very familiar with everyone! He works here and studies, after all, he is also a great genius, and he is still a high school student, and he is competent enough in the laboratory.

He heard Polaris talking about Xandar Star, and he was also stunned. He asked: "Do these aliens look similar to humans?"

"Nothing like that, a big head or a vision..."

Polaris couldn't help but linger: "Maybe there is, but we haven't seen it!"

At this time, Spider-Man turned to Xiao Hai: "Mr. Xiao, do you think it is possible for aliens to be like a pile of liquid, and is it possible for this kind of liquid life to exist!"

Xiao Hai said in amazement: "Life forms come in all shapes and sizes. Even if a planet has its own consciousness, it is still a life, so liquid life is not surprising!"

"However, why do you ask that?"

Spider-Man thought for a while and said, "I seem to have seen something like this a few days ago, and then it jumped on the person and disappeared!"

"I've been wondering if it's just my delusion!"

Xiao Hai blinked, you didn't see Venom Xiao Hai doesn't know much about a creature, what it is, but he knows that if it is possessed by a symbiote, it can increase its combat effectiveness.

Xiao Hai suddenly became interested: "Tell me, what kind of person is that?"

Spider-Man said: "I was tracking a drug dealer. I just glanced at it and didn't dare to be too sure, but... that person seems to be a reporter who is secretly filming gang deals!"

The reporter has a high probability of being venom! It seems that the first person to be possessed by venom is... Reporter Eddie! Xiao Hai thinks he can look for it!... At this time, Eddie feels terrible Now! He's a talk show host, and he's notorious.

But he doesn't want to limit himself to being a talk show host. As a reporter, of course he likes the news he is looking for.

Two days ago, he got information from an informant that there was a gangster drug deal, so he went to take pictures, but he didn't want those drug dealers to be knocked down by Spider-Man.

Not only did he film the drug dealer deal, but Spider-Man was supposed to be happy! But when he got home, it didn't feel right.

The first is hunger, I can't stand it, I want to eat everything, no matter how much I eat...not enough! The second is the heat, I always feel that it is too hot, as if I have a high fever.

Then I was afraid of noise. I felt extremely uncomfortable when I heard the idiot next door playing rock and roll.

At this time, he heard the noise from the next door again, and then he was furious! Finally, he rushed to the next door, knocked on the door of the man, the man opened the door, and Ai Bian roared: "Don't make any more noise! "

He didn't even realize that, there seemed to be a hideous black shadow coming out of him! The man was startled, and it took a long time before he said, "I...I don't play anymore..."

When Eddie closed the door and went home, the man immediately called: "Mutant management center? I think my neighbor is a mutant and he might kill me!"

Not long after, the alarm went off...

Chapter [-]: Poor Helpless and Weak Venom (Good Morning)

Boom... There was an explosion and the police car was thrown out.

The police were looking at a monster that was nearly three meters tall, with a black body and a face full of mouths except for the eyes! The people of New York are now well-informed, superhumans, mutants, even gods, aliens They've all seen it, but this hideous monster almost scared them to pee! "Sheet! This is not the monster we should deal with!"

"Look for the Avengers, shouldn't this monster be the Avengers to deal with them?"

"We're just responding to the police to adjust neighborhood disputes!"

The previous... rock man's alarm, the police only regarded it as a noise nuisance and revenge alarm.

Because everyone knows that most of the mutants have left the earth, there may be hundreds of mutants in New York before.

But now, whether it can exceed ten 10s is another matter! Who would have thought that they really met "mutants"

, in their eyes, this "mutant"

It was already a monster of the same order as the hatred that ravaged the streets of New York! But at this moment, there was a burst of lightning and thunder, as if the area was suddenly enveloped by people, and in this area, a man and a woman appeared. Two figures! The man's face has no eyes, the place where the eyes should be, is flat, as if there is no such organ at all, just looking at it makes people have nightmares, but the woman is unexpectedly beautiful and moving! These two people It is the alien Gordon and the shock girl Daisy.

Now Daisy is in charge of the entire Inhuman team, and Gordon, who has teleportation ability, can send her to any place at will.

Daisy watched the black monster lift the car and tear it in half, and said in amazement, "Is this the venom the boss said it looks difficult to deal with!"

At this time, Venom turned his head, looked at Daisy, and said viciously: "You look delicious..."

A streak of black gel shot at Daisy.

Daisy raised one hand, and an invisible vibration was sent out, and the mucus shot by the venom was withdrawn instantly, it hugged its head, and screamed frantically! Daisy said lightly: "The boss said that my ability is your nemesis, it seems that That's it! Come with me, I won't kill you!"

Venom is afraid of flames and noise, and Daisy's controlled vibration can easily create the most terrifying noise vibration frequency, which makes Venom uncomfortable as if it was dismembered! Venom retracted into Eddie's body instantly, trying to escape from his body and escape , then Daisy said again: "If you want to escape, I will burn you to ashes!"

Venom was furious, but instantly became afraid, who is this person and why is this person so clear about his own weakness, but he really didn't dare to escape, there has never been a great character in his biological family, he is just a coward, a frequent Weak being bullied.

In front of Daisy, his opponent, he was a little cowardly, to death! "I'll go with you, but I won't come out of this man's body, if you want to do anything to me, I'll eat his internal organs. !"

The voice of venom sounded! Eddie still feels like he is in a dream! Previously, the poison suddenly possessed him, which made him a little crazy. Now he understands what happened, and he seems to be possessed by some amazing monster! He is scared to pee , looked at Daisy and said, "You... can you save me?"

Although these two people said something completely different, they showed the same cowardice! Could it be that this is the reason why this venom will attach to this man! Daisy pursed her lips and sighed angrily: "Don't worry. , won't do anything to you!"

...In Xiao Hai's laboratory, Xiao Hai tortured Venom... No, it was just this preparation, and then Venom recruited! He told his origin, he was The special life on the planet Klinta is called a symbiote.

He and a few clansmen were attached to a comet 1 before.

A satellite of mankind found this comet, and then they attached to the satellite, and when the satellite was recovered, they entered the human world! There are several of them, and the purpose of others is to let mankind create Out of the spaceship that can fly in the universe, return to the hometown, and bring other people over! But Venom has no such mind, and finally came to this "weak"

The planet, attached to Eddie, who can "do whatever he wants"

, If other people come, he won't have to play! So he wants to stop a few of his comrades, that is to say, he is not Xiao Hai's enemy, everyone can not be like this... hear Xiao Hai is a little speechless. Isn't Venom a big villain? Why is it so cowardly? This is the first time Xiao Hai has encountered such a cowardly villain! No, it seems that the current Venom is no longer a villain, but an anti-hero similar to Deadpool and Punisher. Seeing Eddie madly wanting the venom to come out of his body, but the venom can't live or die, he has always refused to come out on the grounds that he threatened to eat Eddie's internal organs, and wanted to use it to blackmail Xiao Hai...Xiao Hai Just wanted to laugh! He asked again: "Then can you find your other kind?"

Xiao Hai wants to find other symbiotes.

......Don't look at the current Venom so cowardly, in fact he is not weak at all, Venom surrendered so easily, just because Daisy's ability completely restrained it! The most worthy of Xiao Hai's attention in the symbiote is that resides on the host and can greatly improve the host's combat effectiveness.

The host gives nutrients to the symbiote, and the symbiote returns the host's powerful knowledge and power. The symbiote and the host are... a symbiotic, mutually beneficial relationship! The only drawback is that the symbiote amplifies the host's emotions, but these can be slow Slow solution! Venom said through Eddie's mouth: "I know why you are looking for them, do you evil human scientist want to capture them for experimentation?"

"Sure enough, my Venom-sama can help you! But you have to give me a few people to eat. After attaching to this guy, I haven't eaten for so long!"

Xiao Hai said: "Beef and pork are fine, but there are no people! And I'm not discussing with you..."

Xiao Hai informed Xiao Ai, and Xiao Ai immediately released a high-frequency noise, and the venom rolled wildly in Eddie's body, wailing.

"You said, I'm an evil scientist... Do you think you can negotiate with me?"

Daisy looked at the wailing Venom. Although this guy was about to eat people when he opened his mouth and shut his mouth, she still felt that this guy was so pitiful! So, it didn't take long for Venom to give in and start a "symbiotic rape"


Chapter [-]: Pressure and Urgency (Second)

San Francisco, the headquarters of the Life Foundation! Dr. Derrick, the chief executive of the Life Foundation, is working overtime. Although it was originally a biotechnology company, the Life Foundation has long been developing into the space field! During the Sentinel Robot Riot and Chitauri After people invaded New York, the Life Foundation also got a lot of black technology, and Iron Man published the unified field theory a few days ago, which made their space technology a big step forward! A few days ago, Dr. Derek was even a genius. The engine with space jumping ability was completed, which shocked all the technicians. They didn't expect the boss to hide it so deeply! What these technicians couldn't think of, the first completed test item, the boss would actually go into battle and drive it in person.

Now in the hangar, everyone is nervously doing the final test.

Someone said to Derek: "Boss, after all, this is only a test model. It's too dangerous for you to test it yourself!"

German "[-]"

Rick said lightly: "Don't worry, there will be no problem!"

Of course there won't be a problem! The riot attached to Derek's body is disdainful, and only people in a small remote place like you don't even have such a basic technology.

However, this kind of place is a more suitable world for clansmen to live in! But at this moment, there was a burst of lightning and thunder in the hangar, everyone was blown up and down, and parts flew everywhere! Derek narrowed his eyes and looked at The three people who suddenly appeared in front of him.

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