Xiao Hai couldn't help shaking his head: "My artificial intelligence theory is actually just a theory. At that time, I just said it casually. It's really amazing that you can come up with it!"

"Don't worry, Doctor! I'm not here for it, I'm here for the Pym particle!"

Hearing this, Pym was instantly furious: "It's Nick Fury, it's the news he leaked to you"

"No, don't get excited! It has nothing to do with him!"

Xiao Hai waved his hand and said, "Iron Man published the unified field theory before, you must have seen it!"

Pym nodded: "What does this have to do with my Pym particle"

Xiao Hai sighed: "It's a big deal. The current unified field theory is just a theory, just a pure mathematical model. We can barely convert the electromagnetic force into universal gravitation!"

"But in the microscopic world, there is nothing we can do at all. I think if I use Pym particles to shrink down to the atomic level, it is not possible to directly observe the microscopic world..."

Ha... Hearing Xiao Hai's words, Pym burst out laughing so hard! After a while, he wiped it off and said, "The mage is... the mage, thinking about it is just... so imaginative. ! But my Pym particles can't shrink people down to the atomic, subatomic scale..."

"Observing the microscopic world directly is tantamount to fooling around in a dream!"

"We humans observe the world with our eyes, but in the tiny world, we really don't know what photons look like!"

"Can our eyes still receive photons in that... environment?"

"Okay, even if it comes into contact with the Pym particle, the photon will become smaller, but the photon cannot penetrate the forces between various atoms, that is to say, it is impossible to directly observe the interior of the molecule with the naked eye... "

"So, this kind of thing can only be thought about!"

Xiao Hai was not angry at all because of Dr. Pym's ridicule, he said lightly: "But I know that someone has reduced himself to the subatomic level and is still alive!"

"The quantum realm exists, and it is said that there is life in it!"

Pym opened his mouth wide. He wanted to laugh, but he couldn't, and then his expression became more and more difficult: "Who are you talking about shrinking himself to a subatomic level and still alive?"

Xiao Hai nodded and said, "As you thought, your wife, Janet the Wasp!"

Like a ghost, Pim pointed at Xiao Hai and shouted, "You...how could you know!"

Xiao Hai spread his hands: "I am a mage, I know the past and the future!"

Pym stood up and walked around the room several times, and then he suddenly said: "If what you said is true, as long as Janet can be found, I will not only give you the Pym particle, but also And share my...studies with you!"

Huh... the legendary domestic violence hero Ant-Man is so in love with his wife in this world! Xiao Hai can actually grab the Pym particle and some of Pym's research, but with the Getting Pim's full support is far worse than that. It's not a little bit less efficient! Xiao Hai nodded and said, "Yes, but we need a test product!"

Pym looked at Xiao Hai, and couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart. In essence, he was an orthodox scientist. Xiao Hai said that he directly experimented with people, which scared him.

Xiao Hai couldn't help laughing: "No...you think too much, I mean, a voluntary experiment, I guess you have been looking for candidates for the past few years!"

Pym suddenly became: extremely embarrassed: "It's not a test product, I'm looking for an heir.

Looking for a successor, how can it be considered a test product!"

"I've actually been entering the quantum realm, but my body has been greatly affected by using Pym particles too many times, and I can hardly wear the Ant-Man suit anymore..."

While defending himself, Pym popped up a light curtain and placed his candidate "heir"

The list has been transferred! There are dozens of people, Xiao Hai handed a little, and clicked on one of them: "Just him!"

He chose Scott Lang, an electronics expert and a repeat thief.

Pym said: "Will he wait too long, he is still: in prison!"

If the wife is still alive, then she must have been in the quantum realm for too long. Pym can't wait to bring his wife out in seconds! Xiao Hai glanced at him: "Give it to me, at most he can come out tomorrow!"

With the Hydra... No, the strength of the Order of the Phoenix, to get Scott Lang, a thief out of prison, would be too underestimated the strength of the Order of the Phoenix tomorrow! Xiao Hai will choose Si Cortram, of course, because this person is the second generation of Ant-Man! The chance of success is very high! ... "You can get out of prison!"

Scott Lang was raised by the prison guards with a confused look, and stood outside the prison holding his own things with a confused look! Only then did he come back to his senses: "I'm coming out now"

He didn't even know why he was able to get out of prison early, anyway...the procedures were complete, so what was there to worry about! Thinking of this, he roared and danced cheerfully.

Then, he went straight to his home... no, his ex-wife's home ran away.

He hasn't seen his daughter for a long time, and he misses it very, very much!

Chapter [-]: Fudge the Second Generation Ant-Man (Second)

Scott Lang has been divorced long ago, and his daughter married a policeman with his ex-wife. What is very American is that the relationship between the two men is not bad! Seeing Scott Lang's appearance, the wife's current husband was shocked, Thought he had escaped from prison, but after confirming that he was released normally, he was let into the house, and he was left to have dinner with him.

It looked like a family, and it was very happy! And in a place he didn't know, an ant carried a camera and conveyed everything to Xiao Hai and the two of them.

Xiao Hai said to Dr. Pym: "So, what's your plan?"

Pym said: "I will see if he adapts to the Ant-Man suit, the impact of Pym particles on the human body can be big or small, once or twice is okay, but if you use it many times, it will be like me and can't wear it again. Wearing the Ant-Man suit!"

"I have to examine his character more. If this Pym particle falls into the hands of the bad guys, it will be... an extremely terrible weapon..."

Xiao Hai couldn't help shaking his head. Of course Scott Lang was used to the Pym particle, and his personality didn't need to be tested, because he would have become the second generation of Ant-Man.

However, if you want to cooperate with Pym, you still have to get his approval.

Xiao Hai said: "This is simple, the so-called character assessment is to see if he has good intentions in his heart, and the courage to put them into action..."

After speaking, Xiao Hai opened the portal and appeared in front of Scott Lang's ex-wife's house! The next moment, the house began to change, turning into a huge dark cave, with a little dim light around the cave. There are magical plants that no one has ever seen... Scott Four 4 didn't know what was going on. He subconsciously took his daughter's hand and protected her! But he pulled When he was empty, he looked back, his hair stood on end in an instant, and his whole body was cold, because he saw his daughter being killed by a monster with two horns and a pair of fleshy wings on its back. He held him in his arms! His feet softened and he almost knelt on the ground, but he still held back his fear, looked into his daughter's eyes, and said: "Cathy, don't be afraid, look at me, look at me, there are Dad is here, no one can hurt you!"

But what her daughter saw in her eyes was different. In her opinion, it was all like a movie... Only in the movie, she and her father were there! Xiao Hai used the power of reality gems to weave This illusion, but it isolates Cathy from the illusion! Xiao Hai stood in front of Cathy and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, this is just a test for your father!"

Cathy turned her head and looked at Xiao Hai, her face suddenly overjoyed: "You are a Crafty Mage!"

Xiao Hai couldn't help touching his face. Am I so famous now? Even children know me. This little girl is so cute, and her words are leaking... Kathy said in a milky voice: "I like superheroes the most, can I ask you for an autograph?"

The signature himself has never been signed by anyone, but it doesn't feel like a pen appears in his hand, and he smiles: "Where is the signature?"

Cathy rubbed the corner of her clothes a little embarrassedly and said with a blushing face, "No, I'm... I just wanted to ask if you can help me get Iron Man's autograph"

Wang Defa If it wasn't for this little girl who was too young, Xiao Hai would have swears.

His face stiffened, and he began to think that this little girl was not as cute as she looked! Cathy seemed to sense Xiao Hai's emotions, and said pitifully, "Then, I will also sign your autograph..."

Xiao Hai only felt a black line on his head, and felt that he had been stabbed! At this time, Cathy looked at the illusion and said, "Uncle Master, you won't hurt my father!"

Xiao Hai rubbed the little girl's blond hair and said with a smile, "Because your father is very special, I want to test him..."

The little girl was instantly overjoyed: "This...this is like an exam in school, can you enter the wizarding school after passing my dad, just like Harry Potter..."

Xiao Hai heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the little girl was not afraid. He isolated Cathy from the illusion, just... not wanting to scare the little child, he cast a spell to make the little girl fall asleep, because the next picture was not good for the little girl. The impact is too big for girls! Xiao Hai looked at Scott in the fantasy world.

Xiao Hai's test method is very simple. He conjures up some phantoms of monsters, and tells Scott that as long as he can defeat those monsters, he will return his daughter to him! And Scott Lang, who was imprisoned for theft, is here. Under such circumstances, he showed courage that was far beyond ordinary people, and dared to fight with his bare hands against those monsters that were turned into furniture, although he was beaten into a flying... At this time, Pym's voice came from a flying The ant in the air said: "This...this is that your test is too much, he will die..."

Xiao Hai said, "Isn't it easier to get the Year of the Monkey, Horse and Moon according to your test? Do you think he is qualified?"

"Enough, that's enough!"

When Pym chose these heirs, he had actually done a long-term test! It's just that he never made up his mind, and what Xiao Hai has done now has helped him strengthen his determination! The illusion faded, caves, monsters, everything Disappeared without a trace, they are "family"

The four still quietly gathered around the table for dinner! Everyone was shocked, Scott looked at himself and found that the previous injuries had disappeared, as if the previous monsters were just a dream.

...... He looked at his ex-wife and said in a trembling voice, "You guys, have you ever..."

The faces of the two were also extremely ugly! At this time, Cathy rubbed her eyes, and then she looked at Scott and said, "Dad, have you passed the test of Uncle Mage?"

Scott looked confused, what is this and what is this? Then Xiao Hai opened the portal and appeared in front of the family of four. He looked at Scott and said sternly: "Scott, you passed my test, Now that you will become a hero who protects this world, are you willing to join us?"

Scott's ex-wife couldn't help covering her mouth, looking at Scott's eyes completely different, she exaggeratedly exclaimed: "My God, it's actually a conjurer! Scott, you are going to become a superhero"

Cathy pulled the corner of Scott's shirt and said expectantly, "Dad, will you join the Avengers?"

However, the current ex-wife has a stinky face and swears in his heart! Scott has not seen his ex-wife and daughter look at him with such adoring eyes for a long time, and he has never seen his ex-wife's current use such a shock. He looked at himself with confidence! It made him feel like he had eaten ice cream in summer, and he had a great show from the inside out!

"Of course I'm going to be a superhero!" he said.

Xiao Hai smiled inwardly, he knew that in this case, Scott would not refuse, because he would not let the two women down! If this is impossible to predict, his psychology will be in vain!

Chapter [-] Super Giant Nucleus (Third)

I'm too disdainful. I'm afraid I won't be able to complete the promise yesterday. I will slowly pay back the chapters I owe. I have enough time today. I checked it for a long time! Scott is from a bad family background. Although he is still kind in his heart, it's so easy to trust people! He smelled a strong conspiracy in this matter, so as soon as he left the house, he I just wanted to go back on it! But it was too easy for Pym and Xiao Hai to let him get on the road, so Scott soon gave in.

Because of the magic of the Ant-Man suit and Pym particle, Scott opened his eyes, and more importantly, Pym's daughter Hope made him fall in love at first sight.

Afterwards, Pym started special training for Scott, and Xiao Hai couldn't interfere in these matters.

He studies the quantum field with Pym every day, and gains quite a lot.


On this day, Xiao Hai saw that when Pym was training Scott, he accidentally made an ant bigger! The huge and shrinking of Pym's particles is more dangerous. The chemical technology is still immature, and it is easy to tear people apart... but this is not the key! Xiao Hai, who saw this scene, suddenly opened his mind. Pym particles can make objects grow and shrink at will. Can't directly make an atom bigger? If you can make an atom into a size that is visible to the naked eye, would you still take the risk to observe the strong and weak interactions in the quantum field? After all, Dr. Pym is now about this The research on this aspect is still in progress: it is quite dangerous to enter the quantum field at the initial stage! So Xiao Hai immediately put forward this proposal to Dr. Pim, who was dumbfounded at the time, and it took him a long time to say: "No wonder you can propose artificial The new theory of intelligence, this way of thinking is really different from ordinary people!"

"But isn't it very big, knowing that we can't shrink down to the subatomic level now, then we can't accurately locate one or two atoms..."

"And the weight of an atom is all in the nucleus, if an atom were put on the size of an earth..."

Xiao Hai said, "The nucleus is only the size of a ping-pong ball.

And the gap between the atoms is so large that the probability of dropping the Pym particle on the atom is extremely small..."

"And the effect of interatomic forces, we don't know what effect it has on the shrinking Pym particle..."

"These...I know, but I can try to study a machine like a large particle collider, although accurate delivery can't do it, but it can increase the odds!"

"I just need you to support me with Pym particles, and I can do the rest myself!"

Dr. Pym sighed: "Pym particles are not Chinese cabbage, they are not that easy to make, and I did a little calculation, even if you succeed in building this machine, your chance of success is much smaller... ."

Xiao Hai smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will pay.

No matter how much money Xiao Hai has brought to him, Xiao Hai also provides the money he needs for his research. The most important thing is that Xiao Hai is very ruthless and has no bottom line. Dr. Pym and Xiao Hai He was still a little nervous about the cooperation, so he finally agreed! Now Xiao Hai's laboratory has applied for a lot of specialties and started to realize it, money is going to his pocket, and Mrs. Hydra has now subdued the Hydra. , The reorganization of the Order of the Phoenix has left Xiao Hai with inexhaustible money! And these... are just small money for Xiao Hai, if he really wants to make a lot of money, he can just go to the aliens to buy some small things, and there are countless The company will pay a lot of money to buy it! In the days to come, Xiao Hai has...

In the study of making a single atom super-giant! It took Xiao Hai a month to finally design this kind of machine, which is similar to a large particle collider! With the design concept of magic and science, no one in this world can do it except... Xiao Hai.

"Even so, you just increased the odds a little bit to the same probability as winning the Mark Six Lottery!"

Xiao Hai sighed: "You know, actually making yourself smaller and entering the quantum realm to observe atomic structures is very unreliable! So in fact, all I need is... a little luck!"

In order to avoid accidents, Xiao Hai was not ready to conduct experiments on Earth, he took his own machine to the space between Earth and Mars to start experiments!  …" [-]th An experiment, a precise atomic throwing experiment..."

Xiao Ai counted the posters for Xiao.... Yes, Xiao Hai has already done [-] experiments, and spent nearly [-] units of Pym particles, which makes Dr. Pym have to Crazy! Pym particles are not that easy to make either, and for a hundred units a month, Pym is going to kill.

Xiao Hai wasted so many Pym particles, and he felt a little guilty, and he was also a little disheartened.

It is said that when Edison invented filament, he started to use more than 150 kinds of materials and could not make filament, but he was not discouraged, because in his opinion, he proved that more than 150 kinds of materials could not be used to make filament! Xiao Haicai failed more than a thousand times It doesn't seem to be too much, but his nature is not the same, he is completely taking luck! If luck is not good, there is a possibility that even [-] billion experiments will fail! Pym can't give him Provide [-] billion units of Pym particles... Xiao Hai pressed the button and muttered in his heart: "Just this time, if you fail again, think of other ways..."

But he didn't want to, the next moment, his "throwing Pym particles to precise atoms"

It exploded suddenly! Then, he was dumbfounded! Because he seemed to see a small space the size of Jupiter.

5 Universe suddenly appeared in the solar system.

He is in the middle of this small universe, and in front of him, a ball that looks illusory, exudes five-color lights, and is extremely unreal! Xiao Hai seems to hear the sound of his chin falling to the ground for a long time. , he said in a voice that only he could hear: "I saw the nucleus of an atom!"

"I'm going!, you succeeded"

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