Chapter 1206 Fist Is The Most Important

“I brought everything back, come and eat.”

Leo looked at the two men in front of him. He didn’t expect that Dr. Banner and Tony Stark would be hungry in the Avengers Building. It was incredible.

Definitely, hungry is not considered hungry, after all, there are a lot of snacks in the lounge.

And Leo unfolded all the packing boxes in his hands, and after putting a full coffee table, the two people became excited.

“I knew that Leo would definitely find a Chinese breakfast shop, and that was true.”

Stark picked up the fork on the side, inserted a pork bun and said.

“I think it is necessary to arrange the Chinese breakfast on the current schedule. This unique taste and taste is so delicious.”

Banner at the side also picked up a portion of rice noodles, and after taking two bites, he said with some excitement.

“Dr. Banner, have you been to China?”

Leo looked at Banner and asked curiously.

“Hua Guo? I haven’t been there. Before, I always did experiments in the laboratory. After that, I could only escape in sparsely populated places as much as possible.”

“I know that in China, the scenery is beautiful and the food is delicious, but there are too many people. If I go there, it will only bring death and pain there.”

Banner’s face sank, and he said with some pain.

The appearance of Hulk ruined Dr. Banner’s life as a normal person. In the body of Banner, who was kind by nature, there was a war god Hulk who was full of anger and killing.

Dr. Banner, who yearns to see the humanistic beauty, can only choose the most remote place to live.

But being too remote to survive, and it also increased the possibility of exposing oneself.

It would be better to go to those remote and backward villages and small towns, where you can barely maintain your own life, but also make the least sacrifices possible.

At the same time, you can also get rid of those great forces such as the US military and special organizations that have always wanted to find and seize themselves.

In short, before Dr. Banner met Leo, he thought that the whole world was his enemy. As long as he was exposed, there would be no peaceful days, and it would only bring endless disasters.

Until he met Leo, met S.H.I.E.L.D, and met the Avengers, Banner finally saw some hope.

Hulk is not invincible, and partners need their own help. Hulk is not only a saboteur, but may also be able to contribute to other things and contribute to the entire earth’s civilization.

Here, I realized more people with strange abilities, and they recognized and accommodated themselves.

Moreover, Banner can also be here to find a way to deal with Hulk.

Rather than restricting Hulk desperately, then one day I can’t control it, waiting for Hulk to come out and kill him, and finally fall into this horrible cycle.

Leo can deal with Hulk and restrict Hulk’s behavior.

Even if Leo is not there, Banner is able to design “Venonika” with Stark to deal with Hulk.

In short, in Banner’s life, there was finally some hope. It was not like before. He lived like a Deadman, but he couldn’t even commit suicide.

If Banner wanted to starve himself to death, at the last moment, Hulk also struggled out to eat. As for what to eat, Banner didn’t want to know.

Because Banner once saw that when he woke up, his body was covered with blood, and there were some furs of certain beasts around him.

“Then you should really visit Huaguo. Whether it’s humanities, history, historical sites, or natural beauty, you can find everything in China.”

Leo looked at Banner and said with a smile.

“By the way, Leo, you have already contacted China’s Spear Bureau, haven’t you? Hand over Jenny and George to them.”

Stark looked at Leo and asked.

“Shen Spear Bureau? No, their organization is called Longya.”


Stark uttered these two Chinese characters in a weird tone, but then immediately said, “I know, that is this… Longya… is Hua Guo’s own name, in our mouth, it is called Shenluo Ju. ”

“Similar to SHIELD in the United States, it is also one of the most powerful agent organizations on the planet, but the attack power it once demonstrated is like an indestructible spear, piercing all the organizations that have penetrated into it. NS.”

“Definitely, the name is also somewhat similar to S.H.I.E.L.D. Roar corresponds to it. After all, from the perspective of now, only S.H.I.E.L.D can be compared with S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Stark didn’t say anything about hesitation, definitely, in the words, it was exaggerated a bit, although Longya is also regarded as the world’s top agent organization.

However, compared with S.H.I.E.L.D, it is far worse. S.H.I.E.L.D, as the world’s largest special organization, has cooperative relations with the United Nations and even nearly two hundred countries in the world.

It is so powerful that it is unique on earth.

However, Longya is also the undisputed first person among the remaining special organizations.

It’s just that the distance between the remaining organizations was not very large, until Leo gave the information he obtained last time to Longya.

Although it seems that the dragon tooth tissue is slowly converging, when the dragon tooth is unfolded again, it will only be stronger than before, or even much stronger.

“It turns out that Longya is the Spear Game, no wonder?!”

When Leo heard the news, he was slightly taken aback, but he also smiled.

Sure enough, when SHIELD was almost finished at the end, it was taken over by the Spear Bureau. From the perspective of SHIELD’s current power, no other country can do this except for China, which has the least control. arrive.

At that time, so many things have been experienced on the earth, and the gap between countries has been reduced a lot, all of which are striving for human civilization.

Moreover, receiving the SHIELD Director is also a big gain for the Magic Spear Bureau.

“What? Is there any problem?”

“No, it’s just a bit unexpected, and it seems a bit unexpected.”

“I don’t understand what you’re thinking, but you have to be clear, God Spear… Uh, Longya, it’s definitely not as simple as you think. It can achieve such a large organization force, and the things it covers are really Too much.”

Stark looked at Leo and said. “Moreover, Longya is also a very tolerant organization, and many of them are not Chinese.”

Obviously, Stark is a little worried that something like S.H.I.E.L.D will happen in the Dragon Tooth organization. In case Jenny and George are hurt, it is the most important thing.

“Don’t worry, Long Ya’s control over his organization is much higher than that of the United States. Unlike American thinking, most of the people in Long Ya participate in the military.”

“The sense of identity for the organization and the country is also different from S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“Definitely, the most important thing is that they dare not. Judging from my current strength, they dare not touch Jenny and George, because they understand that they can’t afford to offend me.”

Leo looked at Stark and Dr. Banner in front of him and said with a smile, the twinkling of light in his eyes made both of them feel a little panicked.

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