However, if it goes on like this, the efficiency is still too slow.

I saw him raise his hand again!

Gently flicked the connection device of the monkey tooth memory!


Just listen to the sound.


With this ray of light flickering!

On the arm of this Kamen Rider W, an extremely sharp ape-tooth blade appeared.

And this time!

It just so happened that two more camouflaged adulterants rushed in!

This Daredevil did not hesitate at all!

Immediately a roundabout!

Just slashed towards the camouflaged mixed body that came!


I saw that sharp blade, wrapped in the power of tearing!

In the air, a continuous ripple was formed!

Directly slashed on the bodies of the two disguised impure bodies.

Just for a moment!

Just tear them apart!

Next up!



The two exploded directly.

No bones left!

And this time!

The Daredevil didn't hold back either.

Raising the arm blade in his hand, he suddenly rushed forward!


People turn upside down!

Explosion sound again and again!


Seeing the giant-veined dragonfly mixed body in the sky!

Raise your tail now!

Countless sharp thorns were shot at that Kamen Rider W!

And facing the thorns falling from the sky!

This Kamen Rider W, immediately raised the original tooth in his hand and slashed towards the sky.

Although it resisted the thorns!

However, it is impossible to cause any damage to the giant-veined dragonfly in the sky!

That being the case!

Then change the attack method!

I saw that Daredevil, flipped the stubborn memory again!

uShoulderSaber! (Original Tooth Shoulder Blade)! "

See it on his shoulder!

The light shines!

Then a white sharp blade appeared.


This Daredevil pulled the ape tooth from his shoulder!

Handy, like a dart!

The shoulder blade in his hand flew out instantly!

All of a sudden!

In the air, a trail of tearing was drawn!

For a while!

The remaining camouflaged adulterants around have been hit!

Then it suddenly exploded!

Fire is everywhere!

This giant-veined dragonfly mixed body is angry!

However, the next second!

Seeing that flying knife, it suddenly flew from the fire!

At an astonishing speed, it hit the .

[148] The end of the lava dragon! Grease Blizzard Iron Fist! (Please subscribe!)


"This guy actually has a long-range attack!"

The giant-veined dragonfly's mixed body widened its eyes.

His face like a bug was full of shock.


This guy can only use melee attacks.

Therefore, he has been flying above the sky.

did not expect!

This guy actually has this hand.

Come to cheat, come to sneak attack!

This is too rascal.

Due to sudden incident.

This giant-veined dragonfly mixed body is too late to prepare!

He had to flap his wings quickly.

I want to use the power of the wind to resist the attack of this flying blade.

Whoosh whoosh!

All of a sudden!

Several wind blades blasted out!

Immediately, the ape-tooth flying blade flew away.

"so close!"

This giant-veined dragonfly has a mixed body, flapping two huge wings.

He raised his hand and wiped the sweat from the top of his head!

If it weren't for my own reaction to "seven five zeros" fast enough!

I'm afraid now, it's the way of this kid.

However, the ape-tooth ace below, raised his head!

Suddenly he raised his head.

"You bastard!"

"Has such a pair of eyes, but can't use it!"

The compound eyes of the trump card with fangs glowed red.

He pointed at the giant-veined dragonfly mixed body in mid-air and mocked coldly.

To know!

This dragonfly has a pair of compound eyes.

This can be seen six ways!

but now!

It's because it cares too much about the trump card below!

So focus all your attention on him!

Instead, he lost his sense of what was happening around him.

And hear this!

There is something wrong in the heart of the giant-veined dragonfly mixed body!

It immediately turns its compound eyes and observes its surroundings!

I saw the chaff tooth shoulder blade that had just been knocked out.

At this moment, it actually flew back again.


Following that, he slashed on the two wings of the giant-veined dragonfly.


I saw that the two wings were broken.

Blood spurts!

And the giant-veined dragonfly mixed body also let out a loud cry.


That huge body also lost the support of two wings.

It fell heavily towards the bottom.

He fell hard to the ground.

And the chaff tooth shoulder blade flew back unscathed.

I was caught by that trump card!

Then he put it back on his shoulder.

At this time, the giant-veined dragonfly mixed body was half-knelt on the ground.


"It actually caused my flawless body to suffer so much damage!"

"I will crucify you here!"

I saw that giant-veined dragonfly roared.

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