It all happened so quickly that Tony had little extra substance to discover through the video

Time passed little by little.

Happy was driving down the road.

Sitting in the rear driving position is precisely Chili Pepper.

As we got closer to our destination, we could see the sky-high flames from a distance.

Seeing this appearance, Little Pepper frowned tightly, and couldn't help but panic.

Soon, Happy stopped the car.

As soon as Little Chili got down from his position, a police officer came over.

"Hello, Miss Potts, you are finally here."

Little Chili nodded and said hello to the other party.

Then he asked nervously: "Police officer, what is the result of your investigation?"

"We detected (bfce) a lot of high-temperature combustion substances at the scene. We don't know what caused it for the time being. I'm afraid... someone deliberately targeted you Stark Industries."

"So, this is a terrorist attack?"

"It's really understandable," the police officer said.

"Then... but who else is alive?" Little Pepper asked nervously.

The police officer lowered his gaze slightly.

"I'm really sorry, we tried our best. Because the whole building collapsed, the people who were rescued were already dead."

The police officer continued: "Now we are still cooperating with firefighters and trying to find other people. Judging from the current situation, the probability of other people surviving is also very low."

As soon as these words came out, Little Pepper already knew the result.

Suddenly, the whole person's face was pale and weak.

"Really? Then I'll trouble you, officer."

The police officer continued: "That, Miss Potts, I want to remind you of something."

Little Pepper heard that and nodded, indicating that he understood.

As the police officer left, a man walked over slowly.

The man sighed: "This is really a sad thing."

There are many family members over there, so please don't go there for the time being. In order to avoid some family members excited to do harm to you

Little Pepper didn't speak, just glanced at each other curiously.

At this time, the man first greeted Xiao Chili.

"Hello, Miss Pepper Potts. Nice to meet you."

Little Pepper asked suspiciously.

"Do we know each other?"

"I don't know, but I know you. After all, Iron Man's personal secretary, who doesn't know?"

"What's the matter with you?"

Little Pepper didn't know what the man was trying to pay attention to, so he asked directly.

"I'm Dr. Kianli. Just happened to be driving by and saw such a tragedy happening here."

Chiari continued: "You said, how great would it be if those who were injured could recover?"

There was something in the other party's words, and Xiao Chili also noticed it.

"Ask, Dr. Chiari, if you have any business, just say it directly."

Kianli glanced at the people around him and said, "Can I take a step to talk? Just a while."

"It's... well."

Following that, Pepper and Chiari walked aside.

Happy sat in the driver's seat and looked at the other party from a distance, but felt that the other party was very suspicious.

Little Pepper asked: "Okay, if there is anything, just tell me quickly."

"Ms. Potts, I'm working on a brand new technology here."

Chiari said excitedly: "Even if you are missing an arm or a leg, as long as there is one life left, you can recover."

"And I need an investment now. As long as you are willing to convince Tony Stark, you can reduce a lot of such tragedies." Little Pepper twitched slightly and smiled coldly when she heard this.

"Dr. Chiari, please don't make fun of me about this kind of thing. Okay? If there's nothing else, I want to go back.".

[177] Metal Cluster Locust? Armed

Xiao Chili's words have already been told to the other party, and I don't believe what he said at all.

With that said, he took his own steps to prepare to leave.

Seeing this, Killian frowned immediately!

"Ms. Potts, ~ you have to trust me!"

"My technology is great, and I'm going to bring - extraordinary evolution to humanity."

He raised his hand!

Want to stop!

!Liquid Armor! (Please subscribe!)


Facing Kiri's persuasion.

The little pepper remained unmoved.

He went straight around him, stepped on high heels, and walked into the distance.

this action.

Make Killian feel insulted!

He had a grim expression and waved his fingers angrily.

"Pepper Potts, you'll regret it."

"My technology will lead all mankind."

the guy growled.

In the eyes, there seems to be a flame burning.

But about it all.

Little Pepper didn't notice it.

She opened the door directly and entered the car.

"Happy, drive back!"

"I want to report to Tony about the situation here!"

Little Pepper got into the car and said with a frown.

Come here this time!

Not only have no clues to the bombing been found.

Instead, I met a lunatic!

"it is good!"

The driver, Happy, didn't think much of it either.

After all, being at the helm of Stark Industries!

Every year, there are countless entrepreneurs who want to get investment!

The guy just now was just one of them.

Nothing fancy.

So, it stepped on the accelerator!

Immediately sent Chili and returned to Stark Industries.

"Happy, thank you, it's such a late hour, you should go back and rest early.

Little Pepper got out of the car and said to Happy.

"Good night. Pepper."

Happy nodded!

Not much to say!

He turned to drive the car and walked towards his house.

As Tony's good friend and driver, he has also accumulated a lot of money over the years

Although I can't afford a big villa!

o As for Tony, let me tell him. "

However, buying a large one-story apartment in downtown New York is no problem.

The car runs smoothly!

Happy listened to the music and hummed a little tune.

When passing a traffic light, he slammed on the brakes.

Stopped at the intersection, bored.

But this time!

A figure beside him attracted Happy's attention.

That guy, no one else!

It was the former Killian.

At this time, Killian was in a phone booth.

What are you calling.

But soon, he walked out of the phone booth!

Just, its a carry-on box!

But he was left in the phone booth.

Happy saw this behind the scenes.

A look of doubt flashed across his eyes.

He already felt that something was wrong with Killian.

Now, after seeing his strange behavior.

It further deepened Happy's inner thoughts.


At this moment, the car behind saw that Happy didn't understand the car for a long time, and was somewhat annoyed, and even scolded and shouted and honked the horn.

"Damn bastard, what are you doing? Hurry up and get out of my way."

Only then did Happy react, and the traffic light had already turned green.

He glanced at the phone booth.

Happy was more concerned about the phone booth.

So I stopped the car beside the road, got out of the car, and prepared to investigate the situation.

As a result, he did not expect that he had just got out of the car.

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