And Coulson also returned to normal levels from the acceleration state.

When Tiandao next to him saw a scene, he seemed to have expected it, and there was not much change in his face.

Just said silently: "Sure enough, everything is almost the same as I thought."

Coulson looked at the captain who fell to the ground and hurriedly asked, "Captain Steve, are you okay?"

Steve Rogers lay on the ground and smiled: "I lost."

Coulson reached out and pulled Steve up.

Steve stood up from the ground and twisted his waist lightly.

"My old waist! Then again, Coulson, you did a good job."

Listening to the praise from the idol, Coulson was very happy.

Nick Fury came over and said with a smile: "How is it? Captain Steve, the technology should be able to impress you now, right?"

Hearing this, Steve nodded slightly.

"Indeed, it really surprised me. Chief Nick, I take back what I just said to you. Now it seems that I am indeed superficial."

Hearing this, Nick Fury laughed out loud.

"Captain Steve, it's great that you have this idea. Are you interested in this armor?"

Steve nodded: "Very interested."

"Then when the new armor series belts are developed in the future, I will definitely give you the new belts as soon as possible."

Nick Fury reassured.

After the captain heard this, he was a little surprised, raised his hand, pointed to himself, and asked curiously, "I...I have it too?"

"Of course, as long as you like Captain Steve, we are very willing to develop a new belt for you."

Steve smiled: "Then I'll say thank you first. I won't say anything else for the time being, I'll rest for a while... My old waist!?"

As he spoke, he held his waist with one hand and slowly walked towards the place where he rested.

Seeing this, Coulson's eyes were full of guilt.

Speaking of which, Steve Rogers is just a strengthening person, and in essence, he is very different from Kamen Rider.

And I didn't even think of starting lightly just now, it's really a misstep! .

[197] South American Ruins! Demon Keefe Seal! (Please subscribe!)

South America.

In the depths of the jungle, there is a cave.

Judging from the surrounding traces, the formation of the cave is not natural, but a man-made product.

Through the study of traces, it can be confirmed that the time of the existence of this cave is as long as tens of thousands of years.

At this time, around the cave, and even in the interior, many scientific research personnel are excavating and archaeologically excavating this mysterious ruin.

Appeared in front of them - a huge sarcophagus.

Above the sarcophagus are engraved lifelike hieroglyphic ancient texts.

This discovery surprised everyone.

"I really didn't expect that tens of thousands of years old antiquities were unearthed in South America. It seems that the history of South America may have to be rewritten again?"

"Yeah, really want to see what the people in this sarcophagus are?"

Since the sarcophagus weighed thousands of kilograms, it was almost impossible to shake it by manpower, so it could only rely on the help of machinery.

And for research, on the side, there are multiple cameras accurately recording this moment.

"Everyone is ready to start the coffin." A person in charge said to the surrounding scientific research personnel.

Hearing this, everyone took their place.

Several steel cables were wound above the sarcophagus, and with the operation of the machinery, the steel cables rose little by little.

The interior of the sarcophagus was also revealed little by little in the sight of everyone.

In sight, a well-preserved ancient corpse appeared in front of him.

Due to lack of water and drying, the corpse was in a shriveled state. It is precisely because of the completely sealed state that the lifelike expressions on the corpse are vaguely visible at this time.

But what is even more strange is that there is a belt with characters on the waist of the ancient corpse.

"I really didn't expect that such a corpse would appear in South America. It was an accident."

At this time, someone was surprised to discover: "Professor, the burial method of this body is completely different from that of other ancient tombs in the world."

Someone laughed.

"Could it be that these ancient pictographs are some kind of cursed content that was accessed without authorization?"

The original serious atmosphere instantly eased a lot.

As a scientific researcher, naturally, I would not believe such a thing.

The middle-aged man who was called a professor by the crowd joked: "I've touched everything, what else can I do? Could it be that we will all die here?"

Speaking of which, he hurriedly shouted: "It's not too late, let's get started."

As a result, the scientific research personnel began to carry out archaeological excavations on the body.

One of the expedition personnel followed the order, preparing to take off the belt.

At the moment of his contact, suddenly, a shriveled hand grabbed him.

Looking closely, it turned out to be the dead body that had been dead for a long time.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah??\"

The abnormal situation scared him to pee and back again and again.

At the same time, he accidentally ripped off the belt on the corpse.

The corpse stretched out his hand, wanting to get his belt back.

But after his stiff movements, he instantly turned to ashes.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

After a long time, someone started to react.

"Just now... did the corpse come to life?"

"Yes, the corpse did come alive."

At this moment, everyone's eyes were curiously focused on the belt of the scientific research personnel who fell to the ground.

"This belt, I'm afraid it has a mysterious power, hurry up, arrange someone, take a special plane, and send the belt back to your country." The professor reacted immediately and ordered immediately.


"Hoo~? Call L?? Call L~~"

At this moment, a terrifying cry came from the cave.

Everyone looked around in fear.

"Just now... what was that sound?"

"I don't know what it is, I don't know what it is, it's not like a human voice at all.

Everyone was talking and speculating.

Suddenly, someone found something in the darkness of the cave.

Shouting loudly: "Look, what is that?"

Everyone was attracted by his voice, and looked at the place where the team members said.

In the darkness, a pair of strange hands gradually stretched out.

When everyone saw this scene, they all stepped back in fear.

When the owner of the hand appeared under the light, everyone panicked and fled frantically.

But then, there were only bursts of miserable mourning from the cave.

After a while, the professor ran out of the cave.

His body had been injured in many places, his clothes were stained with blood, and his legs and feet staggered toward the hole.

Seeing the light at the entrance of the cave getting closer and closer to him, he became even more excited.

"Plop" sound.

...for flowers....

Just as he was about to reach the entrance of the cave, he suddenly tripped his foot on something.

The whole person suddenly fell heavily to the ground.

Subconsciously, he turned his head and looked behind him.

A pair of non-human hands gripped his ankle tightly. Then pull him into the depths of the hole

"No no no no no... no ah ah ah ah-\"

Then, after a while, the professor's voice disappeared.

But the camera that fell to the ground to record archaeology clearly recorded such a murder.

SHIELD, Nick Fury's office.

At this point, Nick Fury received a call.

"Director, it's not good. The scientific expedition team you sponsored had an accident in the mysterious ruins in South America. A distress call came back. The phone only said: there are monsters to save lives or something."

"We didn't understand the cause and effect when we heard screams on the phone. Obviously they should have been attacked by some unknown monster."

Hearing this, Nick Fury frowned tightly.

"Okay, I see. I'll arrange this."

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and then dialed another number to go out.

"Code 132, go."

As his voice fell, he hung up the phone again.

At this time, he was worried and frowned, but his thoughts suddenly jumped to South America.

"What the **** happened?"

Two hours later, several helicopters arrived at the site of the ruins.

Suddenly, dozens of heavily armed agents got off the plane.

The group carefully observed the surroundings, and then slowly walked towards the cave.

When they saw a long trail of blood at the entrance of the cave, all the agents present took a deep breath.

His eyes were even more stubbornly looking into the cave.

As it got closer to the site of the ruins, the tragedy at the scene changed even more.

Even their battle-hardened detectives, when they saw this scene, began to shiver involuntarily behind their backs.

Where the line of sight is, blood, tragic limbs, and internal organs are scattered around, and there is almost no complete image of the victim.

It's terrifying like hell.

At this time, someone found the belt and the camera on the ground at.

[198] Night Attack on S.H.I.E.L.D.! Grunge is back! The killing game is on! (Please subscribe!)

Agents of SHIELD looked around and found no useful clues.

At this moment, he focused his attention on the camera and the belt.

The camera is still in the recording stage at this time.

An agent, picked it up, and replayed it.

It doesn't matter if it's unbearable, at a glance, the whole person's complexion has changed.

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