During the outbreak of the virus, people will be very painful, and then the body will gradually become transparent.

Until the last invisible, completely called a bunch of particles disappeared.

Simply put, it is death.

In this world, Kamen Rider can understand the existence of a doctor.

They will drive the virus out of the human body, and then the virus will transform into a strange creature called the Bengyuan body.

When the collapse source body is beaten to death, the sick patient can be cured.

Li Wei rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Obviously thinking about his next behavior plan.

Think for a while.

2.4 Li Wei took the space gem and the world card of Kamen Rider EX-AID without hesitation, and went to the sixth basement floor of his company.

Here, there is also a special presence—Yake.

At this time, Yake already has about 90% maliciousness.

With the source of collapse, it can be condensed into Kamen Rider.

It is for this reason that Li Wei brought Collapsing Source Body to the sixth floor underground.

Li Wei appeared at the elevator door, and a doll made of Izzy stood beside him.

Her name is Yaz.

"Master President."

"Yeah!" Li Wei nodded, in response to Yaz's greeting to himself.

In this effort, Li Wei handed over the Universe Rubik's Cube to Yaz for analysis.

"Here's to you. Analysis with satellite yak".

[214] Tan Li Dou Recovery! The times have finally caught up with me! (Please subscribe!)

Yaz, who took over the universe cube, looked at the things in his hands curiously, and focused on the things handed over to him.

"What is this?" Yaz was curious about what Li Wei handed to him.

"The specific function of the universe Rubik's cube, after you analyze it, you will know what it does."

Li Wei deliberately sold a key here, which directly made Yaz's curiosity continue to increase.

At this moment, without thinking too much, I started to conduct research.

Yaz caught what Livy handed to him.

Yaz put the cosmic Rubik's cube that Livy gave him on a certain device.

As the device was turned on, for a while, the satellite Yake began to analyze it.

Li Wei stood by and did not speak, but quietly waited for the result of Yake.

At this moment, the platform began to rotate at a high speed.

With the rotation, the cosmic cube emits a dazzling light.

Then the computer screen showed the corresponding results.

Yaz told Levi.

"Mr. President, if the satellite Yake wants to analyze this thing, it takes Yake to keep calculating for a year to get the result. Whether to continue the calculation."

Li Wei 15 was a little surprised to hear this result.

Didn't expect it to take so long.

However, he is not too anxious about parsing the universe Rubik's Cube.

Turning to say: "In this way, stop the calculation of the universe Rubik's cube."

As he spoke, Li Wei handed over another thing in his hand to Yaz's hand.

"Let's analyze and extract this first."

"Okay, Mr. President."

Without any reason, Yaz took over the Origin Body Virus from Li Wei's hand.

Then it was placed on the exclusive equipment of Satellite Yak.

The equipment was running at high speed again.

Then, a little bit of data appeared in Yaz's line of sight.

During this time, a surprised expression appeared on Yaz's face.

"What? President, this is... This is a microcomputer virus that can infect humans and grow parasitic in human brains?"

"Also, with the existence of this virus, can it proliferate under the pressure of the infected human beings and develop a genotype virus infection, and even after reaching a certain level, it can also capture the human body to materialize the data body? "

But see the results displayed on the computer. Yaz's face was full of shock.

Remember, this is the age of the Internet.

Once the source of collapse spreads on the Internet, it is almost likely that it will not take long for the entire human beings on the earth to be infected.

What a terrible thing this would be.

Yaz's gaze fell on Li Wei.

"Boss, where did you come from with such a dangerous thing?"

Li Wei shook his head gently: "You don't need to know about this kind of thing.

"I ask you, can you parse and extract the data inside?"

Yaz nodded when he heard this.

"It's not a problem," he said.

"Then let's get started!"

Subsequently, the satellite Yake began to be extracted.

Just halfway through, the satellite Yake suddenly stopped working.

Li Wei was curious.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Yaz hurriedly checked the results displayed by the computer.

I don't know if I don't see it, I was shocked when I saw it.

"Mr. President, there seems to be something else in the virus."

"Other things?" Li Wei asked, "what is it?"

Yaz shook his head.

"It's not clear for the time being, but there is one thing that can be known. This thing is a thinking and conscious existence."

"The level of danger, I don't know at all. Stop parsing and extracting!?"

After Yaz finished speaking, he looked at Li Wei.

There are only two options for Levi right now.

One stops extracting, but if that's the case, then Collapsing Origin Body is quite useless in one's own hands.

The other is to continue to analyze and extract.

In this way, there is a risk of virus leakage.

Li Wei did not immediately respond to Yaz's words.

Instead, he looked at the platform, still on the platform that was constantly rotating at high speed.

Li Wei, who was standing beside him, became a little nervous when he saw this scene.

In case, if it fails, the situation is really bad.

Maybe it will cause the virus to spread, and the whole world may be destroyed by then.

However, even if you want to stop now, I'm afraid it will be difficult!

Therefore, due to being too nervous, his hands began to sweat.

After finally thinking about it, Li Wei immediately ordered: "Don't worry about it, continue to extract."

"Understood!" Yaz nodded.

With the rapid operation of the satellite Yake, the consciousness in the collapse source body began to be gradually extracted.

Due to the need for a carrier, at this time, the satellite Yake transmitted the data to a brand new Humagia.

Tan Lidou's consciousness is slowly awakening.

Countless data gathered from all directions. Formed into the shape of a person.

Then, a voice appeared.

"Wake up, mine? Who is it? Humagia!?"

Suddenly, with the accumulation of more and more data, a figure began to become clear from blurred.

At this moment, the body of Humagia began to emit a yellow light.

The light was very bright, and Li Wei closed his eyes subconsciously.

At this moment, Humagia's body began to gradually transform into a human appearance.

As the light fades away.

A man appeared in sight.

The man is in his twenties.

Relatively handsome.

Wearing a black suit.

At this time, one of his hands was gently placed on both sides of his temples.

"This...what is this place? Could it be...Humakia!?"

As paragraphs of information resounded in his mind, the man gradually began to understand the situation he was in.

"Hahaha, hahaha, I really didn't expect that the artificial intelligence of the current era has developed to such an extent that the world has become really interesting."

While speaking, one foot directly stepped on a device next to him, his hands were open, and he roared loudly.

"Time, can you finally catch up with me? Hahaha, hahaha."

Li Wei looked at the man and immediately knew who this guy was.

Tan Lidou, the CEO of the Fantasy Group in Kamen Rider EX-AID, can also be said to be a major villain in Kamen Rider EX-AID.

At the same time, he is also the incarnation of Kamen Rider GENM and Alien 000.

Li Wei never thought that it would be the thought in the Collapse Origin Body that this troublesome guy would be.

[215] Zombie player! Hell locusts! Dark Knight Showdown! (Please subscribe!))

Tan Lidou stood beside him and let out a loud laugh.

Loud and unbridled.

Li Wei and Yaz who were next to him were almost ignored.

The laughter came to an abrupt end.

At this moment, his gaze fell on Li Wei from the surroundings.

"who are you?"

Tan Lidou asked Li Wei in a condescending tone of command.

Hearing this, the corners of Li Wei's mouth twitched slightly, revealing an interesting smile.

Li Wei did not respond immediately, but took a step forward.

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