In addition to the energy, Tan Lidou has already felt it.

He has lost contact with those zombies.


"This is the end?"

Sure enough, the energy gradually dissipated.

Only Yaz left!

Yaz's eyes locked on Tan Lidou in front of him again.

"That's right, it's over!"

Yaz responded surprisingly.

However, the next moment, Tan Lidou regretted it.

Before he could react, a breeze passed by in front of him.

Looking again, Yaz had disappeared in front of him.


Bianchaiyaz moved behind him, and Tan Lidou turned around confidently.

But didn't see it.


"Not behind?"

When Tan Lidou was puzzled, bright red malicious energy suddenly appeared above his head, turning into a familiar figure.

"you guessed wrong!"

"I'm on top of you!"

As soon as Yaz finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Tan Lidou's shoulders.

Then the whole body turned over, and the two feet accurately kicked Tan Lidou's chest.

"I wipe..."

With a thud, the unprepared Tan Lidou was kicked out.

After rolling on the ground several times, it stopped.

One round is over!

But the battle isn't over yet.

Not too far away, Tan Lidou rubbed his neck and slowly stood up.

At this moment, he has an extra weapon in his hand.

"Gashacon passerine bow mode! 』

"Your assistant is not bad, very powerful!"

"It's a pity I didn't see you make a move with my own eyes."

Between words, Tan Lidou took out a cassette in his hand.

"Jet Fighting Replay Cassette"

"But it's not bad to defeat her and then get rid of you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the "Jet Combat Playing Cassette" in Tan Lidou's hand had been inserted into the slot of "Gashacon Passer Bow Mode".

Then, the voice of "Kimewaza! JetCriticalFinosh!" sounded slowly!

The energy of the "Gashacon passerine bow mode" has already been condensed in the energy shooting mouth.

"Accept it!"

"A blow from 'God'!!"


Tan Lidou's self-confidence came from nowhere, he raised his bow and shot!

bang bang bang!

Several rounds of not too large energy missiles with decent power were launched towards Yaz.

Almost instantly, the result was set.

Strangely, several energy missiles did not go straight towards Yaz, but their ballistic trajectories were unpredictable.

For a time, several energy missiles appeared in several different directions at the same time.

Aimed at Yaz and fired it again.


There was a loud bang, and white smoke mixed with the sound of an explosion.

The power of this blow is truly amazing.

However, after slowly waiting for the encounter to dissipate completely, what appeared in front of Tan Lidou was indeed the law of "there is no harm with smoke".

In front of him, Yaz stood there unharmed at all.

As for those energy missiles, at this moment (bfce), there are two more malicious energy being released by Yaz, slowly swallowing them up.

One second!

Two seconds!

After three seconds, the two energy missiles were completely useless.

"The power is good, but for me, it's still a little bit worse."

Yaz slowly raised his hand defiantly, revealing a forefinger.

"Are there any more powerful tricks?"

Immediately, he hooked his hand towards Tan Lidou.

This provocation is full of charm, and it is like pressing the face of "Tanli Dou Shen" to the ground and rubbing frantically.

How can one bear this?


Tan Lidou, who has always been unruly, felt insulted.

"How dare you blaspheme 'God', you have the courage!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tan Lidou took out another cassette.

"Duo Laimi makes rhythm to play cassette"

The difference between the two cassettes is not too big, but the power and attack methods are quite different.

Tan Lidou inserted the "Doramifa Rhythm Playing Cassette" into the slot of "Gashacon Bird Bow Mode" very quickly.

"Prepare to suffer the wrath of 'God'!"

Tan Lidou snorted coldly, and immediately aimed the energy shooting port of the "Gashacon passerine bow mode" at Yaz.

Kimewaza! DoReMiFaCriticalFinish!"

The attack sound sounded slowly.

However, at that moment, the "Gashacon passerine bow mode" in Tan Lidou's hand was slightly deviated.

The next moment, several energy bombs with special jumping trajectories in the shooting port were shot in the direction of Yaz.

But the target is not Yaz!

The moment the energy bomb was launched, the jump trajectory changed.

Almost at the same time, the launch trajectories of those energy bombs suddenly changed.

The target has become Li Wei in the rear!

Just like Fang Cai, several energy bombs were attacking violently!

In an instant, Li Wei's place turned into a piece of scorched earth.

The sofa was completely blown up, and it became a piece of scum!

The sound of the explosion dissipated, and what was heard next was Tan Lidou's wild laughter!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I didn't expect it!"

"My goal is not you, but..."

With that, in the mad laughter, Tan Lidou raised his hand and pointed behind Yaz?


It is probably confirmed that Li Wei has "gone".

Tan Lidou was much less wary.


Just as his laughter faded away.

He didn't realize that there was another person behind him.

But the vigilance of the body reminded him!

Tan Lidou was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized something.

He saw that Yaz didn't have any reaction because Li Wei was "destroyed" by himself

Instead, he looked behind him.

It was at that moment that he finally realized.

Li Wei is not dead!

"Go ahead, Yaz!"

Tan Lidou trembled slightly and heard the voice behind him!

However, in the next moment, in front of him, Yaz had already activated the kill!

After jumping high, the energy condensed by his feet is enough to destroy him thousands of times!


[217] Acquire five items! Malicious kill! Tanli Dou God's billion form! (Please subscribe!)


This is ArkZero-One's kill!

Feeling the death-like threat from Yaz, Tan Lidou had to use all his powers.

However, the moment Yaz and Tan Lidou met, the outcome was already decided.

boom! !

When two energy dreams collide together, one must be completely swallowed by the other.

Or, be crushed!

as it is now.

Even if he tried his best to take Yaz's blow, but...

In the end, Tan Lidou did not succeed in taking over.

Even because of the backlash of energy, Tan Lidou was kicked out more than ten meters!

In the end, after a deafening explosion, he was embarrassed to release his transformation state and returned to his human appearance.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and Tan Lidou's embarrassed appearance appeared in front of Li Wei.

"Yaz, go and bring our 'God' here."

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