“Amaterasu, furniture dirt life…”

As Changqing drank lightly again, various weapons appeared on the six arms of the black giant. These weapons are all made of black fire.

After forming, a strong air flow spread out in all directions with coercive pressure.

“Oh my God.”

Coulson looked at this giant of tens of meters, and was speechless in shock for a while.

Even Thor was confused, you know, it was all the energy body. He didn’t understand why a mortal could possess such a huge amount of energy.


With Evergreen’s whisper, Susanoo grew a little more, and his muscles could clearly feel his blood vessels bursting. Full of power.

This is Susano, a trick that can be embodied. Although he is an energy body, everything gives people a very real feeling. As if there was flesh and blood.

And at this moment, Changqing gave him a soul, that is, Changqing himself.

Although this is the second time I have seen Evergreen look like this. But Tony was still shocked. Susano’s impact was too great.

It was as if back a few days ago, Changqing wielded the Black Flame Weapon and lost more than two dozen robots in an instant.

“Next, let’s see how much skill you have in this iron frame.”

And Loki on the throne is a little weak at the moment, growing up in Asgard, he knows very well that it is impossible to control the Destroyer by his ability alone, and if it were not for holding Odin’s Eternal Spear, he would not even be able to see the Destroyer.

Just when Loki was stunned, Changqing made a move.

The bow and arrow condensed with the earth life were pulled apart by the hands of the evergreen black Susanoo on his chest.

The tip of the arrow is pointed straight at the destroyer. A black energy converged on the tip of the arrow. It’s getting thicker.

At the same moment, the mask of the destroyer also opened, and a dark red energy inside was also gathering at an extremely fast speed.

Both were accumulating and both wanted to kill each other with one blow.

The pupil power of the evergreen writing wheel eye was constantly consumed, and the vision began to blur, even if the venom was constantly helping the evergreen treatment, but the consumption was obviously faster than the speed of treatment.

“Master, my abilities are constantly being consumed. I can’t hold it anymore…”

A husky voice sounded in the evergreen.

“Hold on a little longer, Venom. This blow must be divided into victory and defeat.

Changqing’s childish face was cold at the moment.

“Enough, enough already, Loki, don’t you just want my life? Stop, if my life can make your heart comfortable, then you will take it. ”

Just when Changqing himself was about to lose his support, Thor suddenly ran to the center of the battlefield to face the destroyer. Open your arms and look ready to die.

“Hear me, Loki, kill me, no one will take the throne with you, you are the only heir to the throne in Asgard. I just want you to let this group go. Did you hear that? Loki ”

Thor’s voice was full of grief and indignation, unwillingness. For a moment, Loki on the throne fell into deep thought.

Subsequently, the condensed power in the Destroyer’s mask slowly dissipated. The mask was recovered.

Seeing this scene, Changqing also put down the black flame bow and arrow in his hand. It was just put down, but Susano’s fingers were still tightly on the tail of the arrow.

“Thor, don’t, danger, get out of there…”

In the distance, Jane watched as Thor blocked the destroyer alone, and rushed over regardless of everything.

“Jane, come back quickly, don’t go over…”

Dr. Eric and her female assistant Daisy did not expect that Jane would rush over. I could only shout loudly from the sidelines.

But at this moment, Jane will listen to them, in the past few days with Thor, Jane has been deeply captured by Thor, a tall and powerful Thor, who is usually very good at committing two crimes.

The situation is changing rapidly, wave after wave, and the hearts of all those present are about to raise their throats, thinking that it is a collision of forces and forces. Unexpectedly, it has now evolved into voluntary death.

Thor’s words seemed to touch Loki’s heart, and he saw the destroyer slowly turn around. Seems ready to leave.

But is that really the case?

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief for Thor, Loki’s pensive face on the throne suddenly smiled evilly.

The Destroyer’s steps forward suddenly paused, turned his head, and before everyone could react, the mask opened, and a ray of light shot out, and the target was actually Jane, who was running towards Thor.


Time seemed to be forbidden, and everyone was stunned, especially when Thor roared and shouted the word “no”, everyone could hear the despair and powerlessness in his words.

Looking at Jane’s figure running towards him and the worry on his face, Thor could only feel his weakness. At this moment, Thor’s heart was full of hatred. He desperately wanted strength.

“You’re looking for death…”

Of course, there is another person who has not let his guard down. That’s evergreen. Changqing knows too well what kind of person Loki is, and Loki in the plot can even kill his own father for the throne of Asgard, let alone this stupid brother who is not related to him.

It’s just that Changqing didn’t expect that Loki would actually be so despicable and make a move on an ordinary person who had no power to resist.

It is precisely because Loki has been jealous of Thor since he was a child, he will always live under Thor’s aura, and everything about Thor is not available to him. I can only secretly watch from the sidelines.

The same are princes, but why is Thor so good. Odin’s serious heir, the strongest warrior in the hearts of the people. He was also given the god Mirniel.

So what Loki hates the most is Thor, who has never had a chance before, and now that he has the opportunity, he wants to torture Thor, make him fall into infinite pain, until he collapses, and finally kills him with his own hands.

The old trick of Changqing repeated itself, the black flame arrow in his hand had already come out of the string the moment the destroyer turned around, and at the same time, the left eye turned, and the long-distance “Shenwei” was used, and a spatial vortex appeared beside Jane. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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