“Mr. Wesley. You know, we all have our own goals. We guard the invasion from the multiverse and the other dimension. Non-natural disasters. If the earth is destroyed due to an alien invasion, we can’t plug in, because we are mages, and the universe has cosmic rules. ”

Changqing looked at Gu Yi with a confused expression, and nodded as if he understood something.

“But you are different, Mr. Wesley, your power comes from your eyes, your power is diverse, and you can achieve great things with only physical exertion. You can also learn magic if you’re interested, and that’s what you’re missing right now. Of course, even if you don’t learn magic, this thing is still very useful for you. ”

As Gu Yi spoke, he took a yellowed ancient book from Wang and solemnly handed it to Changqing.

Changqing took this ancient book. I saw that the word “meditation” was written on it. A little puzzled looked at Gu Yi.

“Ancient Mage, this book was given to me?”

“That’s right, this book will help you a lot. Take it back and take a closer look. There’s what you need on it. ”

Furuichi said with a smile.

Changqing solemnly took the book in Gu Yi’s hand, only feeling that a little fluctuation could be faintly felt on the yellowed book, but it was not so obvious.

“Well, Mr. Wesley, I don’t have anything to help you, you go back.”

After Gu Yi finished speaking, with a random swipe with one hand, a spark portal appeared.

Changqing arched his hand at Gu Yi and solemnly said “thank you”. Then he walked into the portal.

When he reappeared, Changqing had returned to the London Temple, and after greeting Mordo again, Changqing returned to the hotel. And I started flipping through this meditation book.

As the name suggests, this is actually a book dedicated to improving mental power, but this is only the most basic entry level. But if you underestimate it because he is an entry-level, then you are very wrong.

Changqing tried many times, but he was not able to find the state where he could feel a little starlight around him when he closed his eyes.

Perceiving the presence of spiritual elements, this is the beginning of this book. But for a whole night, Changqing didn’t touch the doorway at all, and Changqing even wondered if he was different from the people in this universe because he was a traverser.

Changqing’s spiritual power was constantly consumed, and in the end, he actually fell asleep directly because he was too tired. I have to say that exercising mental power is really not an overnight thing.

What Changqing’s ability needs to be activated is that in the past, Changqing was radically thinking that as long as his physical strength was strong enough, his strength would inevitably be strong.

This idea is actually not wrong, Changqing’s strength is indeed strong, it is only a quantitative change, and the real strength is to cause qualitative change.

For example, the evergreen monthly reading can be easily cast for people with weak minds, but for the kind of people with strong wills and strong minds, the evergreen monthly reading will have no effect.

Many of the reasons why Changqing can use monthly reading now is because Changqing has not met someone with real spiritual power. For example, Gu Yi, or his disciple Mordo, Wang ··· And so on…

I believe that Changqing’s monthly reading will also be easily cracked by them.

And Changqing believes that if the other gods used against Loki were not scared at that time, Changqing might not have been able to succeed. After all, Loki at that time did not use the scepter in his hand, the Mind Gem.

Therefore, Changqing is now eager to improve his spiritual power, only spiritual power and strength have reached the same height, in that way, Changqing’s strength will be raised again by an unknown number of grades.

The next day, early in the morning. Changqing was woken up by a sharp knock on the door.

“Who?” After practicing for a while, the evergreen head was extremely painful.

“Mr. Wesley, I don’t know how, now there are many people named Wanda in the hotel lobby, all saying that they want to find you. The security guards can’t stop it, see if you go down in person…”

When Changqing heard this, he was instantly a little confused. What do many people named Wanda call? Changqing looked downstairs through the window. For a while, his face changed.

I saw that below the hotel, there were a sea of people, all holding newspapers and shouting about Wanda’s whereabouts, and some people said that they were Wanda.

Changqing didn’t expect that he would just want a newspaper headline today to publish a search notice, and actually caused such a storm.

Looking at this situation, even if Wanda was really in the crowd, Changqing would not be able to find her out at once.

At this time, Changqing was eager to strengthen his spiritual power, and if Gu Yi was here, with his powerful spiritual power, he would be able to get the results he wanted.

Causing such trouble, Changqing didn’t know how to end for a while. Just when Changqing was in trouble. A spaceship from outer space breaks all that.

“Ahhh Ahh Run…”

“Gamma, what is that?”

“The aliens are here again, everyone run…”


I saw a huge space battleship suddenly appear in the city, the battleship was in the shape of a sword, black, and occasionally red light flowed on it.

The straight ones rushed all the way over, and many people who did not have time to run were crushed by the merciless battleship.

At the same time, above the location where the battleship landed, a hole like a portal of the New York incident suddenly appeared, and on the other side of the hole, another world appeared.

After the spacecraft stopped, an alien dressed with strange clothes and pointy-eared disembarked from the spaceship. He is the king of the dark elves, “Malekis”. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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