This discovery shocked Changqing, if only with strength, Changqing would not be able to shake Susanoo even if he stood and let Man-sama attack for a lifetime.

However, Mandarin, who had aura, was completely different, and actually punched Susanoo out of a crack with two punches. This is not because of how powerful Mandarin is, but because the aura is too powerful. It can destroy the evergreen energy body.

The surprised Changqing knew that he could not continue like this, and passive beating was not his style. So Susanoo flared the wings on his back and flew upwards. Finally flew out of that dark zone.

When Changqing gained sight again, he was already in mid-air, but Mandarin was also in mid-air at this time, and his feet were supported by a whirlwind, continuing to hit Susano’s chest.

“The tiger is not powerful, you and I are a sick cat? Amaterasu, ···”

I saw a stream of blood left in Changqing’s eyes, and then where his eyes could see, black flames suddenly appeared on Mandarin’s fist.

Faced with the sudden black flame and feeling the severe pain in his hand, Mandarin had to stop attacking.

Do everything possible to extinguish that black flame. But the black flame was like a tarsal maggot, constantly burning. No matter how the Lord Man blows it with the wind or uses the freezing ray, it can’t be extinguished.

In the end, I saw that Lord Man’s heart was crossed, and a breath of anger wrapped Hei Yan away from his fist. Then both Hei Yan and Qiqi disappeared into heaven and earth.

Lord Man looked at the disappearing anger with a pained face, and his heart was extremely angry.

The Spiritual Qi of the Mandarin is limited, and every time the Aura that is shot out can be withdrawn by the Mandarin with special exercises, after all, there is no Aura in this heaven and earth.

However, this time it was different, in order to keep his fist. The aura that evolved into the aura and the black flame were intertwined. This also means that Mandarin can no longer recycle this anger, and can only give up.

Evergreen seems to have noticed this as well. An evil smile appeared on his face. It turns out that Mandarin is not without flaws.


Despite the pain in his eyes, Evergreen used Amaterasu again. Another black fire appeared on Mandarin’s fist.

Lord Man looked at the black flame burning on his fist and blocked by the aura with a stunned expression. The mentality is about to explode. This endless black flame has become a nightmare for adults at this moment.

Once again, the unavoidable Lord Man lost some of his spiritual energy in pain. Although there is a lot of spiritual power in Mandarin, such consumption is still unbearable.


Changqing’s demon-like voice.

Man Da was in a hurry, and he didn’t care about his manners, controlled the hurricane under his feet, and quickly flew to the side.

I don’t know how far I ran, I fixed my body, and the adults subconsciously looked at their fists, and this time they were not stained with black fire.

Looking back at the position he was just in, a black fire was slowly extinguished. Lord Man looked confused, and then ecstatic.

It turns out that although Amaterasu can appear out of thin air as far as the eye can see, there are also drawbacks here.

That is a place where the eyes must focus, in layman’s terms, a part that is stared at deadly. All the pupil power is concentrated in this piece, and then black inflammation is formed.

This requires a process, although this process is very short, but as long as you leave the point of focus in the process, then the black flame will not burn you.

Lord Manchu hit by mistake, and the hasty escape actually saved him again. In fact, this is not for everyone, but because the speed of Mandarin is really too fast.

“It seems that your trick is almost useless for me.”

Man was pleasantly surprised and filled with endless anger, a king, almost burned by the flames. This made Mandarin feel insulted.

On the ring finger of the right hand, a golden beam of light shot towards the evergreen Susanoo with an incomparably sharp aura.

This is the most destructive trick of Mandarin, cutting the beam of light, which can destroy the molecules and links between the elements of all matter. In other words, it can easily cut Susanoo apart, after all, Susanoo is only an energy body, but also a material manifestation.

Changqing felt the sharp light, his eyebrows kept beating, and his heart began to feel uneasy.

Intuition told Changqing that he must not be touched by this beam.

Then, Changqing immediately fluttered his wings and dodged left and right in the sky, trying to dodge this beam.

However, the target was too big, and the speed of the golden beam was too fast. Or was a wing cut off.

Susano, who had lost a wing, fell straight from the sky. Fell to the ground and crushed the entire White House.

At this time, the golden beam had also been consumed.

The hurricane lifted the man to land slowly on the ground, looking straight at the dust that was raised. Then Lord Man waved his hand casually, and the ring on the middle finger of his right hand lit up, and a hurricane blew away the smoke and dust in the sky. The true face inside is revealed.

I saw that the evergreen Susanoo had disappeared. The destructive cutting beam not only cut off the wings, but also the cutting force that constantly eroded Susano.

As a last resort, Evergreen could only disperse Susano.

In fact, Changqing didn’t think about using the power of the power gem to kill the Mandarin with one blow, but the speed of the Mandarin is too fast, if you use the power of the power gem, if you don’t pay attention to the surface of the earth, the consequences are unimaginable.

Also, power gems can only be used in the state of Susano. Because Changqing has not yet found anyone who can use that gem by his own flesh. _

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