Several soldiers tentatively began to attack Wanda, and finally, when a soldier punched Wanda, Wanda’s transcription seal was launched, and a huge fireball directly burned several soldiers in front of him into char.

Wanda was also frightened by this sudden scene, and the energy of her body poured out uncontrollably, which led to the current scene.


Suddenly, a loud noise came, and the entire underground base began to shake.

“Something happened.”

Strack yelled angrily at the communication device.

“Chief, there is… There is one·· Monsters, destroying mountain after mountain on the ground, will soon hit us. ”

A Hydra member in charge of monitoring the outside world said in fear.


Strack felt a palpable pang in his heart, and a wave of uneasiness filled his body. A pair of scarlet pupils kept appearing in his mind, lingering.

“Guess who it would be? Strack, hehe, if I’m guessing right, it should be Evergreen. How long can you keep us locked up? ”

Pietro looked at Strack with a playful look, he had a strong feeling that this movement was made by Changqing. Although Pietro now has a knack for it, he doesn’t have any gratitude to Strack. Instead, Pietro was tempted to take him down himself.

And after Wanda heard Changqing’s name, the whole person was shocked, and the uncontrolled red energy around her body actually miraculously returned to Wanda’s body.

“Is it really him? Did he come to save us? ”

Wanda muttered, her eyes instantly reddened.

These days are completely restricted freedom, staying in this dark underground, Wanda is about to collapse, but every time she thinks of Changqing, thinks of those scarlet eyes, Wanda will have an expectation.

It is this expectation that has sustained Wanda. And now, that expectation seems to have paid off.

Strack didn’t have time to pay attention to Pietro now, but walked straight to the surveillance screen.

In the picture, a black energy body giant with a height of tens of meters burst an entire mountain with a punch, seemingly looking for something.

Seeing this, Strack’s whole hands and feet were cold, who was it not Changqing. This form of evergreen has appeared in his dreams countless times. And today, his dream came true.

On the ground, the place that Changqing sensed was here, but there were only continuous mountains here, and there was no base in sight.

Changqing also knew that the base must be hidden, and in a fit of anger, he destroyed all the peaks here.

“Hey, I said Changqing, you’re making a little too much noise like this, what did you find?”

Just then, Tony also arrived. He looked at Changqing with a puzzled expression.

“Hydra’s base, it should be around here.”

“Is it? Jarvis, thermography scans this entire area. ”

“Scan? How did I forget about this. ”

Changqing patted his head, put away Susano, fell to the ground, and a spiritual power dispersed in all directions. Because Changqing was too worried about Wanda’s safety, he completely left the fact that he had spiritual power behind.

“It seems that you are right, the snake cave you have been looking for is here.”

Tony pointed his hand to a mountain in front of him.

And Changqing had also sensed the structure of metal buildings under the mountain peak at this moment.

“Sure enough, it was a snake cave, and it was actually buried in the ground. Wanda, wait for me… I’m coming. ”

Subsequently, Changqing exuded spiritual power and easily found the entrance to the base.

In the middle of the mountain, a large metal plate resembling the lid of a waterway lies across the ground.

Tony stretched out his right hand, and a laser ray easily cut the entire metal plate. Revealing a bottomless black hole. Like a devil’s giant mouth, it wants to choose people to eat.

Just as Changqing was about to jump, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded below.

Looking closely, it turned out that an elevator was slowly rising.

The elevator door slowly opened, and two people came out of it, it turned out to be Wanda who Changqing was thinking about, and Pietro.


As soon as the elevator door opened, Wanda shouted and rushed into Changqing’s arms. Surprise mixed with grievances.


Even a man like Changqing couldn’t help but have a little sour eyes at the moment.

It turned out that Strack knew that his base had been exposed, and if he waited for Changqing to come to the door himself, he would only die. There is no suspense in this.

Therefore, Tracko simply released Wanda and Pietro, which can also be counted as buying himself a little time to escape. He didn’t think Changqing would let him go.

Just when Evergreen and Wanda were immersed in the joy of reunion. On the other side of the mountain, a helicopter has taken off.

On board the plane was none other than Strack carrying Loki’s scepter. He didn’t know that all his movements had long been in Changqing’s perception.

“Wanda, you guys go out first, wait for me for a while. I have something to work out. ”

After Changqing finished speaking, endless killing intent erupted in his eyes.

Looking at the base that was fading away, Strack’s hanging heart also slowly fell.

“Oh my God, Chief, front, front… Look…”

A pilot seems to see what scares him the most in his life. It’s not good to speak.

Strack just dropped his heart crunched.

Turning his head with difficulty and looking ahead, he saw a black energy body giant in mid-air flapping his wings and waiting quietly.

“It’s over, I didn’t expect it to be over…”

This was the last thought on Strack’s mind in his life. Then a huge black palm pressed towards here. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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