

Taibai's voice also sounded on Qi Jun's group of five.

Qi Jun has Taibai's communicator, and naturally others also have it.


Hulk asked "Are we going to smash their headquarters?"

Hulk was a little gloomy when he heard Qi Jun say that the defense of Star Colin had been paralyzed. Hulk, who had the knowledge of a monk in the Earth University, naturally understood that once the defense of Star Colin had been paralyzed, the so-called come to find him. The troublesome army is naturally impossible to come again.

The defense system was paralyzed, and his internal panic was too late to calm down, so how could he have time to come to their troubles! However, when he heard Qi Jun asked Taibai to project a virtual route, Hulk became high-spirited again.

Sure enough, compared to smashing each other with the steel army, or smashing other people's base camp headquarters, it seems more fulfilling! ...... "Of course!"

Qi Jun laughed, "It's a matter, but we're not afraid of it."

"Since they are looking for trouble for us, then we won't passively fight back!"

"This universe, in the final analysis, still makes sense with fists!"

Qi Jun had obviously forgotten.

What Muir Stern said, this battle came from Hulk's spit.

Of course, in Qi Jun's view, this is completely... an inexplicable thing, Qi Jun will not think it is their side's fault.

Isn't it just a mouthful of spit, and it didn't spit on anyone's face. The purification column can be purified, because Mao wants to get along with us. In Qi Jun's opinion, this is the Sovereigns targeting his subordinates! Although Hulk It looks a little fierce, but the Hulk is really a good baby.

When building the Dream, and protecting Samuel Stern, the Hulk did a great job.

Obviously Hulk is a good boy, but you Sovereigns want to target him, then it must be... Sovereigns can't get along with us! This is a problem! It needs to be cured! ...... .........."Sir, Colin Star's defense system has been paralyzed, and the communication system has been paralyzed."

Taibai's voice quickly sounded, "According to the data search, the location navigation of the current leader of the Sovereign tribe, High Priest Ayeza, is open."

The Transformers Taibai, who has completed the super-evolution, has nothing that he can't do in the place covered by the cosmic star network. As he spoke, a virtual route guidance of real-time projection appeared in front of the five people 5.

"Nice job!"

Qi Jun smiled and gave a thumbs up, expressing his affirmation of Taibai! "Let's go!"

Qi Jun said to the Sky Four 4, "Go and see what kind of race this wonderful ethnic group is ranked in the top five in the universe!"

In fact, after making such a noise for a long time, not a single 'golden man' of the Sovereign clan has seen it, Qi Jun is still a little depressed, how much he looks down on my famous Master Qi Jun!" gentlemen"

Taibai suddenly said again, "Just discovered through the invasion of the Sovereign data database"

"The Sovereign seems to be cultivating a super biochemical warrior who can reach the power of the heavenly father"

"Furthermore, in the top secret of the Sovereign information database, there seems to be a clue that there is some connection with a cosmic elder."


Qi Jun raised his eyebrows, "With the support of this so-called elder of the universe, this Sovereign will become: so self-righteous"

"That's what they're up to"

To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter [-]: The Artificial Adam

Chapter 15:: Lah! Sahua Sahua Thank you [[-],,] for your brother's monthly support! "Universe Elder"

"Bionic Warrior"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it is indeed the top five in the known universe, and it is an existence that can not be wiped out."

Hearing Tai Bai's words, Qi Jun couldn't help shaking his head, "However, there are not too many surprises."

"That... The so-called biochemical warriors who can reach the heavenly father level are most likely... that magician Adam."

Qi Jun muttered to himself.

"Yes, sir."

Although Qi Jun was muttering, he was still heard by Taibai, who was on the other side of the receiver. "According to the index, the secret information hidden in the deepest part of the Sovereign tribe shows that this biochemical warrior who is expected to develop to the heavenly father-level combat power. , was named Adam!"

"What are his abilities"

Not caring about Taibai's answer, Qi Jun thought about it and asked.

Before the time travel, because of Silver Protector II 2, Qi Jun paid attention to and searched for information about the magician Adam, but all he knew was the ability of the comic version.

In this movie universe, Qi Jun is still quite curious about what kind of abilities Adam the Magician can have.

"According to the secret records of the Sovereign clan, the artificial human Adam was created with the highest technology of the Sovereign clan's biological vibration gold technology. Only in terms of physical strength, it surpasses all known universes below the strength of the Heavenly Father. biology!"

"The artificial human Adam will have a super body, super resilience, super brain, super intelligence, and is called the 'most perfect' existence by the Sovereign."

"Also, the Sovereigns have fused and implanted a variety of extremely powerful superpower genes in the known universe in the body of the artificial man Adam."

"Therefore, the artificial human Adam has many magical abilities, can fly against gravity, can absorb all kinds of radiation, can fly in the universe with only the body, can absorb all kinds of energy, and can also emit energy!"

"In addition, according to the data records, the transformation of the artificial human Adam by the Weilin people finally has a gene of space ability being fused."

"These..., are... abilities known from the data."

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