"The speed of this big fireball is so fast, dozens of times faster than the collision between the two sides!"



Boom!!! The moment the 'big fireball' hit the shield of the Templar, a huge cloud rose up. Ghosts know how to rise in the universe. The aliens who watched the virtual projection live on the universe star network are even more so. Shocked by this spectacular, 'immersive' picture, my whole body trembled, but...



"As expected, it is the ultimate killer of the 'Fire Demon Hunter'!"

"This huge 'super fireball' finally blew up the protective cover of the Templar battleship of 'Titan Star Lord Thanos' for the first time!"

"not good!"

"The shield of the Temple is automatically restored!"


"The 'Fire Demon Hunter' efforts were in vain!"

The war correspondent looked pitiful, as if he himself seemed to be one of the attacking parties.

Even Qi Jun, who was watching the battlefield from a distance, couldn't help but glance at him, but there was a live broadcast of the Universe Star Network in the command room.

It's a pity that Qi Jun didn't have any interest in... this kind of radiant alien, and he stopped paying attention after a glance.

When you get along with this guy, aren't you afraid that you will be polluted by light all the time? "

"There are only zero and countless times to break the shield!"

"As long as you have the first time, you can break it at any time later!"

"As long as the 'Fire Demon Hunter' grasps the opportunity and creates good opportunities for his teammates, his teammates will no longer have an extravagant hope to break into the Temple!"

Although Qi Jun no longer pays attention, this guy's voice still keeps coming, so you can't even hear it.

"not good!"

"Camera, quickly turn up the screen, everyone, look, our 'fire demon hunter' seems to be a little sluggish"

"Isn't that... the ultimate killer, 'Fire Demon Hunter' can't be used a few times?"


"If this is the case, then this battle, at present, it seems that no other turning point has been found."

The reporter's unfortunate sample paper almost made Qi Jun think that it was invited by Taibai. To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter [-] Qi Jun shot?

Skye and the others are ignorant of... those reports from the interstellar battlefield reporters who are on the scene.

Although the mental power communication system is famous, it is actually very limited, and it can't monitor the news on the cosmos star network.

You must know that the Cosmic Star Network can connect all places within the known range of the entire Marvel Universe to the Internet in real time at any time, which is not something that ordinary black technology can do.

The cosmic star network is jointly created by all the top scientists in the universe, and it uses a communication system called 'space particles'. It can be said that as long as it is still there: the same universe, no matter where you are, as long as you can A device that accepts 'space particles' will be able to connect to the cosmic star network.

There is no way to send people to any corner of the universe at any time. Is it not enough to send a message-Marvel Cosmic Scientist Group Xuan! Ahem, far too far...... ......Don't say that Bruce Banner and others don't know about the cosmic star network.

Similarly, as the other side of the warring parties, Thanos is also unaware.

Although Thanos has been staying in his battleship Templar after being 'abused' by 'Kite' before.

But Thanos doesn't have the habit of those in the Nova Corps command center. During the battle, he has to log in to the Universe Star Network to watch the 'news' Well, in fact, the operation of linking the Universe Star Network in the combat command center, except... ......Skye and others, then there can be no others.

As a Nova Empire that has at least been known in the universe for thousands of years, the Nova Corps has no such rules.

................. Neither side of the war knows Cosmic Star.

'Lively' can naturally make both parties highly concentrated.

To tell the truth, when Bruce's fire demon hunter Banner's 'surgical flare bombing' smashed the Temple's rain cover with one blow, Thanos was shocked.

However, as the Titan Star Master, he has the experience of fighting all the year round, and he was shocked. At least from the surface, Thanos didn't react at all.

Of course, except... Thanos just used the Mind Gem to activate a new layer of energy shield.

Except... When attacking Skye and others, Thanos would not waste energy to put a protective cover on the Temple, you must know that the Temple itself has a protective cover. Is it good or not? The tyrant is reluctant to give up that little energy, the mind gem is one of the infinite gems, and the infinite energy is standard! The reason why Thanos only gives the Temple a shield during the war is because he always gives one The battleship shield doesn't look stupid! Even if the Mind Stone can supply energy all the time, Thanos has to control it to supply energy all the time. Don't you get tired? You know, Thanos is not... Qi Jun, he has completely controlled the Infinity Stones.

Thanos can use:, it can only be regarded as mastering the use method, but Qi Jun's kind of...can directly set the rules to make the infinite gems last forever, Thanos can't do it.

If he can do it, it can't be just a heavenly father.

If he could control the Infinity Stones, Thanos would have already advanced to the single-universe level of strength.

Even if you didn't cultivate it yourself, the continuous feedback after controlling the Infinity Gems has already pushed the controller to the single-universe level...... ..."Hey"

"It seems that I still have to make a move."

'Look' when Thanos activated the Mind Stone, Qi Jun couldn't help shaking his head.

Don't look at Bruce Banner's Forbidden Spell that instantly exploded the shield of the Temple, and it even took a while... to recover.

But after wearing the Mind Stone shield, let alone one Bruce Banner, even if they all add up, they can't break it. Even if they break five, they will be repaired in an instant, meaningless.

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