Disappointed, he put the palm-sized notebook back in his pocket, Qi Jun shook his head and returned to the container where the super-killer was hiding.

Qi Jun decided to observe it again, if the value is not great, forget it.

In fact, Qi Jun didn't think in his heart how strong the ninjas in the Hand Association could be.

Otherwise, the Hand Society would not have to be afraid of a mere 'ordinary person' gold merger.

Even if there are many capital forces behind the Jin Binggang, if Mrs. Gao and other five Kunlun traitors are really strong enough, how can they care about a mere Jin Bing, and how can they act on the face of capital?

Of course, if these guys don't have the value of using it alive, then the value of recycling is not low!

Counting them carefully, there are almost [-] people in Jin and Gang and Hand Union.

What's more, there are dozens of 'suspected mercenaries' who are well-equipped and armed to the teeth!

So many people, even if only half of them lost their lives here, for Qi Jun, it is [-]% profiteering!

This is simply 'really stealing money'!


In fact, when he saw that these guys were trading 'washing powder', Qi Jun wasn't going to let them go.

Because, Qi Jun is very clear, how huge the harm of washing powder is!

If you don't know, that's all, even, if you don't have the power, that's all.

But now with the golden finger-[mutant gem] in his hand, he has the ability to master firearms that ordinary people can't have.

According to Qi Jun's three views, when he has the ability, he is absolutely not allowed to trade 'washing powder' in front of his eyes, and he doesn't even ask.

Of course, Qi Jun wouldn't be foolish enough to do it alone.

As a high-level life with wisdom, those who don't use the tools in their hands, or even within their reach, are rubbish!

Is Qi Jun trash?

Obviously not!

Qi Jun uses actions to express what it means to make the best use of everything!

Qi Jun directly used all the detonators and explosives brought by the 'suspected mercenary' team to wrap up the entire pier!

Anyone who participated in this transaction should not try to escape!

Think about it, full of expectations!

Qi Jun: Me!To recycle all!

I!Qi Jun!Get rich overnight!

Chapter [-] I don't even know how thick my black braised egg is!

In order to completely leave the group of fellows who joined hands with Jin.

Qi Jun, quietly running around the pier again, checked all the detonators and explosives that were originally buried.

As for how did Qi Jun assemble explosives?Naturally, it was included in the 'Firearms Proficiency Skill Book'.Although it was only a few things that Big Daddy taught by the way when he taught the principles of super-killing firearms and gunpowder, these memories were enough for Qi Jun to use.

Even, in order to completely stabilize the victory, Qi Jun spent the few remaining energy extravagantly to realize several remote-controlled detonators controlled by Qi Jun's thoughts.


During the second inspection and the addition of detonators and explosives, Qi Junxin found a bunch of containers full of crude oil!

On the outer skin of the container, the words "sports material" are clearly printed?

Obviously, the crude oil in this pile of containers was also smuggled, but I don't know, who is the owner of these crude oil?Why put this crude oil here?

Of course, Qi Jun didn't care about this at all, and even wanted to kill someone. . .

This discovery can be said to frighten Qi Jun a lot.

Qi Jun, who thought he had a golden finger, would become prosperous in this world in the future.But he didn't expect that any ordinary place could very possibly become the place of his death.

If it wasn't for Qi Jun's careful inspection in the dock this time and smelling these pungent odors, Qi Jun might not know how he died.

With the information passed to Qi Jun by Qi Jun's golden finger [mutated gem], the passive effect of [mutated gem] will not revive Qi Jun who has been slag to Momo.

What's more, if one of these containers containing crude oil is accidentally affected, let alone Momo, Qi Jun won't even be left with ashes!

But because of this, Qi Jun had a bolder idea!


Of course, while Qi Jun was checking his traps, Qi Jun also discovered that those 'suspected mercenaries' had all quietly found out from the previously hidden dark places.

Qi Jun, who followed behind them, naturally discovered the strong military literacy of these guys.

The whole process is silent, no one speaks, and the walk is silent, and the whole process is guided by gestures.

Soon, a group of people dispersed, each sneaking away towards their respective destinations.

Obviously, these guys have already been familiar with and remembered the location of the pier.


Very happy to follow behind some of the mercenaries, without the slightest pressure to recover the gold and help members whose necks were silently erased by them.

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