



The energy absorption is still a tenfold surge!

Even before a breath is over, the energy point absorbed has already exceeded the upper limit of the first absorption.

And, without stopping, quickly climbed to a higher peak!


In the fire scene, because of Qi Jun's absorption this time, a more violent fire suddenly broke out!

The flames, which were already soaring into the sky, jumped more than ten meters high again outrageously!

The crackling sound of the burning objects made the fire and rescue personnel who arrived at the first time and started to fight the fire fled far away in fright.

But then, everyone found that even if they escaped to the original isolation zone, they could still feel the huge heat and wave after wave of heat waves.

In less than ten seconds, the surrounding people felt their skin was being burned.

The huge sympathy made the surrounding melon eaters dare not continue to watch, and hurriedly turned around and fled, for fear that they would be roasted in place one second later.

Even those who were originally fire rescuers fled quickly with the crowd, wishing they could come out with a few more legs.


The commotion over the isolation belt didn't attract Qi Jun's attention.

Because, Qi Jun discovered, his current spirit?Or mental power?It can actually be attached to the energy diffused by the [mutated gem].

Although he couldn't change anything, Qi Jun seemed to have turned on his brain radar, as if he had learned to be domineering. Wherever the energy of the [mutated gem] passed, there was nothing to hide!

Qi Jun naturally discovered the change in the fire scene.

Even Qi Jun knew why!

Because, this is the result of the [mutated gem] power swept away!

Qi Jun's mind gave the order of energy absorption, and the [mutated gem] will naturally be executed.

But the energy intensity of the fire field itself is not enough to meet the limit that Qi Jun's body can withstand after the second strengthening.

Therefore, while the power of the [mutated gem] is absorbing the fire energy of the fire field, it is also catalyzing the rapid combustion of those burning objects!

Qi Jun clearly 'sees' all the burning objects swept away by the power of the [mutated gem], and the burning speed is as if the super fast-forward button was pressed!

A mass of crude oil about the size of a motorcycle can normally be burned for at least half an hour, right?

But what about now?Qi Jun clearly 'saw' that he was burned in a minute? ? ? 0.0

The consequence, of course, is that the fire has skyrocketed violently, and even broke through the power envelope of the [mutated gem] for a time, and went out towards the surrounding spokes.


Just terrified!

Even Qi Jun himself never thought that the [mutated gem] would make such a catalytic method.

The cause is only Qi Jun himself, wanting to quickly and massively absorb energy, that's all!

The first time he absorbed fire energy, Qi Jun belonged to the weak side.

The second time he absorbed fire energy, Qi Jun belonged to the equal side.

The third time to absorb fire energy, Qi Jun belongs to the powerful side.

The burning of the fire on the fire cannot keep up with the absorption of fire energy, so naturally another means is needed to catalyze the combustion.

Although there will inevitably be losses, whocare? !


That's right, to drive the [mutated gem] to actively absorb energy, it only requires a movement of the mind.

Whatever Qi Jun thinks in his mind, the [mutated gem] will naturally respond accordingly.

However, Qi Jun did not expect that this kind of response would be so scary!


Qi Jun said: I like it!




At the same time, far away in the command hall of the Sanquyi headquarters building, the super-reaction alarm sounded again!

"what happened?"

Before the alarm sounded off, Nick Fury, with his face black again, appeared in the command hall.

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