It was not until he actually met Hulk that Qi Jun realized that it was too easy to solve Hulk's problem, or to solve Bruce Banner's problem!

In particular, in this matter, Hulk's second personality is actually very weak. Using dark soul magic, it is easy to separate the main personality Bruce Banner and the secondary personality Hulk.

Just find another body and integrate the separated personality soul into it, and then Bruce Banner is Bruce Banner, and then Hulk is just Hulk!

And what Qi Jun wants is exactly this state.

As a scientist, Bruce Banner is a super genius, and his seven doctoral degrees are not fake!

As a combat unit, Hulk can perfectly perform various tasks issued by Qi Jun, and this guy also has the attribute of an indestructible cockroach. The more angry he is, the stronger he is. It's perfect!

Therefore, Qi Jun will send the second-transformed Hulk to General Ross's team with one punch.

Firstly, it can deter this marginal general who has lost his power, and secondly, it can also let Hulk vent his anger, making it easier for Qi Jun's plan to be carried out smoothly.

Of course, there is also Emil Brunsky, who, as a guy who can carry the blood of the Hulk, is also a powerful fighter and thug!

S.C.P.If a group wants to be famous throughout the universe, the more talents the better!

Qi Jun even has the idea of absorbing Doctor Doom and the Fantastic Four.

That's right, when Qi Jun asked Taibai to collect information on the earth, he collected the information of these five guys.

However, at this time, these five people have not been to space, have not been irradiated by cosmic ray energy, and have not become the so-called Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom.

However, Qi Jun has checked the information and found that the private space station of Doctor Doom's company has just been built, and he will soon go to space with the other four people to conduct experiments.

Of course, Qi Jun's target is more Mr. Fantastic and Doctor Doom. Qi Jun values their abilities more, not only their strength, but also the fact that these two people are scientists! Scientists in the Marvel world are a group of people with magical abilities!

What's more, in addition to Doom and the Fantastic Four, Qi Jun also found a group company called"Life Foundation" in Taibai's information, and the boss of this company is called"Carlton Drake"! What does this represent? Venom! And Venom's family! You know, there are only four symbiotes brought back to Earth by the Life Foundation, and there are more than three million symbiote tribes in the asteroid belt in space!

For Qi Jun, this really represents a force that he can control! An extremely huge force!

Symbiotes need to parasitize? No problem! The biochemical manufacturing center, the Red Alert-like barracks, as many as you want!

Symbiotes are difficult to control? You are kidding! Xisong's dark soul magic will control you forever!

If you are worried that Xisong's dark soul magic will leave a backdoor? Easy! [Mutated Gem] Learn about it? It only costs a little energy and modifies the rules.

A huge interstellar force that can be completely controlled by Qi Jun is right in front of you!

Three million super-powered legions! It's exciting to think about it!

But! The information found by Taibai shows that the Life Foundation, a group company, has just built the first spaceship that can fly in space, er, it should be said that it is a space travel plane! No! It can't even be called the universe, because this thing can only go back and forth between the asteroid belt and the earth at most, and it can't even leave the solar system! It can only be called a space shuttle!

In fact, before, after Qi Jun adapted to the"perfect superhuman bloodline", he went to the asteroid belt in person according to the target direction set in the"Life Foundation" to search carefully. It's just a pity that Qi Jun didn't find even one alien symbiote! I don't know whether the planet with three million symbiotes has not flown here yet, or it has a special concealment method and has been hiding in the asteroid belt.

But Qi Jun didn't care. Since he couldn't find it, he would wait for the"Life Foundation" to launch a space shuttle? Qi Jun didn't believe that after this plane flew to the asteroid belt, Qi Jun would not be able to find the meteorite asteroid hiding three million symbiotes?......................

Ahem, thinking so much has no relevance to the present. Qi Jun regained his composure and turned his attention back to the mighty Hulk.

Tanks circled on the ground.

Helicopters circled in the sky.

These extremely violent weapons wantonly vented their anger.

However, for Hulk, it was useless! Attacks that could not even tear his skin could only arouse Hulk's more violent anger.

If he transformed into Hulk once, he might still be afraid of so many violent attacks.

But now?

"Hulk, air wave!"The two palm-leaf-fan-sized hands clapped suddenly, and the huge pressure squeezed the air out of the hands rapidly, quickly forming a powerful fan-shaped shock wave, which scattered the armed helicopters in the air and made them fly everywhere. The armed helicopters, unable to maintain their balance, quickly fell one after another, causing bursts of violent explosions!

"Hulk, charge!" Hulk didn't even look at the results of the battle in the sky. He turned around, clasped his hands together, and slammed them on the ground with great energy at lightning speed. However, this blow did not break the ground beneath his feet. Instead, the powerful energy broke through the ground in the direction of Hulk's hammering, quickly forming a ground-breaking wave that blew away all the surrounding tanks, war vehicles, and soldiers and knocked them to the ground.

""Hulk, roar!" Even the two powerful sonic tanks that General Ross had high hopes for were instantly shattered by Hulk's roar and turned into scrap metal!

At this point, all the troops brought by General Ross were overturned!

"Hulk! Invincible!"Like a gorilla, Hulk slapped his chest with his palm-leaf-fan-sized hands, turned his head and glared at the direction where he was hit!

This time, Qi Jun did not hide again.

Instead, under countless gazes, he gently floated out of the completely destroyed home of Dr. Samuel Stern.

"Hulk, not invincible~~"

Under the gazes of countless people, Qi Jun flew to the sky directly in front of Hulk, hovering in the air, and spoke softly but forcefully.

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