hiss~~~ call~~~

Thanks to regular exercise and the fact that Hulk had just transformed, Bruce Banner quickly eliminated the green light.

"Why would you want to be friends with that green monster?"Bruce Banner, who had calmed down, still couldn't believe Qi Jun's choice.

As a top scientist with seven doctoral degrees, Bruce Banner couldn't believe it at all. What kind of values would make someone be friends with a green monster who had no brains and could only get angry and smash things?

Well, yes, Bruce Banner at this time was not only not ready to accept this fact, but also regarded the existence of Hulk as a disease and had been trying his best to kill it!

"Why not?" Qi Jun asked with a smile,"Why do you have to treat him as a disease? Haven't you tried to control him? You know, you are originally one. As long as you merge with each other, you can not only have your talents, but also powerful strength. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

Qi Jun certainly knew that Bruce Banner would not do this, or the current Bruce Banner would not do this, so he said this to him. If he said this to Bruce Banner again after a few years and experienced more things, the result would naturally be different.

Sure enough ,

"No! I will never merge with that monster! It is a monster! I must destroy it!"Resisting the urge to get angry again, Bruce Banner firmly affirmed his idea!

Unfortunately, Qi Jun planned to separate Bruce Banner and Hulk, otherwise, after a few years, Bruce Banner would definitely say: It smells great!

"Well, since you are not going to merge, have you ever thought about separating?" Qi Jun was not surprised by Bruce Banner's performance and continued to ask


"How to divide it?"Bruce Banner was a little confused. He really had never thought about this question before. The key is, how to divide it? Split himself in half?


"Of course, use magic to divide it!" Qi Jun snapped his fingers and raised his eyebrows.

Then, Bruce Banner saw that with a surge of prisms, the"ruins" they were in just now disappeared, and what appeared in front of them was a suburban green land. The surrounding trees, grass, and streams were simply a camping site. If it weren't for the two gullies that exuded the fresh fragrance of the soil,

"As you can see, this is the real world. Just now, we were just in the mirror space. There, no matter how much damage is done, it will not cause any harm to the real world."

"Oh, you mean the two grooves on the ground? They were made before he became friends with Hulk."

"To be honest, Hulk is not a bad guy. It's just that you always wanted to kill him, which forced him to become what he is now. Every time he comes out, he causes havoc, and then all the blame is put on you."Seeing Bruce Banner's stunned look, Qi Jun thought it was really interesting. There are not many opportunities to see such a scene. No, it can even be said that there is only this one time! After Bruce Banner accepts the system of magic, it will be impossible to see him eating a lot.

Suddenly, Qi Jun looked up into the distance, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

"An intelligence agency came to check so soon? These hyenas are really annoying!"Qi Jun frowned and said to Bruce Banner, who had come back to his senses but was still a little dazed,"Let's leave here first. I don't think you want to appear in front of those intelligence organizations."

"Of course, those intelligence organizations have always wanted to capture me for research. There are no good people in that group of guys!"Suddenly hearing the term intelligence organization, Bruce Banner suddenly woke up. Compared with General Ross's capture, those intelligence organizations that want to capture the green monster are more annoying. Bruce Banner has experienced this deeply!

"Let's go!" Qi Jun stretched out his hand and drew a colorless circle of light that flashed with light blue light from time to time. In the confused look of Bruce Banner, he walked in.

"What are you waiting for? Waiting for the intelligence organization to catch you?"I went to lie down on the recliner at my old position in the space station, ready to bask in the sun and recharge my energy. When I turned around, I found that Bruce Banner was still outside.

"Oh, oh, I'm coming!" Bruce Banner was once again stimulated by the intelligence organization's words, and he didn't care about whether it was safe or not. He made up his mind and went straight into the aperture.

Then, the aperture quickly shrank and disappeared, as if it had never existed. Not long after, a large group of intelligence organization personnel, watching out for each other, came to the scene.......................

"You find a place to sit. There are food and drinks in the refrigerator. You can take them yourself."

"Wait for me for a moment, Taibai, open the solar panels and adjust them to a temperature that ordinary people can bear!"

Although the battle with Hulk consumed mostly physical energy, the subsequent use of space magic still consumed some energy. Although Qi Jun is not a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, since he has come to the Venus base, he naturally needs to replenish his energy so that it will not be a wasted trip.

"OK, sir, the solar panels are open, and the light concentration is adjusted to 2%."

As soon as Taibai finished speaking, a beam of light suddenly shone in, but in the eyes of an ordinary person like Bruce Banner, this beam of light was too bright, right?

"Welcome to the Venus Space Station, Mr. Bruce Banner!"Just as Bruce Banner raised his hand to block the glare, Taibai also broadcast a welcome speech to him.

"Artificial intelligence? Tony Stark's kind?"Bruce Banner was sure. He had just scanned the room when he entered and didn't see anyone else. This was an instinct he had developed over a long period of time.


"Where is this place? Bruce Banner suddenly froze, as if he had thought of something scary, and he didn't even notice that his voice was a little broken.

Qi Jun, who was lying on the recliner charging, smiled and laughed.

【Damn, there was another earthquake just now, and the computer screen is shakingMay no one be injured in the earthquake-stricken area, and may you be blessed with infinite blessings! 】

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