Because the two gangs were too bored when they were fighting each other, Qi Jun did a small experiment.

Qi Jun found that he didn't have to touch the body himself to recover it, but there was a limit.

That is, it must be within Qi Jun's sight and within a five-meter range in front of Qi Jun!

Moreover, Qi Jun guessed that this range should be expandable.

I just don't know whether it requires Qi Jun's own strength to be enhanced, or Qi Jun's control over the [mutated gem] to be enhanced.

Or both conditions must be met at the same time?

But at least now, the distance of five meters is completely enough for Qi Jun!

So, while Qi Jun was running quickly, he issued an order in his mind to recover"Golden Cancan".

The benefits of mind control are really great. You only need to think about it, and the [mutated gem] will arrange everything for you clearly! He ran a circle quickly and recovered all the"Golden Cancan" that had been touched by Big Daddy and Hit-Girl.

Taking advantage of the last two minutes of Lurker Sunglasses, relying on the mysterious properties, he passed by a large group of other gangsters from Hell's Kitchen who came to check the results, and quickly disappeared from Hell's Kitchen.......................

Taking a taxi back to Chinatown, this time he was not even"interrogated" by the police.

Qi Jun couldn't help but curl his lips at this."Check out, don't care when you come in. This is completely invisible discrimination!"

But Qi Jun didn't bother to pay attention and went straight back to the small hotel he had stayed in before.

As a five-good youth, Qi Jun would not waste money on the room he had opened in the small hotel.

Well, in fact, Qi Jun was afraid that if he stayed in other places, it would be bad to reveal his flaws.

After all, the more high-end the hotel, the more advanced the secretly installed surveillance equipment is. It's a joke to think that you can find it with just a mobile phone camera.

After traveling to this world, especially to the Marvel world, Qi Jun is always in a state of nervous tension. It's better not to leave any flaws as much as possible.

Although those flaws can be eliminated by relying on [mutated gems], the energy points are free, right?

Enmm, well, it's really free.

But even if it's free, it consumes Qi Jun's energy, and it must not be wasted like this!

He closed the doors and windows, drew the curtains, took out his Huawei P30 phone again, and used the previous techniques to explore again.

After confirming that no surveillance equipment was found, Qi Jun relaxed and lay down on the soft bed.

Looking at the 21.5 energy points displayed in his mind, Qi Jun laughed like a fool.

You know, before entering Hell's Kitchen, Qi Jun had consumed all his energy. Now, he has an extra 21.5 points, which shows how rich he is!

Add to that the 3 points used up by the positioning biochip that surpassed the level of earth's technology that was materialized to locate Hit-Girl.

This night, Qi Jun picked up a total of 24.5 energy points!

Deducting half of it with the [Mutated Gem] and counting it the other way around, this is a total of forty-nine warm corpses recovered! Forty

-nine people died at once. The reputation of Hell's Kitchen as chaotic and dangerous is indeed well-deserved!

So, how to use so many energy points?

Qi Jun was suddenly trapped in the troubles of happiness.......................

Of course, before processing these energy points, there are still some things to deal with.

Identity problem!

Previously, due to insufficient energy points, I could only temporarily create an identity for a tourist visa.

But after the tourist visa expires, I must return, otherwise I will become an illegal immigrant and will be arrested!

Now, it's time to solve this problem once and for all.

First, change the identity to an immigrant from an ancient oriental country to Chinatown, New York, United States.

Huh? There is also an address problem? What a hassle!

However, this is also simple. First, use 0.5 energy to materialize a top-of-the-line Huawei laptop, connect it to the network that the small hotel has opened after the power supply has been restored, and choose a small apartment in Chinatown that is sold online.

Through the ability of [mutation gem] to change reality, spend 0.5 energy points to transfer this house to your name.

Of course, Qi Jun did not occupy someone else's house in vain. While changing the ownership of the house through [mutation gem], Qi Jun also added an equivalent amount of US dollars to the original owner's account through [mutation gem].

Spending 1.5 points of energy (mainly to change the memory of relevant personnel), the funds modified by [mutation gems] are completely reasonable and legal, and there is no need to worry about the attack of the vicious dogs (tax bureau) of the United States Federation.

In this way, Qi Jun officially owns a legal property in the United States after spending a total of 2.5 points of energy.

Secondly, modify the memories of the police who have seen him.

Because there are not many people, and only the law enforcement recorder and the tourist visa in the memory are changed to a legal green card, it is completely OJ8K!

Of course, because it involves living people such as humans who are worth several energy points.

Qi Jun's modification has consumed a full 3 points of energy!

Finally, for insurance, Qi Jun also spent 2 points of energy to add some virtual memories of the relevant personnel of the distant ancient country in the east on Qi Jun's ID card address through [mutation gems].

As for why not directly change the identity to a"native" American Federation?

Maybe it's because of the clothes, or maybe it's because Qi Jun can't accept that he is a"native" American Federation from the bottom of his heart?

In short, all of a sudden, Qi Jun's energy points dropped from 21.5 to 14 points!......................

However, seeing his passport, tourist visa, etc., suddenly disappear, and then a bunch of green cards, driver's licenses, bank cards, credit cards, etc. suddenly appear out of thin air, Qi Jun finally showed a happy smile on his face.

His identity has been completely resolved, and now he can rest assured.

No need to worry all the time, there will be SHIELD agents suddenly appearing and saying: You are an illegal immigrant, just follow me to the bureau!

Lying on the bed, after a series of exciting events, the mind suddenly relaxed.

After a while, Qi Jun fell straight into sleep.

In the dream, Qi Jun seemed to see himself completely controlling the [Mutated Gems], becoming the super boss of the entire Marvel, and even the heavens and the world, very majestic!

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