"Hello, Mr. Qi Jun!"

Harry Henrys left less than ten minutes ago, and Phil Coulson showed up!

It can be confirmed that a large group of intelligence agency agents and spies have been dealing with S.C.P.Around the group!


"Sit down!"

Looking at Phil Coulson and Melinda May, Qi Jun thought: It's this guy!

But why bring Melinda May? Do you think that just because you are Chinese, you will fall for her beauty? Are you kidding? The Chinese beauties in the eyes of the federal people are not in my eyes!

"I don't know whether to call you 'Superman' or 'Invisible Surveillance Man'.’?"After sitting down, Phil Coulson smiled his unique American middle-aged uncle smile and asked Qi Jun:

""Hmm? I don't know what you're talking about~" Unfortunately, Phil Coulson's always successful smile is useless in front of Qi Jun, Qi Jun is not a braised pork fan. Qi Jun shrugged without being affected at all, indicating that he didn't understand what you said.

On the surface, Qi Jun had no expression on his face, but in his heart, Qi Jun had already smiled.

Look at what's new in Qi Jun's space ring?

【Dark Energy Base Location Skill Book】、【Tahiti Project Location Skill Book】、【Sandbox Base Location Skill Book】、【[Skill Book of Comprehensive Agent Skills]!

Qi Jun was so happy that he almost rushed to Nick Fury and told him that he was grateful for his help, otherwise he would not know where these addresses were!

Dark Energy Base: The storage and research site of the Cosmic Cube!

Tahiti Project: Using the blood genes of the Kree people to make resurrection potions! Of course, Qi Jun’s purpose was not this, but he was going to try to see if he could copy the location skill book of the Kree Empire on the body of this Kree.

Sandbox Base: Many mysterious items with powerful destructive power seized by S.H.I.E.L.D., as well as the storage and destruction locations of 084 alien items!

Look, what a good person, giving such a big gift as soon as they met, Qi Jun was simply going to love Hei Lu Dan to death!......................

"I think we must have met before, right!" Phil Coulson didn't know that just by missing a face, the locations of three very important bases of S.H.I.E.L.D. had been leaked. The more Phil Coulson looked at Qi Jun's figure, the more familiar he felt. This was definitely the 'invisible monitor' who had erased part of his memory by some unknown means.’

""Sir, you were not wearing a mask when you appeared in Harlem before. You don't have to hide your identity. What's more, as a 'superman', the people love you very much!" Phil Coulson said nonsense. Does n't Qi Jun know how much the people love his 'superman' identity?

Love it!

Qi Jun, who was introduced to him by Taibai, how could he not know? Because the instrument could not capture Qi Jun's figure, those remarks on the Internet claiming that it was 'superman' who saved them were suppressed by the authorities soon.

In fact, Qi Jun knew very well that the passive effect of [mutated gem] can also be divided into active and passive.

For example, when he just came through, the police checked his identity, and the recorder could clearly capture Qi Jun's picture, which was active, and Qi Jun took the initiative to think about it.

But if Qi Jun himself didn't care, and didn't even know that there was an instrument filming him, then nothing could be filmed at all.

And when fighting with Hulk before, Qi Jun's mind was all on Hulk, so under the passive effect of [mutated gem], the surrounding filming equipment could not capture Qi Jun at all.

"Excuse me, since you have taken action, why are you unwilling to admit it?"Seeing that Phil Coulson's words were ineffective, Melinda May on the side spoke up,"Look at Iron Man, even after he was exposed, isn't he still loved by the people?"

"That's right!" Phil Coulson continued,"The explosion at Kennett Wharf must have been caused by you, otherwise it would have been impossible to put out such a big fire in such a short time. I'm afraid no one else could have put out such a big fire except you."

"Haha, after all, you just want me to admit this identity?" Qi Jun folded his arms and looked at them."What's the purpose? For what?"

"In order to register, monitor, arrest, and control, right!" Without waiting for Phil Coulson to speak, Qi Jun continued,"With the style of S.H.I.E.L.D., oh, S.H.I.E.L.D. is the abbreviation of your long list of names, no need to thank me"

"According to the consistent style of your SHIELD, as long as it exceeds normal human behavior, it must be monitored by you, right?"

"For those who are willing to be monitored, that’s easy; but for those who are unwilling to be monitored, arrangements will be made immediately, right?"

"Don't deny it, I know a lot more than you think!"

"Do you think your SHIELD is a good thing?"

"You said so much just to make me admit that identity?"

"Even if I admit that identity, so what?"

"What if I don't admit that identity?"

Qi Jun looked at the two of them cheerfully, while Phil Coulson and the other two frowned deeply.

Phil Coulson and Melinda May looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

They had never expected that Qi Jun, who met for the first time, would have such a bad attitude towards S.








Group, Qi Jun's identity, they didn't even bother to look at him.

But just because of S.



With the cover of the group, S.






dared not do anything to Qi Jun, even if Nick Fury came to his face, what could he do? Targeting a new super chaebol force that has deep connections with the military and chaebols? Is he crazy?

"How could that be!"

"We just want to understand your background, what you want to do in the United States, how you want to do it, and what kind of impact you will have on society. It's just a simple registration, yes, just a registration."After thinking for a while, Phil Coulson still said with a smile, but his attitude was much better than before.

���Okay, I won't make it difficult for you. Go back and tell that black-brined egg that if he wants to know something, it's best if he comes in person. No need to send him off!" Qi Jun took a sip of tea and put the teacup on the coffee table.

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