0.5 energy points!

Not bad!

Only 0.5 energy points!

Without blueprints and materials, a full 1 energy point is needed!

However, after providing detailed blueprints and the required manufacturing materials, half of the energy was cut!

Where did the blueprints come from?

I found them online! Just because you can’t find blueprints on the Internet of the ancient Eastern country doesn’t mean you can’t find them on the Internet of the United States, where everyone has guns.

It can even be said that the United States’ Internet not only has pistol blueprints, but also rifle blueprints.

Otherwise, how do you think those craftsmen in the United States can make a gun by hand?......................

Moreover, having blueprints does not mean that you can open an arms company. Opening an arms company requires qualifications, and not everyone can open one!

Apart from anything else, if you want to enter the arms industry, you must first face Stark Industries!

Well, even if Stark is not in the arms industry now, there is still Osborn Industries! And Hammer Industries!

Especially Hammer Industries, which is a well-known low-end weapons export giant. Anyone who dares to grab meat in the low-end weapons market will have trouble with Hammer Industries and will inevitably be suppressed!

Can you open an arms company in the United States with blueprints? Don't be funny!

There is no need to fight with the congressmen who have a thousand connections with those arms companies. The wolfhounds raised by those arms companies can tear some guys with fantasies to pieces.

What's more, although there are blueprints, it is not easy to find materials!

Even if the materials for making guns are easy to find, the materials for making bullets are really controlled items.

Don't think that only the ancient Eastern countries have controlled items. There are more controlled items in European and American countries!

Whenever it involves huge interests, it is controlled items! Ordinary people have no way to get in touch with it!

Therefore, Qi Jun found the detailed diagram of Glock on the network of the United States Federation, and there was no problem at all......................


"[Mutated gemstones have some hidden properties"

"And these hidden attributes need to be discovered by yourself!"


"If you prepare some nuclear materials and some other missile materials"

"Even if there is no production drawings or something like that"

"But, can we still save a lot of energy and directly materialize a nuclear weapon?"

"Even, a controlled nuclear fusion reactor?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, Tony Stark’s Ark reactor seems to use cold condensation reaction?"

"And the controlled nuclear fusion reactor seems to be more powerful than the Ark reactor, right?"

"By then, if I can materialize an artificial intelligence, can I also make an iron suit myself? Can I beat Iron Man?"


"If this happens, it would be so cool!"

The experiment was successful, and Qi Jun's mind was immediately filled with beautiful fantasies.......................

But fantasy is just fantasy after all. When Qi Jun calmed down and saw that he only had 14 points of energy, he suddenly felt like he was awakened from a daydream. He became listless.


"Endless energy, endless energy!"

"We must find a way to get the Infinity Gems!"

"When can I live my fantasy life just collecting corpses?"

With a sigh, Qi Jun still cheered up and prepared to master his English skills first.

A tall building rises from the ground!

After laying a solid foundation, there are naturally many ways to obtain the Infinity Stones!

The most urgent task is to have the power to protect yourself first!......................

Qi Jun took out a book, held it in his hand, and walked to the window.

This small apartment"new home" is only three stories high, so looking through the window at the street below, you can still see the characteristics of the people below.

Not bad!

Qi Jun's idea is actually to materialize a skill book similar to that in online games!

After knowing how to save energy points, Qi Jun naturally wants to do it in the most frugal way.

First, find a carrier for the English proficiency skill that is about to be materialized-a somewhat shabby book (material).

Secondly, find someone who looks very proficient in English, copy his memory of English proficiency (similar to drawings, materials), and integrate it into the skill book.

Then, through the ability of [mutated gems], this shabby book, by modifying the rules, directly materializes into a book of English proficiency skills that can be absorbed by rubbing it with your hands!

As for the appearance of skill books in reality, is it too fantasy?

Just kidding, the reality gem is originally an existence that changes all rules, what's wrong with fantasy? Fantasy is normal!

"This is a black brother, oh~ He also knows the magic of crotch-covering? Don't mess with me. Don't mess with me."

"This Chinese guy, huh? How come he speaks fluent Chinese? Well, probably not English, forget it"

"Wow, this dark-skinned guy, is he a Korean-African hybrid? Yo~ Yo~ Check it out!~"

"Huh? What the hell? Not only did he sing rap, but he also unconsciously started playing basketball? I can’t afford to offend him, so I’ll give up~ I’ll give up~"

Qi Jun took back his basketball gesture, looking confused.~

"Hey, there's an old guy here, and he seems to have two bodyguards around him?"

"This kind of person should be considered a successful person, and his English ability should be pretty good."

"Well, I'll choose him!"

After determining the target, Qi Jun moved his mind, and the [Mutated Gem] also fed back a message.

"Hehe, it’s true!"

"It only takes 5 energy points to materialize a skill book on English proficiency that can be learned by rubbing it with your hands!"

"What are you waiting for!"

""Let's get started!"

With Qi Jun's final confirmation, Qi Jun suddenly felt an invisible force spreading out and swept across the old man. The old man did not change at all and continued to walk forward as usual.

Then this invisible force finally returned to the tattered book in Qi Jun's hand.

There was no special effect, no flash of light or anything, just this tattered old book, which instantly turned into a palm-sized, gray, inconspicuous little book with a few big words on it.--‘English Proficiency Skill Book'!

Raising his palm, Qi Jun could feel that after turning into the 'English Proficiency Skill Book', the weight became much lighter, as if it was only the weight of a silk handkerchief.

Of course, Qi Jun was not interested in these.

What Qi Jun was interested in was!

Rub! It!

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