"I hope Master Qi Jun will not do anything that will harm the Earth!" Gu Yi looked at Qi Jun deeply and warned him,"Otherwise, even if you are stronger, the Kamar-Taj lineage will not let you go easily!"

"Hehe~" Qi Jun smiled meaningfully,"What if it's the people from Kamar-Taj who provoke me first?"

"Then you naturally don't have to hold back!" Gu Yi frowned, not knowing whether it was because of Qi Jun's words or because of Qi Jun's attitude?

"That would be the best." Qi Jun smiled and nodded, as if to say, you'd better go back and control your disciples, otherwise, if you fall into my hands, I won't let you go back intact.

"I have something else to do, so I'll leave now!"Gu Yi nodded to Qi Jun, then stepped into the light circle and left.......................

"There is something wrong with this Ancient One!"

Seeing the transmission light disappear, Qi Jun frowned and said to himself.

Although this was only the third time he had contacted Ancient One, Qi Jun didn't know what kind of person Ancient One was.

However, this third contact was like a completely different person from the previous two contacts, which gave Qi Jun a great sense of awkwardness.

"Let's go to the dark dimension first?" Qi Jun frowned. He did it as soon as he thought of it. Qi Jun's mind moved, and the whole person disappeared from the dark energy base and appeared in the dark dimension.......................

"As expected!"

Feeling the changes in the dark dimension, Qi Jun's eyes flashed with a look of"as expected!"

"The dark dimension has been beaten to the brink of shattering?" Seeing that the entire dark dimension deep space was filled with cracks that were difficult to recover, even Qi Jun, who had reached the level of a god, could not hide the shock on his face."Moreover, I can't even feel Dormammu's omnipresent aura?"

"This Odin is really ruthless!"A trace of solemnity flashed across Qi Jun's face. Although Qi Jun himself was not afraid of Odin, he must not let Odin discover the power he had just begun to build. With this guy's ruthlessness, Chuya's power would definitely be torn to pieces by Odin!

"As expected, he was the one who made Xi Yang Zi Shu wait until he died before taking action. Odin, wearing the Destroyer Armor, was really ruthless!"

"It seems that Dormammu was severely injured, and Ancient One took this opportunity to increase his absorption of dark power, no! It should be robbing!"

"It even seems that Ancient One has some intention to replace Dormammu?"Qi Jun was suddenly confused when he thought of this.

Qi Jun saw from Ancient One that she was being assimilated by the dark dimension. Or maybe Ancient One herself wanted to assimilate the dark dimension?

It's like, if you want to defeat magic, you can only use magic? This kind of meaning?

To defeat Dormammu, you must first become Dormammu?

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Dormammu was seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep to recover, forcibly seize the resources of the dark dimension, further integrate into the dark dimension, and even eventually devour Dormammu?

""Shit!" Qi Jun was also shocked."This is fucking it. Will Ancient One eventually become another Dormammu and eat the Earth?"

Compared to Dormammu who was blocked by Ancient One, it was very difficult to swallow the Earth.

If Ancient One merged into the dark dimension and became the new will of the dark dimension and wanted to swallow the Earth, then no one could stop him. Swallowing the Earth would be a matter of minutes!......................

"If Ancient One becomes the new will of the Dark Dimension, who can stop her?"

"With the body in the dark dimension, it is a thousand times better than her previous mortal body and has huge potential for development!"

"Plus with the Time Stone in hand, damn, he's definitely the next villain BOSS?!"

Qi Jun was getting more and more horrified the more he thought about it. Damn it, I just stole a steel drill from Odin, why was there so many, such big changes?

"So, Doctor Strange is definitely out of the running?"

"ForeheadAncient One is about to incarnate the will of the dark dimension, so it is impossible for him to look for a so-called successor, right?"

""Damn it!" Qi Jun suddenly felt a little annoyed."Can't these Infinity Stones just stay on Earth?"

"If the Time Stone was brought to the Dark Dimension by Ancient One, it would be extremely difficult to snatch it back!"

"The Cosmic Cube was taken away by Odin. I don't know whether Odin hid it himself or gave it to Queen Frigga? Anyway, it's not easy to get it!"

"Damn it, if I had known earlier, I would have snatched the Cosmic Cube from the Dark Energy Base first." Qi Jun frowned."It's not good to be too cautious. I let the Cosmic Cube slip away from my hands in vain.""

"I wonder if Hela can successfully bring back the Soul Stone? Should I give the pet wolf Fenrir to Hela?"

"Well, let’s get the Power Stone first!"

"After we find out about the Morag planet, we should go there in person and take the Cosmic Spirit Ball away, so as to avoid any more accidents!"

Qi Jun had already obtained information about the Morag planet in the Nova Empire.

However, the Morag planet had been abandoned for thousands of years. With the information from the Nova Empire thousands of years ago, Qi Jun could not use [Mind Teleportation] to teleport there directly.

However, Qi Jun also asked Taibai to control a small team of intelligent reconnaissance spacecraft to explore. As long as they found the Morag planet and took a real-time picture, Qi Jun could teleport there in a few minutes and take the Cosmic Spirit Ball.......................

"Once you have the Power Gem in your hand, you can go on all kinds of adventures without any worries."

"By then, even if Odin the Destroyer appears in front of me again, I can fight him head-on!"

"By the way, can we plan to see if the wormholes in those wormholes can connect to some strange places?"Qi Jun thought

"Well, I wonder if Ancient One will eventually choose to assimilate into the dark dimension?" Qi Jun guessed,"If Ancient One really integrates into the dark dimension, it will be really fun!"

"Forget it, let's not worry about it for now. I can't control this thing!" Qi Jun looked around the dark dimension that was full of cracks and ruins, shook his head, and returned to Earth with a thought. However, he did not go to the dark energy base again, but went directly to S.C.P.Group Building"Since I'm already back to Earth, I might as well take a look at Skye and the others~"

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