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With Qi Jun's current strength, let alone taking two people to outer space, even pulling everyone on Earth to outer space is not a difficult task. Of course, Qi Jun will not do that.

"Reed Richards, a smart scientist, discovered a strange cosmic radiation in the universe and used it for research, hoping to explore the secrets of human genes and use it in human medical research."Ignoring the inquiring eyes of the two guys who were curious about how he could breathe normally in outer space, Qi Jun talked to himself.

Although they knew they were in the universe, they could breathe freely, hear clearly what Qi Jun said, and did not feel weightless. This feeling was still a bit novel to Skye and Bruce Banner.

"If we don't have S.C.P.Group, maybe their research can change the world?" Hearing Qi Jun's words, Skye couldn't help but laugh.

"That's not necessarily true!" Bruce Banner shook his head. When it comes to science, is it just how you want to study it that determines the result?

"In fact, whether it is Reed Richards's scientific research project or Victor von Doom's company, we S.



The group has invested in it.

"Bruce Banner saw the looks from Qi Jun and Skye and couldn't help but explain,"Although I have been obsessed with magic practice before, I have communicated with Dr.

Reed Richards before.

I admire his idea of using cosmic radiation energy to actively promote biological mutations and extract fragments that are beneficial to humans during the mutations, thereby eliminating diseases and changing the current living environment of humans.

But unfortunately, I don't support his decision.


Bruce Banner's path has been completely led astray since Qi Jun solved the big problem of Hulk and he became a great fire wizard.

Bruce Banner is now only interested in magic and biological sciences.

Especially after looking at the problem from the perspective of magic, Bruce Banner has enough prestige to talk about Dr.

Reed Richards' research project.

Bruce Banner fully agrees that this cosmic radiation will bring different changes to different life individuals (such as the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom), but Bruce Banner does not agree that the mutations studied by Reed Richards can eliminate diseases and even change the living environment of humans.

In Bruce Banner's view, there are not too many Inhumans, mutants, psychics, and even magicians on Earth. Even if you want to study, there are absolutely enough samples on Earth. Why go to space and lose sight of the big picture?

"However, if they dare to face this cosmic radiation in person, it is not impossible for a few more superpowers to appear on Earth."Bruce Banner, who has plunged into the bottomless pit of life science, is very sure that as long as Reed Richards and others dare to take the risk in person, the experiment may be useless, but it is not a problem for everyone to become superpowers. Bruce Banner is very sure about this.......................

"This space trip was originally for them to walk in space, collect data, and lay the foundation for the next real experiment." Without commenting on Bruce Banner's words, he shook his head and said,"But unfortunately, they miscalculated a little. Nothing is absolutely absolute in the universe. This time, the cosmic radiation was earlier than Dr. Reed Z expected!"

"In a little while, that magical cosmic radiation energy will arrive!"Qi Jun put his hands behind his back and looked into the distance.

With Qi Jun's current god-father level, he had already sensed a large amount of energy surging towards the earth the moment he returned to the earth. Of course, this energy was still very far away, and except for Qi Jun, who was already a god-father level, no one else could feel it at all.

""Ah?" Skye finally reacted."Boss, you said that we should come to watch this cosmic spectacle. Is that what you want us to see?"

"Of course." Qi Jun glanced at Skye."What else? Do you think your boss is idle? Take you to see the spaceship? Or take you to see the space station?"

While Qi Jun and the other two were talking, the spaceship carrying Reed Richards and five others approached the space station, making slight adjustments in relative stillness, and began to dock slowly.

"Ah? Then this time, aren't we here to witness the birth of these five mutants?"Skye raised her eyebrows, her eyes were full of curiosity, and she became interested.

After all, Skye was just a college student, even if she was.C.P.He has the experience of being the president of a group, as well as many strange experiences following Qi Jun, but he is still interested in these things. This is his nature!

"Maybe, there are more than five of them~" Bruce Banner muttered to the side.

Bruce Banner didn't believe that Qi Jun brought them here to watch the spectacle of cosmic radiation just to watch.

If Qi Jun was originally on Earth, and this time he was interested in the spectacle of cosmic radiation, it would be understandable.

But Qi Jun happened to return to Earth from the universe, and it could even be said that he came here specifically for this cosmic radiation. Naturally, it is impossible that he just came to enjoy the beautiful scenery.......................

And in fact, it is true.

If at the beginning, Qi Jun was thinking about how to absorb energy from this cosmic radiation. Then now, Qi Jun's purpose has long changed from absorbing energy to doing experiments!

Based on the principle of keeping wealth within the family, Qi Jun originally wanted to get all his men to experience this cosmic radiation. Anyway, Qi Jun has the mutant gem in his hand, and he is not afraid that his men will undergo any bad changes in this cosmic radiation. Even if it gets bad, just use the mutant gem to modify it back~

But then I thought about it, there is no need for that at all. Too many people are too tiring, and Qi Jun is a person who is afraid of trouble.

Of course, by the way, Qi Jun also wants to do some unique experiments.

For example, temporarily dig out the old popsicle to receive the baptism of cosmic radiation. Without the unique space suits of the Fantastic Four, will the old popsicle become an 'ice man'?

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