Thanks to Qi Jun not being misled by the uselessness of learning when he was in school. It was also thanks to Qi Jun not being misled by the uselessness of English when he was in school. Although he had never been in contact with any foreigners since he was a child, his English listening and speaking skills may be average, but Qi Jun's English reading and reading skills are definitely not bad.

Following the flow of people and the road signs, Qi Jun headed all the way to Chinatown in southern Manhattan.

Near the Stark Building, Qi Jun's oriental face was still too conspicuous. As the group company of Tony Stark, the famous playboy and international arms dealer, it was definitely surrounded by all kinds of intelligence personnel and entertainment gossip reporters.

Although Qi Jun appeared in a dark corner where no one paid attention to the surveillance blind spot when he traveled through, and everyone's attention was attracted by the battle between Iron Man and Iron Monger, Qi Jun still chose to leave immediately.

If it was a soul travel, it would be okay, at least the identity would not be doubted.

But Qi Jun is now wearing a body, Qi Jun dare not expose himself under the eyes of these people.

After all, even if he is a stowaway, the CIA, SHIELD and the like can still find out his information.

But Qi Jun is a complete illegal immigrant.

According to SHIELD's emphasis on Tony Stark, once someone like Qi Jun who has no record at all is discovered by SHIELD, he will definitely be dead.

What's more, lurking under the surface of SHIELD is the even more cruel Hydra!

Although Qi Jun was able to thrive before the time travel because of his"ruthlessness", this kind of ruthlessness is not enough in front of SHIELD, especially SHIELD. It is better to quickly blend into Chinatown, where there are all kinds of Chinese and Chinese Americans, which is Qi Jun's most natural layer of protection.......................

Under the completely non-curious gaze of the pawnshop owner, Qi Jun pawned the only thing on his body that he could sell without being suspected, a Guanyin jade pendant, and received 800 US dollars, even though Qi Jun had spent more than 100,000 RMB to buy the jade pendant before crossing over.

The pawnshop owner didn't care at all that Qi Jun wrapped himself up tightly and his face couldn't be seen at all.

What hasn't the owner of a pawnshop seen? What's more, this is a dead pawn!

The jade pendant can make tens of thousands of US dollars in net profit once it is resold.

The pawnshop owner doesn't want to make some trouble out of nothing and lose this opportunity to make money.

Although Qi Jun was a little resentful that the pawnshop owner was too harsh in lowering the price, since he was an illegal resident, he naturally wanted to play it safe first.

After leaving the pawnshop, he moved around in the crowd at will. In the end, even Qi Jun himself didn't know how far he was from the pawnshop. Only then did he"hardly" find a house that didn't require ID based on his experience in society before crossing over....Small hotel? Stay.

Qi Jun, who had gone around in circles, had no idea that the pawnshop owner had no intention of sending anyone to follow him. Qi Jun was just scaring himself.

Of course, even if he knew, Qi Jun would still try to make himself"disappear" in the crowd, not for anything else, just to be cautious.......................

Qi Jun also discovered that when he was about to receive the jade pendant, a pillar of light suddenly shot out from Stark Tower, and the energy reaction was comparable to a nuclear bomb explosion! The absence of an unexpected explosion also made Qi Jun relax a little, at least he would not die and be buried with the dead immediately after crossing over.......................

After closing the door, locking the door, closing the window, drawing the curtains, and turning off the lights, Qi Jun turned on the camera function of the Huawei P30 mobile phone and scanned the entire room carefully several times.

After confirming that there were no surveillance equipment such as pinhole cameras, Qi Jun breathed a sigh of relief and threw himself hard on the bed.

Without thinking about anything, staring at the dark ceiling, Qi Jun's mind was blank and completely empty.

There is no way, anyone who knows that he has traveled to an extremely dangerous Marvel Universe where he may die at any time will be nervous.

Qi Jun was able to tense up his nerves, judge the environment, take action, and finally find a relatively safe place to relax a little when he found out about the time travel. This was all thanks to his experience as an orphan and his years of experience in society.......................

Hmm? Hum?

After a long time, when everyone thought Qi Jun was asleep, Qi Jun hummed and sat up from the bed.

But at this moment, a surprised smile appeared on Qi Jun's face!

Not bad!

The golden finger of a time traveler has arrived!

Just now, when Qi Jun was lying on the bed and emptying his mind, he happened to merge with the golden finger and understand the function and role of the golden finger!

Different from the golden fingers of other time travelers, which are systems, grandfathers, etc., Qi Jun's golden finger is not a system, nor does it have a spirit that issues tasks, and it has no independent intelligence.

Because Qi Jun's golden finger is actually...---Reality! Reality! Gem! Stone!

Qi Jun was very excited: I also have a reality gem!

Qi Jun wanted to yell loudly, but in the end, Qi Jun still restrained himself.

The unfamiliar environment constantly reminded Qi Jun that this was not his home, but the dangerous Marvel Universe. Who knows if someone would secretly target him if he yelled for no reason?

But even so, Qi Jun was extremely excited and endured it very hard!


It was the reality gem among the Infinity Gems!

However, the reality gem that Qi Jun had was slightly different from the reality gems in the Marvel Universe.

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