Thanks to [com2005] brother for the monthly ticket~~


The battle broke out in an instant.

But Qi Jun slipped away!

He knew that there were a bunch of containers full of crude oil here. Whoever stayed here when the battle started would be an idiot!

Even the"energy" that Qi Jun thought was"fragrant" was not even taken care of by Qi Jun.

Except for the sparse bodies of the Kingpin Gang members lying on the road ahead, which Qi Jun"subconsciously" recovered, Qi Jun didn't even think about the others.

Speeding all the way, Qi Jun finally got back before the war affected Hit-Girl.......................

However, the imagined situation of the little Loli hiding in the container and shivering did not happen.

Looking at the little Loli who cautiously poked out her little head, her eyes were full of excitement, and she even wanted to participate in person.

Qi Jun could only raise his hand speechlessly to cover his forehead and sighed: She is indeed a violent little Loli taught by a ghost father!

However, it is obvious that this battle is no longer something that Big Daddy and Hit-Girl can participate in.

Although the two are street heroes, they are just ordinary people.

Although they have received training and participated in several bloody massacres against gangsters.

But to face an elite, fully armed, disciplined mercenary force that is twenty times their number, Big Daddy and Hit-Girl are obviously not enough.

We have to think of a way to get Big Daddy and Hit-Girl to leave quickly.......................

However, when it rains it pours.

Plans cannot keep up with the speed of change!

Sometimes, when you are unlucky, everything will happen to you. The fighting is going on here!

Outside the dock, more than a dozen second-hand cars with various modifications rushed in.

Especially on the first two large pickup trucks, two squad machine guns were modified and fixed!

In the back of the two cars, there was a person holding a gun and pulling the trigger, and there was another person supplying ammunition belts.

Although it was not a Vulcan cannon, in this situation, no one could withstand a sudden fierce attack.

Even the fully armed elite mercenaries had to temporarily avoid the edge.

Da da da da da~~~~

The one-minute-long continuous shooting suppressed the two gangs, oh no, three parties, who were fighting fiercely at the dock. The three parties had to find shelter to avoid the fourth party that suddenly rushed in.


Dong~Dong~Dong~~~ squeak~~~Bang~~~

Dong~Dong~Dong~~~ squeak~~~Bang~~~


As the machine guns on the two large pickup trucks in front continued to fire, the pickup trucks, vans, SUVs, and other car enthusiasts behind them all stopped, and a large group of Northern Bear men carrying various guns got out.

Qi Jun took a look and immediately understood.

These guys should be the Northern Bear Gang, who have always wanted to take over New York and occupy Hell's Kitchen, but have been sadly suppressed by the Kingpin Gang.

But the Northern Bear Gang is worthy of being a well-known fighting ethnic gang. The harder the Kingpin Gang suppresses, the more fiercely the Northern Bear Gang resists.

Under the strong suppression of the Kingpin Gang, the Northern Bear Gang was not only not suppressed, but it grew a lot in a blink of an eye.

I don't know how the Northern Bear Gang, which is forbidden to sell and smuggle weapons to the Northern Bear Gang, can get so many weapons every time?

Moreover, in every conflict, many people from the Northern Bear Gang will die, but in the end, every time the next conflict comes, it will be found that the Northern Bear Gang has more people? The dirty things behind this are also terrifying! Jin Bing, who has been unable to find out who is smuggling people and weapons to the Northern Bear Gang, is actually very annoyed!......................

This time, it was also the Northern Bear Gang that learned about the"washing powder" deal between the Kingpin Gang and the Hand from their long-time intelligence supplier.

Based on the idea that the Kingpin Gang's friends are enemies, and there was a shipload of new"washing powder", plus the Hand was unwilling to cooperate with them? And so on.

The Northern Bear Gang immediately had the idea of robbing the gang.

In order for this robbing to go smoothly, the boss of the Northern Bear Gang even spent a lot of money to bribe some high-ranking officials of the New York Police Department, not to say to help him, but at least not to help Kingpin!

In short, in one sentence, even if the people around have bombarded the police phone, don't send the police!

Sending the police is not as fun as talk shows, and not as good as watching adult TV!

Yes, the boss of the Northern Bear Gang, who was born in a fighting nation, finally learned some strategies after a long battle of wits and courage with the Kingpin Gang.......................

The scene changed in an instant, leaving Qi Jun dumbfounded.

Will there be any Irish gang or Skeleton Ghost Gang running out later?

However, this is also a good thing for Qi Jun.

The dock is in such chaos now, Big Daddy and Hit-Girl should be preparing to retreat!

So many people, so many guns, and stray bullets flying all over the sky like stars.

If you really dare to insert yourself at this time, you might get hit by one or even a bunch of stray bullets, and you won't even know how you died.......................

But sometimes, whatever you fear, it will come true!



"Can you hear me?"

Big Daddy's somewhat urgent voice came from Hit-Girl's headset.

What? How did Qi Jun hear it? Do you really think that the global biological positioning chip really only has the positioning function?

On the other hand, Big Daddy was already regretting it. Knowing that it was very dangerous to rob the Kingpin Gang this time, why did he let his daughter go deep into the dock!

Obviously, Big Daddy should be inside and Hit-Girl should be outside!

Well, for a Big Daddy who can"cultivate" his daughter who likes Barbie dolls into Hit-Girl who likes butterfly knives and likes to stab people a few times, you can't expect him to regret his daughter's education.

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