Why did he travel to the Marvel Universe?

Why was he bound to a mutated version of the Reality Stone that was stronger than the original version of the Reality Stone in the Marvel Universe?

Why was it himself, not someone else?

Was it an unknown organization that was leading all this? Or an unknown strong man?

Qi Jun had a question, but after thinking about it, he just skipped it.

Qi Jun was naturally curious about this, but Qi Jun also knew that in a short period of time, he might not get the answer, even before he had the ability to travel out of the Marvel Universe.

In this case, why bother with these questions?

Qi Jun was not a person who was obsessed with trivial matters, and at the same time, he did not think that he would be the reincarnation of a big boss, or that there would be any strong man who would come to vote for him inexplicably. He was able to bind the mutated and upgraded version of the Reality Stone and travel to the Marvel Universe. Perhaps there was some organization, or some strong man who wanted to do an experiment?

Anyway, Qi Jun only knew that he just had to live his own life.

No matter what was behind it, everything went smoothly, and he was free and happy without any regrets, that was enough!......................

The mutated and upgraded version of the Reality Gem that is bound to Qi Jun, although it automatically matches the origin of the Marvel Universe, will not actively give Qi Jun power.

Perhaps a super boss has set restrictions, or perhaps this mutated and upgraded version of the Reality Gem is meant to be used this way.

Although Qi Jun's vitality will not be drained, if he wants to achieve various goals through the mutated Reality Gem, he also needs to actively provide energy.

A rule similar to replacement: If you give me enough energy, I will help you realize any idea you can think of!

The energies that Qi Jun needs to provide can be the energy that Qi Jun has trained himself, the energy that Qi Jun actively absorbs, or even the energy that Qi Jun actively absorbs using the [mutated gem].

[After the Mutation Gem was bound to Qi Jun, it opened up a special area to store the energy that Qi Jun actively absorbed. However, the energy that Qi Jun absorbed through the Mutation Gem will be divided into two parts by the Mutation Gem. Currently, it is 50-50.

【Note: The mutated upgraded version of the real gem will be called [Mutated Gem] from now on. The name is too long, not only is it not beautiful, but readers will definitely think that the author is deliberately adding more words. 0.0]

Qi Jun said that he could accept this.

After all, as Qi Jun becomes more and more powerful, Qi Jun's control over the [Mutated Gem] will become stronger and stronger. The proportion of this share, Qi Jun's share will naturally become higher and higher, until it finally belongs to Qi Jun completely, and the [Mutated Gem] will no longer be stingy.

Yes, after all, the [Mutated Gem] is only bound to Qi Jun, not completely controlled by Qi Jun, otherwise Qi Jun would just destroy the Sunset Purple Potato with a thought, wouldn't it be too indifferent?......................

After knowing how to use the [Mutation Gem], Qi Jun naturally wanted to give it a try.

He looked around and found that in this room, except for the power socket, there seemed to be no source of energy that could be absorbed?


"Will I really not be electrocuted if I touch the socket directly?"

Although I know that the [mutated gem] is very powerful and under its protection, I will definitely not be electrocuted by the voltage of the residential circuit, but Qi Jun, who has never been so crazy before, still couldn't help feeling uneasy when looking at the socket on the wall.

‘This is Nima’

If I were electrocuted to death, I would probably become the funniest time traveler!~~~

Take a deep breath

‘Forget it.’

‘When a person dies, birds fly up to the sky; he will live forever!’

‘If you can't even do this, how can you become a strong man, how can you face the sunset? '

Fortunately, before crossing over, Qi Jun's ruthlessness in the society was aroused. Although he was still a little nervous, Qi Jun was not ready to back down. After looking around and turning it over, Qi Jun helplessly found that this room was too damn clean. How come he couldn't even find a spoon?

Qi Jun had no choice but to take off the ear pick and folding scissors on his keychain.

Holding the ear pick in one hand and the scissors in the other, he struggled for a while.

He got ruthless!

Qi Jun fiercely inserted the tips of the ear pick and the scissors into the socket.


As expected, the sound of electric current suddenly rang out.


Qi Jun found that he was not electrocuted into charcoal.

Moreover, the sizzling sound of the current only rang twice when it was just plugged into the socket, and it immediately returned to calm.

At the same time, the electric meter of the small hotel began to spin wildly. The speed of rotation guaranteed that the owner of the small hotel would faint from despair at a glance!

But Qi Jun did not feel the tingling pain. Instead, a tingling sensation spread throughout his body through his hands. That feeling was even more exciting than visiting those half-naked young ladies in the shelter! It really is, too! Cool! It's so exciting!

Qi Jun said, let this stimulation be more intense!



As if controlled by thoughts, as Qi Jun's thoughts flashed through his mind, Qi Jun indeed felt a strong sense of stimulation.



Outside the window, a transformer not far away exploded instantly because of the excessive current.

The huge sound spread throughout the surrounding streets, and the bright flames illuminated the surrounding streets that had suddenly become dark as bright as day.

The sound of car alarms, the sound of fire alarms, and the boiling noises of the crowd passed through the window and into Qi Jun's ears.

Qi Jun, who was wondering why the tingling and tingling stimulation was gone, also woke up in time.

He came to the window, lifted a corner of the curtain, and observed carefully for a while.

Qi Jun was shocked to find that it was actually himself who caused all this!

Qi Jun: Me! How~so~strong! Big!

(To be continued)

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