
Hearing some urgent requests from Coulson, Russell did not delay

After glancing around, finally, as if he had determined, he shouted in a certain direction;

“Jason, come out! Let’s do the work! ”

Everyone was a little confused

But the next moment, they immediately understood.

In the shadows under the tree, a tall figure revealed, wearing a hockey mask, it was Jason who had been away for a long time!

Everyone was stunned

“I remember, didn’t Jason not get on the plane? That tens of kilometers of road, he is … Came over? Tony said, also taken aback by his own speculation.

At human speed, it would never be possible to complete such a journey in such a short time

Therefore, there is only one truth, Jason in front of him, not a person!

For a while, Tony’s gaze towards Jason also became vigilant, and even Rhode looked at him vigilantly.

The only thing that knows a little about the situation here may be the legendary agent Coulson

However, he certainly won’t say more

Say too much, it’s all tears!

Coulson looked up at the sky and burst into tears.

“What’s the fuss, can you mature a little like me!” Russell looked at the reaction of the two and said disdainfully

As for Coulson, well, he simply ignored it.

Saying that, Russell beckoned, “Jason, come quickly.” ”

Jason sneaked closer, and everyone fixed their eyes

I saw that his body was covered with sand, and his trouser legs and clothes were full of dust, and he could be used as a smoke bomb with a shake

Even the place where his masked eyes were filled with sand, covering his eyes.

Wouldn’t he be invisible? Everyone complained in their hearts

The answer is, of course not.

However, Jason apparently had no desire to explain and remained silent.

“Fortunately!” Russell patted Jason’s shoulder reluctantly and smiled

This kid, who traveled on foot and wandered in the desert for so long, was also embarrassed by him

But fortunately, his body comes with air conditioning, so he doesn’t have to worry about heat stroke, which is trouble-saving and convenient.

Now that the personnel were in place, Russell decided to start working immediately, opening his mouth and ordering

“Jason, and you, block the door for me, if the movement is too loud and noisy to the tenants inside, it will be difficult!”

“Me?” Coulson pointed at himself with a confused look, as if he hadn’t reacted

“That’s right, it’s you, as an agent, this is your specialty, I believe you!” Russell encouraged, looking like I was optimistic about you.

Agent specialty = blocking the door, Coulson thought about it carefully, and there was nothing wrong with


However, he always felt that something was wrong!

However, no matter how wrong it felt, he still walked up honestly

Looking at Jason, who was not squinting beside him, Coulson swallowed his saliva a little nervously.

“Shhh!” The two squeezed together bitterly, and Coulson accidentally touched Jason’s body and took a deep breath

It’s cold!

This was his first feeling.

But no, on this hot day, suddenly touching a big ice cube is this feeling.

Jason glanced at him, and the meaning couldn’t be more obvious

Don’t touch me!

Unfortunately, the thick sand blocked his eyes, and there was a little less deterrence

But even so, Coulson felt a little hairy in his heart

How to get along with a moving corpse, online, etc., it’s quite urgent!

However, Russell didn’t have the heart to pay attention to the eye contact between the two

At this time, his expression also became serious

The weirdness in front of him had already been determined at the first glance when he entered the stairs

Number, SCP-087, Codename, Stairwell,

A bottomless black hole that cannot detect the bottom layer and exceeds human cognition.

What kind of weirdness lives in it, even Russell can’t completely understand

But he believes that what he knows is definitely not everything!

It is extremely difficult to seal such a weirdness

It’s not just the monsters inside that have the ability to resist, but more importantly,

Its volume is really too big!

Simply put, it is unfathomable.

Even Russell didn’t know if his own ability could be done.

Moreover, his sixth sense told him that the contents were terrifying!

Put yourself in the shoes of people, people honestly stay inside, if someone suddenly wants to lock him up in a small black room, then what will you do?

It must have beaten him!

As for Coulson and Jason….

Just be a pendant honestly!

“Get ready, don’t let the things inside run out!” Russell waited strictly, but couldn’t help but remind him

After speaking, he directly activated the ability, and the purple light flashed from his hand, directly wrapping the entire gate

Jason and Coulson, who were at the door, were not affected.

The purple light, towards the depths of the stairs, spread, spread…

The atmosphere in the air was suddenly quiet and terrifying, only the sound of gunfire outside the wall

Tony and Rhode, who were ob on the side, looked at each other and couldn’t help but swallow.



Five minutes passed

“So deep!” Russell kept his hand moving, but left fine beads of sweat on his forehead

His ability to activate is not slow, but compared to the depth of this staircase, it is indeed a little inadequate.

Suddenly, there was an explosion inside the door, and it seemed that something terrifying was struggling and spreading at an extremely fast



The voice was getting closer, and Coulson’s expression became nervous

As for Jason, he is deaf and blind, don’t mention it!


With a violent knock on the door, even the wall cracked

Fortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. did not cut corners, and the fortified iron gate was not destroyed.

However, Coulson felt a concussion in his ears and his body was numb

However, gritting his teeth, he persevered

Don’t let the monsters inside run out!

The things inside will not give up, and the people can only pray in their hearts

“Hurry up! Prophet Russell! ”


ps: Thank you for the tip support of the big guy,

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