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Familiar western wilderness, barren no-man’s land,

Led by the staff, Russell came here again.

However, with the naked eye, there are many more guards here, and even various heavy military facilities are built on the fence of the outer area.

All the way to the laboratory, smoothly arrived in the laboratory.

Seeing Russell’s figure, Dr. Moncteau, who had been waiting for a long time, was full of excitement and quickly stepped forward,

“Long time no see, Prophet Russell!”

Hugging enthusiasm made Russell a little uncomfortable, and quickly pushed him away and waved his hand.

“Let’s get down to business, Doctor.”

“Oh. Good. Dr. Monctor was stunned for a moment, and then with a smile on his face, he led Russell to a closed room.

After closing the door, Dr. Monctor eagerly introduced Russell,

“That’s it, Prophet Russell, this statue! You see! ”

Inside the room is a winged statue of a minotaur, about 3 meters tall, with the front torso of the body hinged together.

The minotaur’s hands were spread out in a hug-like manner, his eyes stared straight ahead, and his mouth was open.

Russell knocked curiously, making a ‘bang’ sound, which said that 050 was hollow inside.

And turning his head to the back of the statue, there is also a lengthy text description, which seems to be from ancient times, anyway, he can’t recognize it.

At first glance, this statue is more like an antique, than weird.

However, since Dr. Monctor was so anxious to invite him to come, it was not so simple,

Turning his head, Russell asked,

“Tell me, Dr. Monctor, the weirdness of this statue! I’m curious, how did you find it? ”

Dr. Monctor said with a smile,

“This statue was excavated by us in a ruin, and you can see the text on it.”

Saying that, he walked to the back of the statue and pointed to the text on it,

“According to prophets, this is a passage written in Canaanite, which roughly means the origin of the statue, which, according to the above account, was called ‘God of Calamity’ at the time! Accept the sacrifice of mankind! ”

“That is, it is the god in charge of calamities and disasters!”

Saying that, Dr. Monctor came to the front of the statue and looked at it deeply, as if he wanted to see it through,

“Originally, we also regarded him as a myth, the product of human ignorance.”

However, just last week, he suddenly turned around, his body suddenly trembled, and his eyes were full of excitement as he looked at Russell,

“This statue, speak”

“Obviously, I didn’t see the change in its mouth, nor did I find his vocal organs, but it did speak!”

Talk when you speak, how big are you roaring! Isn’t it just the statue talking? What is there to fuss about.

Russell was startled by the suddenly raised sound and rubbed his ears. Li complained,

However, seeing him full of excitement, it was difficult to interrupt, so he could only signal him to continue.

“You must not know what it says, Prophet Russell!” Dr. Monctor’s expression at this time was much more excited,

“What did you say?” Russell asked with some curiosity,

“The language it uses, like the written record, is Canaanite, and when translated, it roughly means that a locust plague that has never been seen before is about to happen!”

“The locust plague in the western region, you know! The locust plague it said was just that, which perfectly proved its prophecy, or disaster! ”

Hearing this, Russell’s face also became serious,

As a first-hand witness to the locust plague, he knew how serious the disaster was,

However, the culprit is the Lord of Hell, by no means this statue,


Dr. Monctor continued,

“Strangely, there was a person’s name mixed in his prophecy, and after investigation, we found that it was a character who had nothing to do with the disaster and was not within the scope of the disaster.”

“It made us deeply curious.” He said, turning his head, “Prophet Russell, there are only so many clues we have probed now, and next, I will leave it to you!” ”

Russell nodded, quickly stepped forward, and then pretended to close his eyes and activate the ability, but in fact he was rummaging through the documents in his mind.

Got it!

After a while, he found this strange record, and its archives are particularly high, so it is convenient to find,

File number, SCP-09, codename, Tofit!

It’s a weird one that can’t help but panic.

From the moment it speaks, it heralds the arrival of a catastrophe, whether man-made or a natural disaster.

Moreover, the scope of this disaster must not be small, and casualties will inevitably occur.

It is like a true god who brings calamity to earth, which is the punishment given to the human beings who offended him,

So, every once in a while, there is a catastrophe.

In order to respond to these disasters, the document contains a way to reduce the damage caused by the disaster, or a way to stop the disaster.

The program was named M8.

The name of the person in the words of the statue, which is an important participant in this program, is named SCP-089-A,

SCP089-A, a healthy and undefective infant, or a toddler, SP-089-B, is his biological mother.

And what this M8 program needs to implement is simply appalling.

Let SP-089-B, the child’s mother, put the child in the statue hole, and then light the torch with your own hands…

Moreover, as a victim, SCP-089-A, that is, the child, cannot fall asleep yet, and must watch himself being burned in a conscious state,

The mother, that is, SCP089-B, must be completely voluntary and not be interfered with by any coercion, threats or other external factors,

That is to say, let a mother put her child into the hole of the statue with her own hands, and then fill it with flammable materials, and watch him be burned to death!!

Seeing this, Russell couldn’t help but be a little speechless,

This method is really amazing!


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