
300 pounds?? Perfect body??

Russell imagined the gap, and was immediately shocked, hurriedly eating down, and then calmed down.

“Are you sure it’s the same person? Could it be that you read it wrong? ”

This weight loss effect is somewhat remarkable, which Russell questioned.

If there really is such a weight loss product, why do the group of people need to mix with gangsters, and directly engage in a weight loss project is not profitable?

“Impossible!” The little spider said affirmatively, “Definitely the same person, even if the clothes can be changed, but the unique temperament on his body cannot be changed!” ”

Tony nodded and added,

“His appearance is very characteristic, he looks very vicious, and he carries a crutch with him, which is very recognizable.”

“After the description of the little spider, through Jarvis, the identity of the target has been locked, that is, the famous underworld emperor – Jin He!”

“Kim He?”

What the? Kim and lose weight successfully?

Russell was simply stunned and hurriedly took a big bite of his meal.

This is simply the scariest story he has heard this year!

Compared to what Peppa Pig was made into a roast suckling pig, Xiyang was caught by the gray wolf more vigorously!

300 pounds of muscle bumps can be slimmed down, Russell can’t think of what kind of method he used.

Seeing Russell’s reaction, Tony thought that he didn’t know who Jin was, and quickly explained,

“It’s normal that you don’t know, he…”

“I know!” Russell waved his fork and interrupted, “Don’t talk nonsense, get to the point!” ”

“Oh…” Tony laughed at himself, so he could only honestly continue,

“It just so happened that in the upper class, the great philanthropist Wilerson Fisk, at the same time, completed a gorgeous turnaround, and his appearance changed greatly, which attracted countless surprises.”

“And after the comparison of Jarvis, if nothing else, this Mr. Fisk is the famous underworld emperor – Jin He!”

Speaking of this, Tony couldn’t help but complain,

“I really didn’t expect that this dangerous figure who rules the underground world, his identity on the surface, is actually a very good person, he is too deeply hidden, I have been in contact with him before…”

“I don’t think he’s hiding too well, but you’ve been busy picking up girls before!” Russell pouted and unceremoniously exposed him.

With an artificial intelligence like Jarvis, plus living in this modern society full of cameras.

As long as Tony Ken works hard, there is basically no character he can’t find, unless he hides in the deep mountains and old forests!

Rao is always cheeky Tony, and he can’t help but feel a little embarrassed when he mentions the previous things,

“Ahem, there is no need to mention things before, who hasn’t done anything ridiculous when they were young?”

“I didn’t!” Russell raised his hand in reply, showing his innocence.

As a good law-abiding citizen, he said he had never experienced the corrupt life of a rich man, and said Tony must take him to experience it.

Tony: (“”)

Russell: (. ﹏。 )

After some eye contact, the two exchanged codes and set a date.

Looking at the little spider beside him, Tony quickly opened his mouth to change the topic, can’t bring a bad child!

“Without further ado, let’s talk about business now!”

“After Parker’s efforts, it can already be confirmed that it is not a weight loss product, nor is it a superpower!”

“This incident was triggered by weirdness!”

“Why do you say that?” Russell asked casually and inserted a piece of beef into his mouth.

Tony directly took out two photos and handed them over,

“You see, these two photos are the only things that Parker found inside the building, and he thinks there is something suspicious.”

“The other rooms are no different from usual, at most they are hiding some drugs and the like.”

“However, in this room, there is nothing else, just these two tables and chairs, don’t you find it strange?”

“And, Parker told me, he vaguely felt a dangerous aura from being in that room, and the source was precisely these things in the picture!”

After speaking, deeply afraid that Russell would not believe it, the little spider quickly added,

“Trust me, these are true! The feeling they give me is really dangerous! ”

“If it weren’t for the fact that the building is not hidden, I will definitely be able to find out the truth of the matter!”

But Russell said that he had a different opinion, put down the knife and fork, wiped his mouth, and said slowly,

“Are you sure you weren’t found?”

Some people, on the surface, are old and coarse, but in fact, they can sniff roses and even act as housewives.

And Jin He, right here!

Jin He, who has always been cautious and runs his own small business, was discovered by Little Spider, a newly appointed intern chicken fried chicken hero, and was followed for several days? ?

When these words were said, let the Daredevil, who chased Jin and ran and ate the exhaust for half his life, how could the punishers be embarrassed?

Not surprisingly, this is a trap. Russell decided in his heart.

The little spider was unwavering in his discovery, shook his head and said,

“They definitely didn’t find out, don’t underestimate me, Mr. Russell, I’m also the chicken hero Spider-Man!”

“Yes, internship!” Tony added humorously.

Spiders: (⊙_⊙)

Ignoring the jokes of the two, Russell directly picked up the photo and looked at it,

It is said that it is two photos, in fact, it is considered one, but the angle of shooting is different.

In the same way, both pictures are overlooked, taking pictures of the scene in the room.

“Look at this photography technique, there is a bit of Teacher Chen’s potential!”

From this angle, Russell knew that he was shooting from the ceiling, and Little Spider was obviously more suitable as a journalist than the fried chicken hero.

Look closely at the photos,

The whole room was empty, there was nothing else,

And a set of seating furniture placed in the center is particularly eye-catching.

A high-backed chair with a round table in the middle, while on the other side is an ornate throne in the style of an office chair, intricately crafted and carved with many mysterious patterns.

Two unrelated chairs are placed opposite each other around the round table, which looks a little strange.

Russell rummaged through his mind, and after a while, he found this strange information,

Number, SCP-738, codename, with Momoyi,

Or call it the Demon Throne!


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