Russell, known as Ji Ji Ji Yi Xiao Langjun, nicknamed Timely Rain.

Seeing that Tony was about to overturn, he suddenly stopped laughing and became serious.

However, it is impossible to block the laser in his flesh, even if it does not damage his golden flesh, being blown will make him feel embarrassed.

Well, what clothes can be intact under the power of the laser, refer to the inside of the Hulk … Pants.

But he didn’t, so he directly threw out the 682 uncle who relied on him.

“Go you!”

“Go! I believe you can do it! ”

Before Uncle 682 could react to what was going on, the entire lizard body was thrown out, cutting a perfect arc in the air.

In Tony’s astonished eyes, he smoothly came to him.

Then it swelled violently, enlarged and thickened, and in the blink of an eye transformed into an orc form, forming a wall of flesh and blocking in front of him.

The flesh blocks the laser, and Uncle 682 said that it is not empty at all.

The laser had just caused damage to his body, and his body had completed its evolution in a short time, shooting at his body as if it had encountered a natural enemy, and could not advance an inch.

However, Russell’s behavior made him annoyed and a little confused.

What’s going on with this feeling of uncontrolled body? Sudden change of form?

No need to think about it, Uncle 682 turned his head and set his eyes on Russell’s body, it must be this guy who made a ghost!


Russell smiled slightly, did not say much, and at the same time silently gave God a thumbs up in his heart.

And seeing the sudden appearance of a lizard monster, able to ignore their attacks, the soldiers of Shoujiang also began to panic.

While pulling the trigger, he retreated in some panic.

And in the face of the intelligence sent to the door, how could Russell let him easily drain from his hands?

The leg muscles suddenly exerted strength, and in the blink of an eye, they had already rushed out and came to them, and directly solved the one who took the lead first.

And the old hunter Jason, I don’t know when, has quietly come behind them, raising the machete in his hand is a painful blow.

Under the front and rear attacks, the guards who were already a little flustered suddenly panicked, and coupled with the loss of command, it was equivalent to losing their souls.

After a while, several Shoujiang soldiers were confiscated and tied to the ground, squirming like worms, struggling desperately.

It was taken by Jason, who was proficient in rope art, and they were blushing and panting heavily.

However, they were obviously not convinced, and there were constant scoldings in their mouths.

“Abominable foreigner, let us go! Otherwise, we Shoujiang will never spare you!” ”

“The adults have already received the news here, surrender as soon as possible and have a chance to survive!”

“You scum, you even dare to resist, the strength of Shoujiang will make you regret it!”


Dead duck mouth hard.

In the face of this recalcitrant enemy, Russell has a way to get them to speak.

However, after thinking about more than 13,500 options, he finally chose to give it to Jason.

After all, as a professional murderer, he has a unique understanding of the interrogation process.

Jason: “…”

Afraid that the scene would be too passionate, Russell kindly threw them into the woods.

However, the successive screams and curses still made everyone shiver coldly.

“I didn’t expect Jason to have this skill.” Tony leaned over and said a little speechlessly.

“There’s more you don’t know!” Russell smiled, tilted his head and continued to enjoy the scenery, being a quiet beautiful man.

Not to mention, from this point of view, I immediately found a shining point.

This nay, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, It’s so big, it’s so white!

Wanda: ()~

Hehe! Man!

After a while, the screams stopped abruptly, and the newly appointed ‘interrogator’ Jason wiped the blood on his hands and walked out of it.

Everyone hurriedly gathered around, but considering the communication problem, it was finally decided that Russell would come forward to ask questions.

What’s the situation? Ask if something came out?

No, a bunch of tough guys who won’t say anything.

Russell: “…”


He suddenly thought of something…

Jason can’t talk at all, how to ask something!!

It’s over, tactical blunders …

“Dude, any intelligence?”

“Mr. Russell, is there any news from Professor Charles about them?”

In the face of several people scrambling to ask questions, Russell was a little weak-hearted, but considering his own personality, he could only bite the bullet and say,

“Yes, there are all, what is inside, Jason probably told me.”

“Ahem, I can’t explain it for a while, just follow me!”

Tony and several people immediately looked at each other, what is it that is not clear for a while?

Could it be that you and Jason’s eye contact is so informative?

Although some of the generals were skeptical, there was no other choice, and everyone had to follow.


Out of the forest, in the distance, the tall exterior walls of the city are clearly visible, and the silver-white light is dazzling, I don’t know what material it is made of.

What caught sight was a huge, gray building, and the guards of Shoujiang were stationed at their feet.

“What’s that?”

“It’s spectacular!”

“It’s so big!”

Looking at the huge gray tower-like building, everyone whispered in the small dense forest.

The thing in front of you, said to be a building, is more like a huge instrument, the whole is airtight, and the structure is a little strange.

However, as he spoke, everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but come to Russell.

Russell: (⊙_⊙)

I’m a jack of all trades!

However, for this thing in front of him, he also had some guesses in his heart.

“It should be an optical isolator.”

“???” Everyone didn’t know why, only Tony knew a little, and quickly spoke in disbelief,

“Wait, you mean, this device, used to shield vision?”

“Yes!” Russell gave Tony a thumbs up in his hand, saving him saliva in vain,

“Around the entire Shoujiang, there are many such optical isolation devices. And from this, an optical barrier strip of more than a thousand kilometers was formed, completing their camouflage. This is the reason why they have not been known to the outside world for a long time. ”

“However, the device is unidirectional. They are not ignorant of the news from the outside world. ”

“Aren’t you curious why their technology is so powerful? That’s because they steal technology from the outside world, and then develop it through their special abilities, and have more time to focus on technology, so the gap will be widened. ”

“Many years ago, they ruled the world… Chance, uh… It doesn’t seem to be. ”

If you think about it, there is Asgard, the Supreme Mage, the Red Skull, Captain America, Wonder Lady, etc., who want to rule the world, at that time, it seems … Probably, somewhat difficult.

Feeling that it seemed a little tactful, Russell added another sentence,

“It’s impossible!”

To be honest, the topic of world domination is really a bit high-profile for Marvel.

People do not dare to brag about this kind of cowhide, only dare to disguise themselves as the family planning commission, this practice of Shoujiang … Doomed to impossible.

In the midst of everyone’s shock, Scout Jason delivered a good news and found a hidden route, which can go directly to the city, but there is a little problem and it is easy to get wet.

Bypassing the guards and coming to the place Jason said, everyone was speechless, and Russell glanced at him with squinted eyes,

Is this what you mean by a hidden route?

That’s right! Isn’t swimming in from the water hidden enough?

In front of you, there is a river under a high wall, hundreds of meters wide, bottomless, and it seems that it almost spans the entire city.

Between the wall and the river, there is a pass, just enough to pass.

That’s true, but Russell always felt that something was wrong.

However, it is indeed a good choice to take the water path than to jump off the fence in a high-profile manner.

At this time, Tony had already put his hand into the river, took a sample, and gave it to Jarvis to test.

“No problem, guys, very clean!” Tony made an excited ‘OK’ gesture to confirm the water quality.

Of course, it was mainly said to Russell and Jason, because he had no flying skills.

Well, although the fast man will not, but people will float lightly!

“Okay!” Russell nodded and reluctantly passed the plan.

However, taking advantage of Jason’s ‘poof’ into the water, he has come to Wanda’s side,

“Beauty, how about a discussion and take me with you?”

No, this is a little strange, looking at Wanda’s somewhat strange face, he quickly changed his words,

“Ahem, I mean, how about taking me for a ride?”

This is like a human saying!

Wanda’s face suddenly softened a little.

However, for Russell’s interactive request, she is not good to refuse directly, and can only tactfully,

“Help me find a rope.”

Ha? Rope?

At the mention of this word, Russell couldn’t help but think of it,

Queen, binding, heels…

“Isn’t it a little bit here… Not so good. ”

He said no, but his hands were very honest, and he directly took out the rope that had been prepared for several years without using it from the small warehouse, cough … For fighting, don’t think crookedly.

Wanda suddenly raised her eyebrows, although she didn’t know what he was saying, she always felt a little discolored.

Since Russell wants to come, it is as he wishes!

Not long after, under the rope skills of Wanda LV0, Russell was successfully tied into a big rice dumpling.


Under the public, a little shy~

Slowly close your eyes and wait for the moment when passion comes, and the result …


The fierce cold wind rushed to his face, and it was directly poured into his mouth, making him feel that his breathing was a little unsmooth.

Wanda actually gave him a whole trapeze, and when he mentioned him, he flew directly against the river.

Even because the flight altitude was too low, his toes made a thin wave on the river, which made Tony on the side can’t help but snicker.

Russell: (. )

Take me flying, no problem!

“Fly and fly, why tie me up?” Russell was not confused in his heart, and asked,

“I’m afraid you’ll move.” Saying that, Wanda’s eyes skimmed him, and the meaning was self-evident.

Not honest!

Russell: …

“Why are you tied so tight?”

“I’m afraid you’ll fall into the water.”

Autistic, Russell said that he didn’t want to talk, and he didn’t want any FBI videos.

And the man who violated the laws of physics, the fast man, had already run to the river at this time, and saw that Jason, who was the first to go ashore, was motionless with his back to them, and suddenly walked up curiously and patted him on the shoulder,

“Man, what are you doing?”

Jason said he didn’t want to speak, and his head moved to signal him to look forward.

Looking in the direction he was pointing, the fast man was stunned and posed with Jason by the way.

Wanda took Russell to the shore, not yet on the ground, curious about what her brother was looking at, and it turned out…

“Don’t move!”

“Don’t move!”

“Hands up, hands on your head!”

A large group of white-clad soldiers poured out directly from the alley between the houses on both sides, shouting loudly, as if they had already prepared again.

Pointed at by the muzzle of the black hole hole, Wanda immediately became honest, directly threw Russell away, and raised his hands.

You can’t expect her to test with her life whether the laser is faster or her reaction is faster.

Judging the time and sight is something she has learned since she was a child.

Of course, it is not so simple to make her submit, don’t look at her surrender quickly, but her eyes that turn around expose her thoughts.

If the frontal regiment does not work, then look for opportunities.

After all, whether it is strong or not, it is only a temporary matter, maybe they will be weakened in a while!

Russell’s bound limbs stiffened, and he looked up with difficulty, looking at the situation surrounded by heavy circles, a little confused.

This is special… It’s actually a trap??

Shoujiang is indeed a good place, with an average IQ of more than 250.

Who specially built the wall, to the labor and management to stand out!

And just when he was elegant and easy-going (mamalielie) in his heart, a figure came out of the crowd.

And on his hand, what he was carrying was… It is also Wade who is tied up like a rice dumpling!!

Wade, who was caught and had a blue nose and swollen face that was beaten on his face, not only did not panic, but even had a hippie smile and said hello to Russell and others.

“Long time no see, guys, missed me?”

Russell immediately understood what was going on when he came over,

You brought the ghost here?


PS: To be honest, I don’t feel water either… It’s about 10 chapters or so, and if you hurry, 5 chapters will be done.

Originally, this crotch-pulling subscription made me sleep in the evening, and I was sprayed as soon as I read the comments, and the key was to greet my family when I came up, piercing my heart, and I couldn’t sleep.

If you think water, you can say it, then I will try to write faster.

Of course, there are questions to say, I will read the comments.

If I don’t read the comments one day, it’s a real mental explosion.

Sleep, sleep, get up and code again. _

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