At this time, the voice of the DJI Bookstore, Ming Zhang’s somewhat angry and corrupted voice spread throughout the mansion.

“What do you all eat?” A few hundred people can’t beat a few people, and all the army is wiped out? ”

“Then what’s the use of me giving you so much money every year to feed you? Don’t you need money for Shoujiang R&D technology? ”

“Waste, waste, a bunch of waste!”

The face of the general, who was sprayed with saliva, was full of grievances,

“Sir, it’s not that our army doesn’t work hard enough, but the enemy is too strong!”

“Each of them, like the Magneto from outside, has all kinds of magical abilities, extremely powerful, and people can’t guard against it.”

“Moreover, even Magneto died on the battlefield.”

After speaking, he glanced at Meizhang carefully, and saw that he was squinting, not knowing what he was thinking, and quickly lowered his head.

“Magneto, also dead?”

Originally, I still didn’t believe it, but when I heard the news of Magneto’s death, Ming Zhang suddenly believed most of it in his heart.

Magneto’s ability, he also understands, controls the magnetic field, has amazing power, and its full force operation, it is even more powerful.

When the two met for the first time, they were frightened by his gesture of holding a building, and only then agreed to his invitation to cooperate.

It stands to reason that in this steel city, the strength he can exert is absolutely amazing.

However, since even he was overturned by the enemy in three or two strokes.

“It seems that these intruders are even more powerful than I thought.” Meizhang thought to himself.

He never underestimated the intruder.

Judging from the technology revealed on the surface of Shoujiang alone, it can already be called Longtan Tiger’s Den.

However, since they still dare to invade, it shows that they are very confident in their strength, or in other words, they have a stronger reliance!

Thinking of this, Meizhang suddenly moved in his heart and asked in a deep voice,

“Where are those intruders now?”

“Uh…” The general took out a device from his pocket with some hurry, and on the screen, the traces of Russell and the others were perfectly displayed,

After taking a closer look, he quickly replied,

“They are currently in the Tianshou Domain.”

“And according to their line of action, their target is the Shoujiang General Mansion!”

Tianshou Domain is one of the administrative regions of Shoujiang, in addition to Lishou Domain, Xiaoshou Domain, Zunshou Domain, Zishou Domain and other areas.

According to the southeast, southwest, northwest and location division, the Tianshou Domain is located in the central area of Shoujiang.

However, none of this matters to Meizhang.

Other areas are left to their disposal, and after dealing with the enemy, they can be rebuilt.

However, as the center of Shoujiang, Xu’s facilities were built in it.

Among them, not limited to the head of the supreme lord of Shoujiang, there are …!

The Fuhrer Mansion is also a matter of not being able to forget it, over the past few hundred years, the Fuhrer has been erected by several of them and turned into a puppet.

However, as the core of Shou, the Heavenly Daoist is definitely not to be missed!

And the Heavenly Dao Yi is established under the Shoujiang General Mansion!

“These intruders are trying to strangle our lifeline!”

“However, how did they know the location of the Heavenly Dao Instrument?”

The information of Tiandaoyi, even in the entire Shoujiang high-level, is a top secret, and ordinary high-level officials have never even seen it,

In the entire Shoujiang, almost only a few of them knew this secret.

Even the Fuhrer on the bright side of Shoujiang did not know this secret.

How would an intruder know this?

This made Meizhang a little puzzled.

However, no matter how they knew, anyway, he knew in his heart that these intruders absolutely had to clean them up!

“Pass the order down, go and invite the old gentleman from the outside world.”

“Prepare the army and surround the entire Shoujiang General Mansion! Never let a single intruder go! ”

“In addition, inform Wang Xi and Wang Ruishi of this news, these two old guys, after being idle for so long, it is time to move!” Let them concentrate their power. ”

“Yes, my lord!”

Hearing Meizhang’s order, the general answered without hesitation, and then turned around and left quickly.

Looking at the departing figure of the general, Meizhang half-squinted, and the light flickered,

“These intruders must not stay!”


And Russell and others did not know everything in the DJI Academy.

At this time, under the leadership of Jason, they were quickly approaching the Shoujiang General Mansion.

That’s right, it’s Jason.

Jason, who was absent from the entire battle, seemed to be secretly observing, and the edge ob.

In fact, he accepted Russell’s order and led Uncle 682 to investigate the enemy.

According to his report, Russell immediately determined his goal.

Shoujiang General Mansion!

As soon as the name sounded, it was an important facility, and Cain remembered the place fondly.

He said that this place seems to be a city full of doors, and anyone can enter, but some white-clad guards can often be seen looming here.

Moreover, its secret guards are more heavily guarded than elsewhere, and it is basically impossible to avoid their detection.

Guards in white?

As soon as Russell heard this information, he knew that he had found the right place.

The various institutions in Shoujiang seem to be complicated, and countless high-level officials have accumulated over thousands of years.

However, the deepest hidden and most feared institution in it should belong to the Heavenly Mandate Sect of Shoujiang!

The specific founder of the Heavenly Mandate Sect is unknown, and it is not known when it was founded.

However, since its development, its size has become larger and larger, and it has become the most central institution in Shoujiang!

Its high-level figures, Meizhang, Wang Xi, and Yuan Ruishi, are all real power figures in Shoujiang, and they have a greater say than the head of state.

If you find the Heavenly Mandate Sect, you can basically say that you have found your goal.

And the goal of Russell’s trip is precisely … Fate camphor!

This is the most active old antiques in Shoujiang!

Perhaps from him, a solution to the root cause of Shoujiang can be found!

“Dude, did you find a problem?” Tony looked around for a moment with some doubt, then turned his head and asked,

“Why are we so calm along the way? Is there no one to stop us? ”

Along the way, they walked so brightly on the road, and no one came to stop them, which made him feel a little strange.

“Hehe, it’s not a big problem,” Russell smiled and patted him on the shoulder,

“If I’m not mistaken, they should have prepared a surprise waiting for us in front!”


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