Meizhang and the others are familiar with the terrain and know the secret passages everywhere.

But Uncle 682 is not something to mess with, Lai has been on Jason for so long, naturally remembering the smell of his shovel officer.

Under his leadership, Russell and others also cut through the wall all the way, rampaged, and also came to the underground space.

After solving the guards in three or two strokes, two people and one beast walked out of the building.

“So big!”

As soon as he walked out of the building, Cain was also a little shocked and amazed,

“How much effort does it take to complete such a big project!”

The vast underground space has no end in sight, it is vast, and what is even more amazing is that the eternal sun that is similar to the outside world!

One wonders how this place was constructed.

In contrast, although Russell is also a little curious, he is much calmer.

He had known about the existence of this space for a long time, but the entrance was mysterious, and he didn’t think about looking for it.

I didn’t expect that chasing Ming Zhang and others all the way actually came here.

I have to say, it is also a bonus!

Uncle 682 did not have the heart to enjoy the scenery now, sniffed his nose, and then seemed to find something, and roared,

“Over here, follow me!”

After speaking, he swooped out.

Russell and Cain looked at each other and quickly followed.

However, before they could go far, a dense crowd of armored soldiers surrounded them.

And the few who followed them were none other than Meizhang and the others!

At this time, when they saw Russell and the others, they suddenly felt a little surprised,

“How did they know about this place?”

“Did you chase us all the way?”

“Whatever he does, even if a few of them know, they will die here anyway!”

After speaking, Meizhang and the others had a smile on their faces, and subconsciously looked at Mephitos next to them.

However, looking at the look on his face, it seems that there is something… Wonderful?

First consternation, then anger, and finally seemed to think of something and became happy.

Mephitos’s expression was particularly rich, and in the blink of an eye, he performed a drama of changing faces at the speed of light for the big guy.

“Mr. Mephitos, do you know these outsiders?” Meizhang asked with some curiosity, and from his rich expression, he seemed to see something.

“Ahem…” Mephitos coughed a little weakly, and then glanced at him and said,


“One of them, I still fight him”

Meizhang and the others nodded thoughtfully, lowered their heads and pondered, thinking about something.

I don’t know this!

As soon as he saw Russell’s face, he remembered the picture of himself being ravaged by several people.

The lord of hell was kicked as a ball, who would have thought that!

No wonder the people who saw these guys carrying in their hands just now were a little familiar, isn’t this special…

Just now, I always felt a faint sense of familiarity, but he ignored it.

Now take a closer look,

This mask, this dress…

Isn’t this the man who stabbed himself in the back!

Murphy Toston’s eyes were a little red, and he looked at Jason’s eyes extremely unkindly.

However, seeing that Ming Zhang and the others attached great importance to his appearance, he didn’t want to force anything.

“The humiliation you gave me in the first place, I will return it to you with my own hands!”

The revenge of a broken arm, do not share the sky!

Thinking of this, Mephitos clenched his fists fiercely, his expression grim.

Then, without waiting for Meizhang and the others to speak, they directly waved their hands and ordered the two behind them to rush directly up.

“Kill them!”


On the other side, Russell was also a little stunned for a while.

Why did the green man come here???

Shouldn’t you have gone into the grove? Nothing to do with the hilarity?

Moreover, as a future fried chicken hero, how did you stand on the villain’s side?

Is the notice fee enough?

I’ll double out and get out of Shoujiang for me!

Some were unable to complain, but for the old man standing in front of the green man, the more he looked at it, the more familiar he became.

This dress, this temperament, and this cane…

Isn’t this the Hell Lord Mephitos, who has not been seen for a long time?

With black question marks on his face, Russell didn’t understand a little, this guy ran out to earn extra money, how did he get mixed up with Shoujiang?

Could there be any easy between them?

However, without having time to think about it, the green man and the armored man beside him rushed up directly without saying a word, waving his fists and emitting a deafening roar, with amazing momentum.

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are very red-eyed.

Uncle 682 thought so and did so, seeing the green man rushing up, he immediately roared and rushed out directly.

For the green man, the iron-headed baby, he has a deep memory.

Can entangle with him for so long, since he came to this world, it is the green man!

When the two fists were combined, the floor shattered layer by layer like a spider’s web, setting off gusts of wind and waves, and billowing smoke and dust quickly surrounded the two.

Another punch was thrown, and the two hideous-looking monsters looked at each other, as if they could see the fighting intent in each other’s eyes, and suddenly used their fists and feet together, and began to fight chaotically.

Two bulldozer-like figures exchanged hands, which immediately caused a burst of noise, even the ground was shaking, and from time to time gravel flew out, frightening everyone to stay away.

On the other side, Cain calmly let the armor man attack, idle, and yawned from time to time.

However, Cain’s unprofessional attitude seemed to anger the other party.

In his shocked eyes, the armored man’s body squirmed, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a … Lightning?

The attack was so fast that a little dazzling struck, and Cain’s entire body was shrouded in a layer of electric light, although he did not suffer any damage.

However, he had to admit that this special effect dazzled him.

Moreover, what surprised him a little was that this thunder and lightning did not seem to be affected by his anti-armor, but became more and more intense.

“In this way, I seem to be entangled.” Cain smiled wryly in his heart.

Looking at Russell, who was surrounded by four people + a large number of soldiers, he could only pray silently for him in his heart.

Russell: (—)


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