Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

114 Chapter 0113: Unexpected

(A/N: All right, this week's poll was also won by Symbiote. So another week of chapters for this story.)


After they were done with dinner, they left for their next destination, tacos.

"I think it's near here…" Alex said absently as his hand gently stroked Gwen's bare thigh making her feel tingly and happy, comforted by his touch. "What?" Gwen had forgotten.

"The taco cart… The guy sells amazing tacos." He said.

"Oh, I know which one you're talking about. He's in the next block, go straight." She said.

"If you say so." Alex was skeptical.

"Is that skepticism that I hear?" Gwen asked with an offended tone.

"What? No…" Alex lied.

"Wanna bet?" Gwen had a smirk on her face.

"Nah, you seem too confident. I'll give in," Alex didn't bite the bait. "Babe~ Come onn…" She tried to convince him with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, what do you want?" Alex couldn't resist and ended up agreeing to bet knowing that he was going to lose. The cart was already in his vision.

"24 hours. I want you to listen to my whims. Like my personal butler." Gwen stated her demand. "Fine…" Alex didn't really mind pampering Gwen while pretending to be her butler.

"But if we're going to role-play we're going to do it right. I'll be a butler who has some leverage over you. Who, although listens to your whims at all times, also fucks you roughly and in a torturous manner." Alex added his requirement.

"You're up." Gwen agreed all too quickly, making Alex smirk as his hand that was stroking her thigh made its way higher. "No…" Gwen put her hand over his to stop him. But it was a powerless resistance.

"Alex…" She looked at him expectantly with the expression of a damsel in distress as she felt his hand drawing closer and closer to her core. She felt her heartbeat rise in anticipation of his next action as she both wanted him to keep going while also wanting him to stop.

"We're here, I guess you win, babe," Alex said before pulling his hand away from her thighs, leaving Gwen hanging. "You damn tease…" Gwen cursed before attacking him like a feral kitten. She punched his arm again and again with a pout on her face as he rolled down the window and called the guy, ignoring her.

"Lovers' spat?" The taco guy asked as he looked at Gwen hitting Alex with punches that were equivalent to a child throwing a tantrum. "Nah, she's just hungry. Can I get two tacos?" Alex said. "Coming right up." With that, Alex rolled up the window again.

Alex grabbed both of Gwen's clenched fists that were about to hit his shoulder again and looked at her with a smile, "Where do you want to go after this? Home? Movie? Or a long drive?" He asked her.

"Humph…" She looked away, "Long drive…" She said in a small voice. "As milady wishes." Alex kissed Gwen's cheek and let go of her fists. The tacos were already ready and Alex accepted them before giving the guy a big tip.

He drove off after handing Gwen both tacos. "Could you feed me, babe?" He asked. "Aren't you supposed to be my butler?" She grumbled but still brought the taco in front of Alex's face to let him take a bite.

"Let's do that after the date, butlers don't take their employer on romantic dates," Alex said. "Fine by me. But I want my butler who listens to my whims completely." She said.

"When you wake up tomorrow, you'll find the most competent butler that you can imagine. For now, you can be my loving girlfriend," Alex promised while placing his hand back on her thigh as she fed him the taco while also eating it herself.

The next two hours were spent driving as Gwen played her playlist for Alex and they vibed together while singing. Alex was utterly glad that he'd found the cure for the inborn trauma of symbiotes using the Extremis formula. Otherwise, he would've wanted to kill himself as the speakers blasted I'm Gonna Be by The Proclaimers at full volume.

Soon they reached the spot that Alex had picked for them.

"I don't think I want to go inside that cabin…" Gwen said apprehensively, "It looks like the kind of place where a serial killer would bring their latest victim to dissect them…" Gwen said with a skeptical expression.

"Come on. You'll love it, trust me." Alex said exactly what a serial killer would before getting out of the car and opening her door for her, "Let's go." He offered her his hand.

"I'm trusting you with my life here, Alex…" Gwen said in a spooked tone as she looked around warily before grabbing Alex's hand and getting out of the car.

"It's fine. Your life is already in my hands." He said nonchalantly as he wrapped his arm around her waist and walked to the entrance with her.

Suddenly, Gwen felt a hand resting on her other shoulder and screamed in a high-pitched voice before jumping into Alex's arms, "Alex!" She buried her face into his neck.

Alex couldn't help but chuckle as he said, "It was one of my clones. It's so much fun to mess with you…"

She felt wronged as she heard his words and started punching his chest lightly while whispering, "I hate you." Though she made no move to change her position.

Alex walked with Gwen in tow and entered the cabin. Instantly, the atmosphere changed and the warm glow of fire greeted Gwen. The fireplace was already lit and everything was already prepared. As Gwen looked around while hugging Alex, she saw that it was an amazing place to spend away from all her life.

"Look up," Alex said and Gwen saw nothing but the stars in the sky. The cabin had no roof. "This looks so beautiful…" She said as she admired the beautiful night sky.

"Yeah, in the night it is, but in the morning… you'll curse the lack of the roof," Alex joked. It wasn't actually a roofless cabin, Alex had just camouflaged the roof. It wouldn't let any bugs or heat enter the cabin.

"You even prepared hot chocolate for me?" Gwen walked to the couch and slumped on it before grabbing the cup of hot chocolate and slurping it. "It's perfect..." She commented.

"Well, I'm glad you like it…" Alex smiled as he walked to her with a blanket in his hand. "Snuggles, yay!" Gwen cheered as she put the mug on the side and opened her arms invitingly.

Alex grabbed both her arms and pulled her out of the couch before taking a seat himself and pulling her onto his lap, "This is better." He smiled before giving a peck on Gwen's nose whose expression changed from dissatisfied to blushing in an instant and she pressed her ear against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Alex meanwhile wrapped the blanket around both of them and the couch started reclining back so that they were both able to have a nice view of the night sky.

"Is that glass, or is nothing there?" Gwen asked, pointing to the ceiling before she sipped her hot chocolate.

"It's me. I camouflaged the roof. It would be horrible otherwise. We'd be swarmed with bugs" He said while stroking her hair. "You're so amazing, Alex…" Gwen commented as they both enjoyed some time of silence within each other's embrace. "I know." He smiled. "Will you come to my concert tomorrow?" She asked sleepily. "I'll be the one cheering the loudest." He told her.

"You're the best…" She fell asleep in the middle of her words. She'd been really tired and this was a nice change of pace for her.

'I didn't get to do her…' Alex thought, 'Guess, I'll have to form the level 3 bond later.' He decided. This was the main reason that he took her out after all. He wanted to make the day he formed the level 3 bond with her special. 'Maybe after her concert…' He thought.

He closed his eyes and slept with Gwen snuggled up against his chest.

In the morning, Gwen woke up in the same spot that she fell asleep in, with her boyfriend's arms wrapped around her waist as she rested her head on his chest.

"Alex… Babe, wake up." She woke him up. They were pretty far from the city and it would take a while for them to go back.

"Morning, babe…" Alex said in a deeper-than-usual voice. "We have to leave or we'll be late for the concert…" She said.

"Mhm… Sure, let's go." Alex agreed as he got up with her in his arms and walked to the bathroom. With each of his steps, more and more of the clothes wrapping around them disappeared. Reaching the shower area, both he and Gwen were completely naked. He turned on the shower and let the initial cold water blast him as he put Gwen on the ground behind him. A minute or so later Gwen joined him since the water was now warm enough. They both quickly showered together while Alex rubbed around Gwen's body. They didn't do anything more than slight teasing since they didn't have the time for sex.

They were in the car as Alex quickly drove Gwen back to the city.

"I'm sad…" Gwen pouted cutely.

"You'll get your butler babe. Don't worry. I'm postponing the post-date sex until after your concert since we don't have the time. Someone ended up falling asleep yesterday night after all." Alex said with a smile.

"I'm still sad." She said. Alex knew how to console her and wrapped his arm around her waist before pulling her to sit on his lap again. Her legs were on the other seat and her back was resting against the door. While driving, Alex used the hand that wasn't on the wheel to gently grab Gwen's chin and make her look into his eyes, neither of them said a word as their lips naturally met and they started making out.

This was how the next two hours went as Alex didn't separate from Gwen's lips for even a moment. Only when he'd reached the destination— Betty's apartment— did Alex free her now slightly swollen lips.

"Have fun. Look at the fan that's cheering the loudest, that's going to be me." He smiled as he told her.


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