“Scary woman.”

The black widow who has been walking on the tip of the knife can’t help but sigh, but this evokes her ‘yearning’ for Saitama, a powerful man worthy of her.

Alexander Pierce carefully designed a trap, but did not expect to let himself lose a lot.

At the moment,

He must have a crooked nose.

Natasha flipped through a photo, “We need to find him, Agent Sitwell.” ”


Saitama yawned lazily, there was no one who could punch him in this incident, but when he saw the picture of the man.

The gaze was cold.

“What is this?”

“Isn’t this attribute repeated with me?”

Saitama clenched his fists and suddenly burned his fighting spirit, “I want to blow him up.” ”

Half an hour later, Agent Sitwell was taken away and appeared on a building, where Nayasha kicked him away, “WHAT IS ZOLA’S ALGORITHM?” ”

“I don’t know.”

Agent Sitwell tumbled out and stepped back.

“Are you done asking? Is this man useless, can I burst him? Saitama had already clenched his fists and approached step by step.

“No, I said I said.”

For Saitama’s technique, Sitwell is not the first time to meet.

A punch headshot?

So naïve,

There are no bones.

He knelt on the ground and blocked it with his hand in fear, “ZOLA’s algorithm is a program. ”

“Used to select the goals of the insight plan.”

“What a goal.” Nayasha asked sharply.


Sitwell pointed at her.

“TV anchor in Cairo, deputy minister of GFB, student representative of one of Edward’s.”

“Hulk Hulk, Doctor Strange, anyone who is a threat to Hydra.”

“Now and in the future.”

“In the future, how does he know?” Natasha asked incomprehensibly.

Sitwell laughed, “How could you not know that the 21st century is an e-book, and Zola teaches Hydra how to read it.” ”

“Then the Sky Carrier of the Insight Plan will wipe these people off the list.”

“Kill millions in one bite.”

Say it.

Sitwell was already crazy.

He shouted ‘Long live Hydra’, and Saitama couldn’t hold back his temper, he wanted to blow up the head of this hateful man with his own hands.

“No, no, no, you can’t…”

Sitwell stepped back, his eyes filled with fear.

He even imagined it

Own body,

Flesh and blood.

“Watch your feet.”

The kind Natasha reminded.


Sitwell turned to see it, and for a moment of dizziness, the whole person fell from the stairs.

Didn’t turn into meat crumbs.

but became a meatloaf.

[Dear boss, the mission to destroy the nine snake forces is completed by 10%].

“Sixteen hours later, the insight goal will start.”

Natasha’s head was blank, and she didn’t think at all how to deal with such a huge mothership, and it was three motherships, it was simply a fantasy.

Saitama wondered

Why is his main quest 50%.

While he was thinking about it

The system sound sounded again.

[Dear boss, your main quest has been generated 100%, block the insight plan, and destroy the target character Alexander Pierce. 】

[Mission rewards: SSS-level rewards can be selected, and there is no penalty for mission failure].

[Side Quest: Defeat the Winter Warriors. 】


The familiar broken voice of Zhidan.

He tilted his head slightly.

I saw a bullet grazed Saitama’s cheek, and the shot was fired by a man wearing a leather suit with an iron arm on his left arm, and a mask on his face.

This man is none other than the Winter Warrior

Bucky Barnes, whose real name is Bucky, is Captain America’s closest comrade and strongest backer in World War II.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he suddenly looked at Saitama, who was holding the bullet in the distance.

This is a bullet with a speed of 1800m/s and can penetrate 8CM steel plates.

And he himself is a first-class killer in shooting,

Never missed.

What a reaction speed

What a force

to this extent.

“Is this still human?”

“Is it a mutant?”


Along with the Winter Soldier were several heavily armed men who were very firefighting, and he changed his machine gun, and the bullets were like dragons spitting tongues of fire.

[Mission targeting, Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes.] “】

“I’ll come.”

Saitama stopped the blowing snow, and his drawing style changed, and he walked forward.

“Be careful.”

Natasha couldn’t help but shout.

But I felt that I was thinking too much.

He watched as the bullets suddenly rushed towards Saitama, and he was like a god of war, walking towards the enemy step by step.


Saitama stopped.

In the distance were the surprised shouts of special operators.

“Oh, that guy can’t even get through the bullet.”

“Is this still human?”

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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