“Teacher, we’re back.”

In the blink of an eye, Saitama and Genos are back in the one-punch world, and the time of the one-punch world is almost seamless.

This is still an avoidance for reaching the king of the deep sea.

“One punch, only one punch.”

“I didn’t expect C-class heroes to be so powerful.”

“No, I remember that person has been promoted to B grade.”

“That’s not the point, isn’t it powerful?”

“The person next to him is S-class, it seems to be called an atomic samurai, how can such a person appear now, it makes us fearful.”

“That S-class is so fierce, Mom.”

The atomic warriors were very noble, and did not disdain to associate with the weak, and did not even want to say a word to them.

He glared fiercely.

It scared a little child all of a sudden.

“Genos, let’s go home.”

The King of the Deep has been solved, and he

The scene just now aroused the strong curiosity of the atomic samurai, and he would never allow himself to say something and be slapped in the face so quickly.



Be sure to defeat Saitama.

to save a little face.

“Stop, do you want to escape? 2 heroes of Class B, Saitama. ”

“Teacher, do you need me to solve him?”

When Genos returned again, he was no longer the former Genos, and his whole body was almost indestructible unless he came with a punch.

Ordinary bombs and missiles could not hurt his body.


Saitama’s face suddenly changed.

His cold sweat kept dripping down.

Salty fish’s eyes widened.

The atomic warrior not far away was first stunned, and then felt a burst of joy in his heart.

“Be afraid, it’s too late to be afraid.”

He thought to himself

But Saitama was heard shouting

Saitama has always had salty fish eyes and a long reaction arc to anything, this is a man who has a lot of feelings, but his only weakness is supermarket sales.

Miss the supermarket sale day,

This thing is a thunderbolt on a sunny day


“Isn’t the supermarket sale almost over, what time is it, Genos.”

“Teacher, the shop closes at ten o’clock, it will take 4 hours one way, although there is still an hour left, but there is still hope, isn’t it?” Genos comforted.

“Add in the past, it’s still too late, right?”

Saitama immediately bounced up from the ground, and he was full of energy.


“Let’s go, Genos.”

“Yes, teacher.”

When everyone was stunned, the most shocked was the atomic samurai, whose mouth was open enough to stuff a duck egg, “What? Ignored. ”

The Atomic Samurai once called it “kamikaze” by his colleagues in the Sword Society, and his special move, the “Atomic Slash”, can cut everything to pieces.

The only person recognized within the association is the silver fangs Bungu.

He was even more dismissive of Saitama.

And yet,

It was such a person who made him disdainful, who so brazenly ignored his existence.

This is to him, the samurai,

The biggest insult.


A package fell from the sky.

It was a drone delivery delivered by the association, and since they had not yet learned the news that the Deep Sea Clan had been wiped out, they could only use drone delivery.

There is only one letter in the box.

“Quick Return Association.”

The atomic samurai looked into the distance, Saitama had long disappeared, and he had found an excuse, an excuse to evacuate.

“Next time, I won’t let you go next time, Saitama.”

He thought through gritted teeth.

At this moment, he recalled Saitama’s eyes when he left, and he felt a powerful force, overwhelming pressure.

No, his heart is trying to deny it.

How could that B-class 2 have such great power

It must be an illusion.

“What the hell is it that the association asked me to go back?” The Atomic Samurai said to himself.


“Whew, finally caught up.”

Saitama stepped into the supermarket, and he turned to look for Genos, but did not find him.

“Forget it, this guy is such a road idiot, maybe he is lost, I’ll go grocery shopping first.”

Road idiot,

Who is the number one road idiot.

“Genos that guy is so slow.”

After settling the bill, Saitama still didn’t wait for Genos.

He had to go home alone.

When he was carrying his things home, he heard the system sound again, [Dear boss, your popularity has risen to 3, congratulations on having your first fan club].


Hero Name: Bald Cloak Man

Intelligence 2 (normal).

Power 6 (beyond ordinary people (705t~1000t)).

Speed 6 (speed of light, 1,860,000 miles per second).

Endurance 7 (near-immortal).

Energy Emission 5 (single energy that releases a long range over a long period of time).

Combat Skill 5 (Mastery of one fighting style).

Popularity: 3

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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