The plane set sail in the night.

Genos, on the other hand, noticed the problem, “Do you know where Mr. Saitama went?” ”

“He said he could fly.”

Black Widow Natasha said indifferently.

People here,

We all know how powerful Saitama,


Nobody knows

A person who is so strong also has shortcomings.

For example, he is a road nerd.

Super road idiot.

“Dr. Zhao.”

Team Rogers found Helen Zhao, she was badly injured, “He uploaded himself into the body again, and the really powerful thing was in the cradle… Jewel…… It’s unmanageable… Gotta bring the cradle to Stark. ”

“Did you see Mr. Saitama?”

“No, it doesn’t.”

“That guy… Can’t get lost, right? ”

Neither Barton nor Natasha, nor Team Rogers saw Saitama, and a battle had already begun.

So, a street fight took place in Seoul.

And Quicksilver Pilcher Maximov and Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximo also joined the side of the Avengers to help them.

After some fighting, Barton handed the cradle to Stark.

Scarlet Witch Wanda and her twin brother had joined Magneto’s Brotherhood of Mutants, but they were very resistant to what Magneto was doing. Later, he changed his evil ways and joined the Avengers.

And she questioned giving the cradle to Stark

“Ultron doesn’t know the difference between saving the world and destroying the world, who do you think you learned this from?”


“Airtight, you have to modify the program and disintegrate it from the inside.” Banner said, pointing to the cradle, which is the device that contains Ultron’s body reconstruction.

“Did you find Cortana?”

“I’ll find him.” Barton said, “However, there seems to be another person who seems to be missing, so you better look for it.” ”

“By the way, Saitama-san, maybe he has a way to open this.”

Banner has been thinking about this.

Iron Man Stark is absent-minded, and he is trying to convince Banner to implant Jarvis into this body, “Only Jarvis can fight Ultron.” ”

“No, there is also Saitama, although he does not belong to the Avengers.”

“But where is he?”

Stark retorted.


A languid voice was heard, “Are you looking for me?” ”

“No, didn’t you go to Seoul?” Stark simply felt a pain in his brain, and his little calculation was good, hoping to create a new Ultron.

But I didn’t expect to kill Cheng Yanjin halfway.

“Well, I said I flew it, they really believed it, and I didn’t know the way.”

Saitama wandered around for a long time, but decided to return, but fell asleep when he was too sleepy.

The system tone suddenly sounded.

[Target Locked: Mind Gem. 】

[The Mind Gem is one of the six Infinity Stones, which has the ability to steal, manipulate, or modify souls. 】

Saitama walked slowly over and approached the cradle.

“This thing is very strong, airtight, we don’t have a way to do it at the moment…”



A cracking sound sounded.

Saitama’s fingers still tapped on the cradle glass.


Banner even felt a pang of pain, and he even felt a little pity for the big box.

“No, that’s dangerous.”

He tries to stop Saitama, and while breaking the big chest is a good thing, he thinks the gemstone has extraordinary power.

After all, there have been losses.

“This glass ball looks good.” Saitama rolled it up, he picked it up and looked left and right a few times, “Well, go home and give it to Genos.” ”

After speaking, it was in his pocket.

That’s it

Slipped into my pocket.

“Why, do you want this glass ball too?” Saitama looked at Stark with a surprised look, his jaw almost dropping to the ground.

There is enough to stuff a duck egg in the mouth.

Saitama was actually just asking

It’s a big deal to send him.

But Stark remembers that punch nearly shattering him, and if it weren’t for the protection of the steel suit, the inquiry turned into a threat.

“No, no, Mr. Saitama, you misunderstood.”


Banner didn’t have any doubts about this, since Saitama could get it so easily, it was enough to show that it was the safest in Saitama.

Not to mention,

The power of this man is so terrifying.

“But now the key issue is that we can’t find Ultron, but if we let Jarvis …”

[Dear boss, you have completed the mission to obtain the Mind Gem, please ask if you want to open the reward. 】

“By the way, I have to find Ultron.”

[Yes, BOSS, your random reward has been generated, Ultron Locator. 】

A virtual electronic screen suddenly appeared in Saitama’s hand, resembling a map, and a dot on the map kept flashing.

“I think I found what you guys call Ultron.”

(ps: the last change of the author bacteria, tired of heart, encountered a slag … Forget it, don’t talk about it, good night to all readers. )

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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