[Dear boss, your side quest 1 is 20% complete.] 】

A 20%.

Those five are 100 percent.

Saitama scratched his head in thought, completely oblivious to the fact that the scene had fallen into chaos, Rhodes looked at Saitama, and then at Stark in the distance.

He quickly pulled out his gun.

“Don’t move.”


Stark’s steel suit was completely unusable, he took off his suit, shouted desperately, and then waved his hand and rushed over.

“No, no, no, this is my own person.”

“Own people?”

Rhodes was furious, he had not seen anyone of his own who could meet and kick people out of the sky, and he also punched them dry.

Did Stark get his head smashed?

“You… Are you conscious? Rhodes waved his arm, he was almost blown up by anger, “This bald… This buddy said he was going to punch you, and he also said that he might hit and burst. ”


Stark soothed his little friend.

This little friend was obviously frightened.

“You listen to me, it should make sense that I was beaten.” Stark whispered quickly, “Hold on, you can’t afford to mess with this person.” ”

Having seen the power of Saitama,

Absolute belief in one creed:

No – to be – provoked – Sai – 960 – Jade –

Will die.

It’s true.

“Saitama-san, so you’re here to punch me?” Stark is actually a very arrogant person, he has never suffered losses, but in the face of Saitama, he has to eat this dumb loss.

He has a good attitude and a smile.


Saitama nodded,

“It’s not enough to punch you, though.”

“Wait, wait.”

Stark looked at Saitama who came step by step, and he didn’t know where he had offended this great god, he didn’t want to turn into a meatloaf.

While waving his hand, a hundred retreated.

Rhodes was also the first time he had seen such a panicked Iron Man, who had always been steady and composed, although sometimes unreliable.

“What about the others?”


Stark didn’t quite understand.

“You mean…”

Suddenly, gunshots rang out.

In the distance, the two rushed towards this side, and Team America witnessed how Stark was blown away by Saitama’s punch, and he had a subtle smile on his face.

“Who is that?” With him is the Winter Warrior, who has undergone several brainwashings and has completely lost his memories of his past.

Even though Saitama once blasted him away with a punch,

It’s like playing Stark just now.

Think about it,

The brain hurts.

“It’s our friendly forces.” Team Rogers ran towards Saitama, “Hey, buddy doesn’t know why, but you’re on our side, aren’t you?” ”

“Can I punch you?”

Saitama didn’t know why this guy was so enthusiastic, but let’s talk about it first.

“Be careful.”

Bucky the Winter Soldier shouted at Rogers.



Team Rogers subconsciously raised his shield, he was also stunned in an instant, and his body had fallen out heavily, what was the situation.

Is Saitama crazy?

The god-like Saitama, who can do everything and save them from fire and water again and again, has really become his enemy.

“Can you tell me what the hell is going on…”


A crisp sound.

Rogers’ face changed suddenly, his mouth opened incredulously, and a long crack on his shield was very eye-catching.

His only weapon is this round shield.

This shield is made of an alloy of a rare metal of vibranium, which has the function of absorbing energy and is one of the hardest materials in the “Marvel” universe.


With such a punch, it was easily shattered.

Everyone looked confused.

“Aren’t you helping him?”

“Isn’t it helping us? Mr. Saitama. ”

Stark and Team Rogers asked at the same time.

[Dear boss, your side quest 1 has a 30% completion rate. 】


Isn’t it 20% per person?

Could it be that the silver-shelled man was also the one on the mission? Saitama has never been good at arithmetic, and at this time he is even more brainy and paste.

[Yes, BOSS, this person is James Rhodes, nicknamed War Machine, and currently a member of the Avengers. 】

“Oh, so it is, that’s really indebted.”

(AGBJ) Saitama looked at Rhodes.

“What are you going to do.”

The latter was startled and took several steps back.

“Oh, it’s okay, I’ve already beaten you, I won’t beat someone repeatedly.” Saitama’s calm look made the others embarrassed.

What is beaten,

What is called not to beat a person repeatedly.


The sound of an arrow breaking through the air reached Saitama’s ears, and before the others could react, the arrow was already held by Saitama in his hand.

The body of the arrow trembled.

“I’ve only been gone for a few minutes, and you’re in trouble.”

Barton suddenly saw the miserable look of the American team, and thought that he was attacked by Stark the Iron Man, but he did not expect that Stark was also embarrassed, and so was Rhodes, and all three looked at Saitama vigilantly.

“Wait, this isn’t… Mr. Saitama. ”

Rogers wanted to remind Barton.

But it’s too late,

He rushed over with one step.


Another punch hit Rogers’ shield, his body crashed into Barton’s body, and the two were knocked out again, while a large net stopped them.

“Oh, I know, it’s not my job, but…”

Spider-Man couldn’t tell the difference between enemies and friends, and he made a move to save people in a hurry, just buffering the domineering force.


The two will surely die.


Team Genes’ shield cracked again.

Completely broken.

“Are you alive? Barton. ”

“I think I’m alive.”

[Dear boss, your side quest 1 is 40% complete.] 】

The other camp quickly assembled, including Natasha, the last black widow who rushed over, and she was hesitating to say hello to Saitama.

“Ross gave me 36 hours to bring Rogers back.”

Even with an inexplicable punch, Stark still has to complete his mission. He blamed himself for the misfortune he had caused, and believed that the Avengers were to be monitored, not a formality.

Team Rodgers, on the other hand, has the exact opposite attitude.

The most extreme and polarizing irreconcilable opinion is the problem between Iron Man and Captain America, and the contradiction between the two allies broke out.

“You caught the wrong person.”

Rogers shouted.

“Your judgment was wrong, your old comrade-in-arms killed a lot of innocent people yesterday.” Stark is also unyielding to this.

“There are five more super soldiers like him, and I can’t let that doctor find them first, Tony.”

“You’re idle.”

“You’re so silly.” Stark retorted, “Get Wanda out of where she doesn’t want to leave, a safe place, I’m trying… I’m trying to stop you from splitting the Avengers. ”

“We were already divided when you signed.”

“Hand over the people, otherwise the detachments of the Joint Special Operations Command that have always been in action will be dispatched, and they will not show mercy to their subordinates.”

The two of you pinched me without saying a word.

“What the hell is going on?” The Scarlet Witch looked surprised, but still reflexively protected the American team and Barton.

The falcon was even more confused about the situation.

Saitama gradually understood that it was right for one person to punch you, so he said to the falcon, “Dude, can I punch you?” “_

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