"I am afraid that the truth you said is more than that."

Li Ang lowered his eyes and slowly rolled up the sleeves of his white coat, as if not Seeing the rising and swelling array at the feet of Ancient One, he said calmly: "It coincides with Dharma End Era. The Earth Spiritual Vein is exhausted. If the world cultivator wants to remain extraordinary, it must increase revenue and reduce expenditure. Western warlocks can barely rely on magic circuits to achieve'throttling'. ', struggling on whilst at death's door survived in the world, and your cultivation method takes a different path, taking the'open source' path."

Ancient One's complexion changed suddenly, and the Golden Lotus suddenly bloomed under his feet. The overlapping petals stretched and stretched, covering the entire corridor.

"Buddha's radiance is boundless, according to the ten kingdoms, there are no obstacles; only the concept of Buddha sentient beings can not give up, hence the name Amitabha." Li Ang looked at the Golden Lotus and said sarcastically, "You The Sect I belong to is a big belly, copy a little from the east and a little from the west, imitating the magical Golden Lotus in the "Amitabha Sutra" is that's all, but I haven't even learned the three-point charm. It is clearly the ones that Secret Sect deleted and castrated. Monkey version."

Ancient One gloomy face, the sage who established the sect does have a lot of connection with the Secret Sect near Himalayas, and even often finds those Secret Sect bald heads to give lectures on the law, but With the changes of the world, the predecessors in Sect have been improving and repairing. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are two completely different methods. How did the other party see that they are following?

She didn't know that Li Ang created an anonymous trumpet in her previous life, followed the Taoist people to travel around the world, broke mountains and temples, wiped out the blood-eating Ghost God, and strangulated those shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing The number of people's heads cut off with their own hands piled up a few Jingguan temples.

During that catastrophe, he seized countless texts of classics. Seeing the novels and knowing the autumn, he organized and summarized the messy cultivation techniques and deduced them.

After Daomen’s broken hills and temples are over, Li Ang has fallen in love with this entertaining outing and outing activity. Every once in a while, his hands are itchy, stepping into the world, looking for some Lawless elements sacrifice to the heavens—Among these lawless elements, there are some bald donkeys who distort doctrines.

Not to mention the bald heads of Dharma End Era, even those eminent monks in the Middle Ages who have attained Taoism may not be able to surpass Li Ang in the argument of Buddhism, and analyze the Secret of a trifling that has been deleted and castrated. Sect Golden Lotus, of course.

I saw Li Ang's palm spread out, and a Golden Lotus bloomed in the palm of his palm. Although not as big as the Ancient One, it was better than a few in terms of magnificence, tranquility, and sacred elegance.

"Go." Li Ang said softly and let go of his palm. The Golden Lotus fell to the ground, and in the blink of an eye it was attached to the distorted space of the Mobius ring, moving from slow to fast. expansion.

Suddenly the Sanskrit chants sounded, and this narrow corridor unfathomable mystery evokes a rich and luxurious atmosphere. In the environment of solemn merit and bliss, Li Ang stepped forward.

Every time he took a step, a huge wheel-like Golden Lotus rose up under his footprints. When he approached about ten steps in front of Ancient One, the Golden Lotus had completely swallowed every part of the corridor. The corner forms a prison, confining Ancient One inside.

"Everything is as if dreams and visions in a bubble, as if dreams and visions in a bubble, as if dreams and visions in a bubble, as if dreams and visions in a bubble, as if dew and as electricity, as if to observe!" Suppress the impulse to bow down to the true Buddha-like Li Ang, "This is all an illusion!"

The real body, thousands of miles away, opened his eyes, opened the channel, and poured the great magic power into it. With projection, resist Li Ang’s dream invasion.

"Sure enough, if you swindle, you will be exposed."

Li Ang removed the Golden Lotus illusion and fixed it with a pointer on a non-existent thread in in midair , Turned his head and said kindly to Ancient One: "In my Spiritual Consciousness, your mana source channel is quite weird. It is not astral projection, or induction of Heaven and Earth, but it is stolen from another dimension of time and space. ."

He swayed his fingertips and painted a pond-like landscape in midair.

The pond is not big, the pond is deep and clear, the surrounding green grass is green, and the great trees cast shadows on the water, leaving mottled reflections on the water.

"This pond is like the world, and Dharma End Era is like the Haoyang hanging in the sky."

Li Ang clicked with his thumb and left a round The red sun is scorching the pond at the speed that naked eye can see.

The pond is getting narrower and the water level is getting shallower and shallower, and the lazily swimming fish in it feels a little uneasy and shakes its tail anxiously.

"Earth in Dharma End Era is like a closed pond under the scorching sun. No matter how strong and strong the fish in the pond are, they cannot jump out of the narrower and narrower pond. They can only face stranded death. The fate of Li Ang."

Li Ang seemed to think of something, sighed, and waved, a large piece of pale fish belly floated in the pond, and the fishy smell escaped and expanded.

"Qingqu is so clear, it is a source of living water. In order to avoid losing extraordinary power, Sect you belong to boldly communicate with other dimensions of time and space, borrowing Spiritual Qi from the unknown plane to nourish itself ."

A golden light koi suddenly appeared in the corner of the pond, seemingly unwilling to be reconciled to his own fate, and resolutely dived into the mud at the edge of the pond, moved towards deep excavation.

"The relationship between Earth and other planes is like two adjacent ponds, and what you do is like digging holes in the soil that separates the two ponds. Water is introduced."

With Li Ang’s slow narration, the koi kept advancing in the mud, and one day, it dug a clear water source from the veins of the ground. The water was filled with sand. The gurgling gurgled out and poured into the exhausted pond.

However, Li Ang's expression became more solemn, said solemnly: "But have you ever thought that there are too many transcenders in the world, and the mighty giants are like stars in the sky, why only you can succeed?"


"Dharma End Era is not a joke. Where is the dam between the ponds so loose and weak like a worm, you have what skills and abilities can pierce the dam?"

Ancient One's complexion was as calm as water, only a trace of struggle flashed through the two pairs of deep eyes.

Li Ang made a sound and categorically shouted: "Unless someone on the other side of the dam assists you, you should gradually wear away this barrier when the inside and the outside are combined!"

"That existence is absolutely He is not willing to help others. The reason he helps you is that he hopes to get through this level, cross the dam, and devour the fish and shrimp remaining in this stranded pond."

In the mid-air projection, A terrifying, fangled snake eel leaped out of the hole dug by that koi carp, crawling along this passage until the breakthrough was obstructed, churning and violent in the stranded pond.

Ancient One spits out one mouthful of impure air, quiet and silent, while Li Ang stretched out his hand to erase these sights, pinching the thread that transmits power, said solemnly: "In other words In other words, the terrifying future you are referring to is caused by you oneself."

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