New York John Fitzgerald Kennedy Airport, here it is.

The Gotham villains who looked like wanted criminals did not walk together. Instead, they spread out pretending not to know each other, and each took a taxi and went to the city.

Li Ang gave them instructions before coming and asked them to collect any information about transcenders in New York as much as possible in the own way. If conditions permit, it is best to kidnap and hold several aliens to provide research materials for the laboratory.

New York is the world’s most prosperous city. I don’t know how many aliens are lurking in it. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s dragon’s pool and tiger’s den. It explodes every three days and strikes every five days. As a result, ordinary citizens have developed the Stockholm syndrome, and all of them are extremely nervous.

For the general public, Superhero is a brave and courageous Law Enforcer, and super criminal is a brutal, terrifying serial killer.

However, for Baine, Death Knell, Death Shooter, Harry Quinn, the green-skinned duo, and the others, Superhero and super criminals are among the "kidnapping indicators." A number, if the Quest issued by Li Ang cannot be completed on time, then I am afraid that their status in the laboratory will drop to the level of little white mouse, and the terror-twisting biochemical transformation project is like the sword of Damocles, hanging high on them. On the head.

These villains look at the prosperous city far away, take a deep breath, and secretly cheer oneself up, "New York, I’m coming!"

Don’t mention the energetic experiment Shi Qunying, Professor Durang Jones finally got rid of the left and right doubles of Bain and Deathstroke, and hurriedly led the students off the plane and walked towards the airport exit.

At this time in the evening, according to the schedule, the students from Gotham Public Middle School who participated in the USAD competition will take a bus to a hotel near the competition site under the leadership of Durang Jones teacher , Actively prepare for the exam and prepare for the competition in a few days.

"Professor Jones, I also have to deal with some personal matters, which may be delayed for a few days," Li Ang did not keep up with the bus, and said to the leading teacher: "If you have anything, please call me. Just fine."

"It's not so good..." Professor Durant Jones frowned said: "The competition is about to begin, and I should review it as soon as possible."


"Yes, yes," nodded, a slender black guy who came to participate in the competition, responded: "Li Ang, you have good grades, and you should help us with more tuition."

Those other boys and girls who have just arrived in New York refused to admit that Li Ang is the team's hope for victory, but they all spoke out to stay. After all, this is a team affair.

"The theme of this year's USAD is the Renaissance." Li Ang took out a square USB flash drive from his pocket and threw it to Professor Jones. For each of the seven objective test items of USAD, science, and social science, I have made 100 predictions and detailed answers for each item, all of which are installed in a USB flash drive, and can be used as another textbook as long as they are printed out—and It is more detailed and complete than the textbook provided by the learning organizing committee.

Apart from this, I also put ten different styles of speeches and seven writing essays on the USB flash drive, enough to cope with the possible occurrences in the competition In most cases, I believe that even if I’m not here in the preparation stage, you can lead others to do the review work."

After all, Li Ang ignored Du Lang, who was stunned while holding the U disk. Professor Jones, nodded with a smile towards Christina, turned around and walked towards the taxi stand.

As a beautiful scenery in New York City, the Indian Third Brother driver in an orange-yellow taxi is very talkative. He started talking about the mountains as soon as he got on the bus. From astronomy and geography to the political situation of United States, from the recent hot spots The hydroponic meat to the amulets hanging in the car's interior, before driving into Manhattan, I was almost finished pointing out the next issue of "Vanity Fair".

Li Ang listened with a smile all the way, and interrupted very abruptly: "Where is the place you booked? Tell me first."

"Uh...guest, you say What?" The third Brother driver in the turban looked confused and said blankly: "You haven't reached your destination yet, the Metropolitan Museum?"

"No need, is it? Anyway, you plan to Kidnapped me." Li Ang spread his hands, pointed to the pile of religious pendants wrapped around the rearview mirror of the car, and said casually: "Remove your disguise, your accent is very similar, and your appearance is hidden. It’s very good, but the real Third Brother won’t hang the wrong amulet like you."

"I don’t understand what you’re talking about." Third Brother frowned, said angrily: "This is The pendant of the Lord Vishnu who is in charge of'maintaining' theocratic power, what do you know as a Chinese." Li Ang rolled the eyes and said gently: "Although the woman Divine Idol holds the law in her hands The Magical Artifact, such as On and Snake, usually belongs to Vishnu and Shiva, but she is not the two main male gods with'gentle images', but the female god Tivi.

In Hinduism Tiwi is the source of thousands of female gods, symbolizing the sacred feminine face, impossible hanging in a male Third Brother taxi, isn’t it."

Third Brother blushed, and his mouth bulged. A lot of Indian regional slang, looking at the excited expression and irritable tone, I am afraid it is not a good thing.

However, Li Ang smiled and retaliated in Indian slang. In the incredulous eyes of Third Brother, he said peacefully: "I can speak Hindi and Urdu commonly used in North India. Tamil and Telugu commonly used in South India, Naga and Mizo in northeastern India, and Santa and Munda in the central region, and even the Andaman dialect in the Andaman Islands. Two.

You just spoke in Urdu, but the curled tongue and grammatical structure are in accordance with the Mandarin commonly used in New Delhi. Don’t tell you that the Third Brother is actually the head of the urban-rural integration. Mixed blood."

Third Brother stared wide-eyed, his lips quivered slightly, and he felt the steering wheel and didn't know what to say.

Li Ang leaned back and asked lazily: "Which organization do you belong to? Why do you want to kidnap me? How is your disguise so realistic?"

"Mr. Li Ang, who created the memetic company, concocted hydroponic meat and stem cell organ cultivation technology, you are so smart, can't you guess it?" The Third Brother calmed down and drove the car to the outskirts of the city while turning the steering wheel. , While staring at Li Ang in the rearview mirror.

He removed the blunt curry accent and used a clear and beautiful female voice, faintly said: "There is no Penalty for guessing wrong, there is a prize for guessing right."

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