The tips of the eight iron whips resemble sharp lances, which shook this fist frontally.

The scene of flying flesh and blood did not appear as expected. The moment the steel touched Li Ang's body, it began to crumble, split, and shatter without hesitation.

The power of 10,000 horses of magnetic field rotation may not be able to match Magneto’s abilities in total, but the victory lies in its sharpness, just like a sword edge piercing into a large and improper rotten leather, arrogantly ploughing out one. Magnetic field channels not under Magneto's control.

The iron whip failed to form an army, it turned into powder and poured down, and it was scattered on the ground like snowflakes. Magneto was extremely surprised and angry.

The iron filings that have been refined once are again divided by a strong magnetic field, and broken into fine particles that are indistinguishable by naked eye. They are tightly and thickly assembled into a thin circular shield to block his body. forward.

The density of this shield is so great that when the Magneto ability is blessed on it, a brilliant blue arc is produced.

The arc pulsated lightly, scorching the air and outlined a lithe and graceful trajectory, just like a coquettish dancer in full costume rippling ripples on the clear water.

Even the 120mm 44 times diameter M256 smoothbore gun of the M1A2 main battle tank can never leave a dent on this shield.

Magneto's thoughts moved, and the scattered iron filings on the ground rose from the ground. The stacked bed frame house is generally supplemented to strengthen the shield. In a flash, the shield is a few inches thicker, just like a steel city wall. In front of him.

Is it useful to resist?

Unfortunately, the answer is no.

Li Ang's fist is blessed with the mighty power of "Great Dao of Limitless Natural Shinichi Magnetic Field Rotation Technique". The press forward is chiseled into the iron shield, and debris is flying across the sky.

The fist was already in his eyes. At this moment, Magneto thought a lot.

He thought of many years ago, as a Jewish teenager "working" in Auschwitz.

Different from ordinary people’s imagination, the poison qi room is clean and tidy. The walls and floor are covered with white tiles, and sprinklers are scattered on the top.

Whenever the time for "cleansing" comes, a group of fellow Jews who know nothing about their own destiny will be driven into it like lambs.

These Jews were holding towels and soap in their hands—German told them that Auschwitz was a place where laborers worked, and all they had to do was take a shower.

The process of "cleaning" is not long. As the sprinklers start to water, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground continues to sound, and the fan runs quietly after a few minutes.

When the dust settled, Magneto, who was still an ordinary teenager, was selected as a "labor", wrapped in isolation clothes, and entered the poison qi room to carry out cleaning work.

At that time, Magneto lived in an abyss called "pain" and "fear" every night.

Many people, even those who claim to be fearless, will be intimidated by the real fear of Death, the kind of as if having a fish bone stuck in one's throat, numbness like a thorny back The sensation will immerse every inch of the muscles, skin, and flesh of the whole body, and even the brain will be immersed in ice water, simulating a near-comfortable feeling of pain.

But Magneto is different. He is used to seeing Death. Even when Li Ang's fist breaks through the iron shield, he is only deep in one's heart sighed at the moment when it hits his eyebrows.

"Didn't expect, my ending is like this..."

There is no grief, no regret, no unforgettable hatred, only regret.

Finally, Li Ang turned his fist into a palm and clasped Magneto's forehead.


In an instant, Gauss's law describing the electric field generated by electric charges, Gaussian magnetic law indicating that magnetic monopoles do not exist, and Faraday's law of induction describing the electric field generated by a time-varying magnetic field , Maxwell-Ampere’s law, which clarifies the nature of magnetic field generation, is deeply rooted in Magneto’s mind through the deduction of "Great Dao of Limitless" The equations finally merged into Maxwell’s Simultaneous Equations, which elaborated electromagnetic theory, which flowed through Magneto’s sight in a flash.

His cells are trembling, swimming, and twisting, and the strange fragments engraved in the DNA double helix are selected and displayed clearly in front of Li Ang's eyes.

"so that's how it is, distorting reality through personal will, inducing supernatural powers with the power of gene fragments, the control range includes but is not limited to Y-ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, Wireless Electronics Wave and long wave Wireless Electronics are all-encompassing..."

Li Ang took a deep breath, looked at Magneto in front of him, and muttered to himself: "It turns out that you can not only control the magnetic field, It also has the potential to master the full spectrum of electromagnetic waves..."

His soft whisper did not wake up Magneto, who was still immersed in the aftermath of the palm just now.

Li Ang arbitrarily instilled Martial Dao Will into Magneto's subconscious, forcing him to nurture his own magnetic field seeds to maximize his ability to release.

When Magneto was in a semi-conscious state, he raised his palm unconsciously. The majestic current flowed through the finger bone. Madness danced in the air.

The magnetic field alternated, and in the blink of an eye, the underground laboratory was completely covered by an electric arc. Those scientific research instruments rose up with smoke at a speed visible to naked eye, and it seemed to be destroyed.

"Just rest." Li Ang didn't even look at it, and poked Magneto to death.

At this time, the brother Mutants who had been talking upstairs noticed the abnormality and hurried down to check.

Quicksilver took the lead and saw Magneto fall next to Li Ang. The extremely angry attacked the heart to activate the ability. When the arc disappeared, it crossed a distance of tens of meters, rushed to Li Ang and tried to swing Punch towards each other.

I have carefully observed the Li Ang that is the essence of Magneto mutation. At this time, I have been able to do as one pleases to release the electromagnetic field. The invisible and innocuous magnetic field has been guarding him all the time, receiving the information of being broken into. At the moment, it runs on its own, holding the iron filings on the ground to form a thick iron shield, and blocking it in front of Quicksilver.

If it hadn’t been for Quicksilver’s excellent dynamic vision and neural reflex ability, and braked and stopped in time, I’m afraid that at this time, he would have hit the iron shield with his hands and blasted his arm into a pool of rotten flesh.

"young man, you haven't practiced the realm of Evil God Huo Yun." Li Ang smiled softly, stepped heavily on the ground, the spiritual pressure spread, and the invisible force forced Quicksilver to retreat a few steps. Standing still, staring at Li Ang with an angry gaze.

Li Ang shook his clothes, and explained to these emotional brother Mutants: "It's okay with Magneto. I'm just discussing academic issues with him."

"You When are we idiots?" Scarlet Witch let out a violent shout, his hands danced with light red light, and the destruction of Chaos Magic would be released in the next second.


Suddenly, Magneto fell on the ground. He stood up with difficulty and looked at the half-destroyed basement with a little bewilderment.

"Father, are you okay? What did he do to you" Quicksilver asked anxiously.

Magneto eyes closed focused, feeling the power of the surging magnetic field in the body, opened his eyes, stared at Quicksilver and said: "Kouhu! Fuck on the street boy, how can I do anything? You still have a peek Your father, my strength!"

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