"San Gong Devil? Interesting..." Li Ang looked at Abel, who was struggling with broken limbs on the ground, muttered to himself: "It seems that The Pool of Lazarus mentioned by Lars Gul El is not simple, I have to wait someday..."

The army of Mutants behind him caught up. Magneto carefully manipulated the iron sand to wrap Abel, and asked Iceman to add a layer of Extreme Cold ice to the iron ball to completely seal the gap.

In front of the electromagnetic railgun, even the safety door made of titanium alloy can't stop it for half a minute.

Li Ang removed the door with no difficulty, stepped into the laboratory, and walked slowly towards William Stryker along the steps.

The scientific researchers along the way shrank in the corner trembling with fear.

The General William Stryker in military uniform convulsed uncontrollably. It was only now that the self-proclaimed tough guy realized that Death's fear was so real.

Stryker once participated in the Vietnam War as an ordinary soldier. In the depths of the damp and dark jungle, Stryker, who had just entered the battlefield, was attacked by the Vietnamese guerrillas along with his teammates.

Those who are poorly equipped and malnourished like the skinny Little Monkey, can tolerate the bite of jungle flies, can tolerate the soot that burns their skin, and lurks in the muddy and humid bushes for a long time. Day, just to kill a squad American army soldier.

The gunshot sounded, Stryker watched the owner’s squad leader being cut off by half of his skull by the flying bullet, the machine gunner was blown into two pieces by a landmine, and even witnessed the owner’s buddies as he fled in panic. Accidentally stepped into a soil trap, and was pierced by thousands of bamboo thorns through a whole thigh. He lost blood and died before the rescue arrived.

Those Vietnamese guerrillas, like ghosts and Soul Spirits, are chasing behind them. Those shadowy tree shadows seem to come alive. Every branch of the tree is beckoning like oneself, trying to intercept this fleeing United. States soldier.

That day, William Stryker was so close to Death for the first time.

Li Ang did not interrupt the thinking of the elderly general in front of him, jumped up lightly, sat on the console, jokingly said with a smile: "Good noon, General William Stryker."

The thoughts were withdrawn from the memory, General Stryker took a deep breath, looked towards Li Ang, and said calmly: "youngster, what do you want?"

"Your life."

"I am an active major general of the United States Army. If you kill me, countless people will come to track you down."

"Hehe, I never said I would kill you now, yours Life is more valuable than you think." Li Ang said with a smile: "I never worry about too many enemies."

William Stryker didn't ask for specific details, he just got himself at a very fast speed. Draw a take action gun and hit the opponent's eyebrows.

The 9mm bullet slid out of the rifling. Before Li Ang’s skull was crushed, it was twisted by the powerful magnetic field wrapped around him and hit the wall.

The warped and deformed cartridge case fell to the ground, making a crisp sound of ding dong on the marble tiles.

Li Ang smiled, snatched the gun in Stryker's hand, and slowly disassembled it into parts.

"General Stryker, I heard from Professor X that you used to be a good person with a sense of middle-class morality, love your motherland, care about your family, and treat your work with enthusiasm. What makes your step by step what you are today What does it look like?"

"War." Stryker said blankly: "War will make you grow, it will make you distorted."

Fortunately or not, that day, young Before being captured by the guerrillas, the Stryker waited for the support of American artillery.

The bomber passed low above his head, and the dropped explosives rolled and razed the hill directly to the ground.

He survived. As an ordinary American soldier, he continued to struggle on the battlefield.

He grew up at a very fast speed, learned the tactical training that old soldiers should have, learned to shoot at women and children with a smile, learned to help his teammates to cover, and let them finish as soon as possible before the officer arrives. "Battle" with Vietnamese village women.

Because of his bravery in combat and his family background, he has made steady progress and became a "chief officer" who had to be saluted by oneself in the past. As a middle-level US military, he participated in the strategic decision-making of local battlefields.

In order to retaliate against the Vietnamese guerrillas who appeared and disappear unpredictably, the U.S. military began to throw defoliants.

This chemical agent, called "agent orange" because it is contained in orange striped iron buckets, is extremely effective. Tens of millions of liters of agent orange caused a devastating blow to the forests of Vietnam, creating a death aisle.

However, the effectiveness of Agent Orange does not stop there. The devastating effects brought by biochemical preparations spread to decades later-pregnant women affected by Agent Orange will give birth to extremely terrifying and distorted deformities.

Not one, not two. Agent Orange has created a total of 500,000 Vietnamese deformed children and has caused more than two million Vietnamese children to suffer from cancer and other diseases.

Stryker has seen those photos of send cold shivers down one's spine, maybe before stepping into the battlefield, he received a middle-class family education will feel guilty and vomit.

But after becoming a "model soldier" promoted by the US military, he has been able to face all this with a smile on his face.

"The enemy is not a human being." William said to Li Ang indifferently: "People have to find oneself some reason to survive in this dirty and despicable world, right? I? The reason for living is hatred.

The hatred of the enemy, the hatred of the Vietnamese guerrillas, the hatred of the Mutants.

It is the hatred that made me what I am today. "

Li Ang raised his eyebrows and said softly with a smile: "I have heard your story. Your son is a Mutants who can create illusions, and you protect him for the purpose of protecting him. Take him away from the Xavier innate talent children’s Academy opened by Professor X.

However, the phantom supernatural player without complete training is too powerful. Your son cannot control his own abilities and is always present. Perform wide-area brainwave interference.

Finally, one day, your wife couldn’t stand those bizarre and motley illusions. One afternoon, she aimed an electric drill at her temple..."

"Shut up!" William Stryker shouted grimly: "You don't understand anything! Freak, I want..."

Li Ang pinched indifferently His jaw lifted him high in the air.

The terrifying grip made General Stryker's face rise into blue and purple, and his stubby legs struggled in the air, looking extremely pitiful and funny.

"Kill me!" William roared: "Kill me, you Mutants freak!"

"hehe, although for now, I am the leader of these Mutants , But I am not a supernatural person." Li Ang smiled and said slowly: "And you can't die now, I have prepared a broader stage for you.

On that stage Only then will you have the qualification to announce the end to the whole world."

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