Step, step, step.

The sound of footsteps sounded in the narrow corridor, Li Ang passed through the gates one after another, crossed one after another, and finally reached the bottom of the prison.

The prison is far from being as simple as steel. These criminals with extraordinary abilities will be chained by heavy shackles with their fingers and wrists fastened. The whole person is tightly tied to a homogeneous titanium alloy steel plate, almost Can't move.

On the outside of the cell are several layers of specially strengthened high-strength one-way glass. Standing on the outside, you can clearly see any actions of the prisoners inside.

At the same time, energizing devices are buried on the floor of the cell. As long as the prisoner changes slightly, high-intensity current will fill the entire room, corona or even electrocute the prisoner inside.

Only this kind of imprisonment measure called inhuman can keep these manic superpower criminals with extremely low escape probability.

If the criminal has a good attitude towards confession and can communicate and cooperate with S.H.I. "

Otto ·Gunther ·Octavius ​​doctor is a criminal in countless cells.

This Mr. Octavius ​​is an outstanding nuclear energy physicist. He specializes in atomic energy physics and optical theory. He is almost one of the top scientists in nuclear energy physics.

Of course, this obese, severely short-sighted middle-aged man, also a more well-known nickname, that is Spider-Man’s year-round opponent "Doctor Octopus", this is from his back spine The four extended mechanical tentacles can be seen.

These tentacles are prostheses invented by Octavius ​​doctor to facilitate scientific research and experimentation. Numerous compact and dense bio-like tendons are put together, and each prosthesis can provide several tons of output.

Four tentacles rise from the spine, continue to extend, and finally complete the connection with the brain nerves, enabling the Doctor Octopus to manipulate the tentacles by his mind, and has extremely high precision, which can be qualified for surgical operations. Fine operation.

Success is also tentacles, and failure is also tentacles. Although Doctor Octopus looks like the tentacle monster in the magical girl animation, Spider-Man is not a cute girl who is light and easy to tear down. In a dispute Captured him and transferred it to SHIELD.

From the perspective of physics and engineering, Octavius ​​doctor is undoubtedly a piece of genius. If this pair of steel tentacles is sold as a patent, it can completely replace the industrial robots used in most factories.

However, after S.H.I.E.L.D. has done a lot of analysis and research on his steel tentacles with great development potential, it still hasn't figured out the principle of neural connection technology.

Until the Mutants affirmative movement broke out, S.H.I.E.L.D. tested the internal prison system and found that the mutant genes in the original Doctor Octopus were also dominant, with weak telepathy capabilities, and could manipulate steel tentacles.

In other words, it cannot be used by others and has no promotional value.

At this moment, the Doctor Octopus, who has become a prisoner, can no longer show off one's military strength to show off his tentacles. The four mechanical tentacles are all tied into the cylindrical containment device, which continuously excites high The high-frequency electromagnetic wave pulse completely paralyzes the steel tentacles and cannot move.

Octavius ​​doctor was originally lying in bed reading the new issue of «Science» academic journals, from which he learned about the current academic trends, and compared with own experimental projects, learning from each other's strengths and diligently learning.

Suddenly, mechanical electronic sounds came from the radio in the corner of the cell ceiling.

"Otto ·Gunther ·Octavius ​​doctor, please put the magazine in your hand on the side of the bed, with your elbows against your ears, your whole person leaning against the wall, and your palms against the wall."

There is no room for compromise in the mechatronics in the broadcast, and Doctor Octopus obediently and honestly followed the instructions under the eaves.

When he faced the wall and hung his head, closed his eyes and began to think about the non-Abel gauge field theory in electromagnetics, the one-way glass turned slightly at an angle, allowing him to see the outside clearly. scene.

Li Ang pressed the button of the walkie-talkie at Coulson's gesture, and said to Doctor Octopus via the prison broadcast: "Octavius ​​doctor, hello, I am your bailer."

"Bail?" Doctor Octopus frowned and said casually: "Sorry, I don't know any force that can bring people out of the seabed prison of SHIELD with hands and eyes like this."

"If you change to someone else, it is naturally impossible, but the meme company I founded happens to have a deep cooperation with the federal government on the issue of superpower development." Li Ang laughed and said indifferently: "We checked your genetic map and found that you have a weak dominant variant gene. From a legal point of view, you are considered as Mutants. You can join the scientific research institutions of the Academy City as a special hire."

"Oh? The founder of the meme company? Are you that Mr. Li Ang?"

Doctor Octopus raised his eyebrows and looked at the Chinese youth who appeared frequently in various academic journals recently, nodded said "Well, to be honest, I don’t care about the social issues of Mutants, nor what your intentions are.

In short, as long as I can provide me with qualified scientific research equipment, let me freely engage in science. Research, I don’t mind working for you."

"Very good." Li Ang laughed, "But please wait a moment. I also want to release bail."


Another bailed person named Curtis·Curt·Connors, a professor of biology, developed a lizard DNAmedicament in an accident, turning oneself into a half-lizard and half-human.

Professor Connors who looks different from ordinary people feels lonely and decides to sprinkle biochemical preparations on New York, so that tens of millions of civilians become Lizard like him. Of course, Lizard finished apprenticeship is not successful, and Doctor Like Octopus, he was defeated by Spider-Man and sent to S.H.I.E.L.D. prison.

The scientific talents of these two superpower criminals are the target of Li Ang’s bail. In order to avoid errors in the bail delivery process, the steel tentacles behind Doctor Octopus were stripped, and Lizard, who was strong as an ox, was on his neck. With the electromagnetic collar, it will be energized if there is a slight change, and will be electrocuted and fainted in minutes.

After going through all the procedures, the handover was completed. Although Phil Coulson asked to send a special plane to help Li Ang deliver, the young Chinese youth who was already a billionaire politely declined. Leading the two superpower criminals on the helicopter, they left the seabed prison under the storm.

The direction he is heading is the newly established academy city.

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