New York, Brooklyn, an Advanced apartment building.

The evening breeze penetrates into the screen windows, passing the coolness into the house, and the yellow curtains sway slightly, reminiscent of the skirt of a ballerina.

Under the lamp, a silhouette is struggling to write at the table.

"Mutants, they have an innate talent. Once upon a time, they were still groping in the dark, seeking guidance."

"Innate talent, at this time, they will Twisted into a curse."

"Give them wings, and they will want to fly closer to the sun, and then fall and die like Icarus."

" With their ability to predict, they will be afraid of the future."

"Giving them a tremendous power beyond imagination and ambition to breed will make them think that oneself should be born to rule the world,"


The stubby fingers holding the pen stopped, and the ink continued to spread and infiltrate along the lines of the paper, increasing the comma at the end of the character by a few cents.

Amanda Waller sighed, covered the pen, and threw it beside the paper with a snap.

This middle-aged woman is wide and fat, with a bloated waist that looks like a bucket. A crystal clear and near-transparent diamond necklace is placed under the double chin, which contrasts sharply with her dark complexion.

Because last time in Gotham, the suicide squad unfathomable mystery that took up a lot of CIA resources was annihilated. As a task force Chief-In-Charge, Amanda Waller escaped the fate of tragic death. But still have to bear the responsibility of "incompetence".

In addition to the exposure of Weapon X Project, each Intelligence Section was forced to shut down some projects that might be suspected of persecuting transcenders.

In this context, Amanda Waller has been advocating the reconstruction of the suicide squad plan, which has been stuck in an internal review.

Even the senior leaders thought she was an eyesore, so they found a reason and sent her to New York as a consultant to assist the New York City Police Department in handling some superpower criminal activities.

Although Amanda Waller can be on the same level as the Chief Superintendent of NYPD (New York City Police Department), but from a CIA project director who can lead the team alone, he is reduced to the NYPD. Superpower criminal consultant, the gap is not small.

"Those damn scum of corpse-position vegetarian food."

Amanda Waller exploded angrily, then sighed, crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it in In the trash can on the side.

Anyway, no matter how Amanda stated that the Mutants on the world stage are a threat to the United States, the CIA's top officials will ignore it.

For them, sailing against the current in the tide of anger among the people is not the right posture to preserve official positions.

Amanda Waller sighed, the bustling Manhattan is not suitable for her, she yearns for the time when oneself was a field agent a long time ago, in and out of the jungles of South America to fight against drug lords-of course she did at that time The figure has not gone out of shape, not as bloated and fat as it is now.

The large-screen LCD TV in the living room was showing the evening news. The reporter's shrill voice seemed a little noisy. Amanda, who was wearing only a silk nightgown, stood up dissatisfied and walked to Living room, plan to turn off the TV.

"...Following the discovery of a blood-drained body in an underground parking lot in the Bronx last week, the police once again found a new deceased in an abandoned factory."


The reporter in the camera is wearing a windbreaker. I don't know if it is because of fear or excitement. The whole person stands trembling outside the abandoned factory.

The factory cast a huge shadow under the night, and the empty windows had no glass for a long time, so they could only be barely covered by dust-stained plastic curtains.

A team of NYPD police officers have already set up the isolation yellow line, and stood blankly in front of the enthusiastic reporters, blocking their exploration of flashing lights.

A fat police officer just walked out of the yellow line, and reporters’ long spear cannons were aimed at him immediately.

"Police officer, can you tell me what’s going on inside? ?"

"Police officer, this is already the fourth similar case in New York. The public is very disturbed about this. I hope you can tell us about the investigation process of the serial homicide."

"Police Officer..."

The flash Blink was uncertain, and the middle-aged police officer's haggard face was shown to the crowd in front of the TV.

Metropolis, serial murders, and weird methods of death,

These three names can be combined together to form a gothic stage play, or a scene that is slightly open The book of mystery.

With the help of the media, this serial murder not only caused the so-called panic among the residents, but also caused an upsurge.

Internet and reality, every New York City citizen is discussing murder cases through social channels.

The past of the three deceased has been completely opened up. The general public, who hadn't been interested in them during their lifetimes, had the value of being focused after they became a corpse drained of blood.

People painted the murder scene vividly, guessing about the murderer's past and present, and complaining that oneself has not dared to go out recently.

No matter how strange and strange the murder is, it is just talk about it.

The police officer pursed his lips, staring at the cameras aimed at his face, and an inexplicable disgust rose in his heart.

Except for the grieving family members, no one really cares about the dead.

All the good people are like vultures looking for the smell of carrion, hovering around the corpse, waiting to swarm up and enjoy the gluttonous feast.

"Sorry, the criminal investigation process belongs to internal information and cannot be disclosed for the time being."

The police officer blankly rejected the reporters, and went into isolation under the cover of the police officers. Among the yellow lines.

Amanda Waller looked back thoughtfully, and sat down slowly on the sofa, letting her huge body sink into the seat.

The four deceased, each of the deceased's gender, age, occupation, appearance, and past experience are completely different. In other words, these four people have nothing to do with each other.

On both sides of the neck of each deceased, there are hole-like wounds pierced by fangs. According to forensic examinations, the murderer seems to use some kind of props similar to hoses to completely remove the blood from the dead. Pull away.

If this kind of Vampire's general imitation crime is only so, then it will naturally not take Amanda Waller's heart.

Because of the big New York City, there are always a few people who are mentally unsound or mentally ill, committing some unreasonable homicides.

Usually such cases will be suppressed, and some cases that are accidentally leaked out will serve as public talks, allowing the people to relax.

Suddenly, the cellphone vibrates and a call comes.

"Amanda, emergency, coming to headquarters soon."

The middle-aged male voice on the other end of the phone is calm and steady, and the owner of the voice is a high-ranking leader.

Along with this call, an unread letter in also e-mail.

The stubby black finger clicked on the screen of the hand.

That is a confidential video sent from NYPD that has not been disclosed to the media.

The screen of the cellphone is blurry at first, and then clear. It can be seen that the video shooting position is fixed, and from the perspective of clarity, it is a dedicated photographic device.

The place where the picture is located is an operating room full of medical equipment.

Amanda sat up subconsciously, she knew where it was.

The forensic examination room of the NYPD Department.

This is a recorded video of the dead body of a forensic Dissection. According to the time stamp in the lower right corner...

Just an hour ago.

Amanda's face is sinking, staring at the cellphone screen.

Several forensic doctors in green surgical gowns are surrounded by the operating bed. On the bed lies a corpse like sugarcane squeezed out of dried juice.

That was the deceased who was first discovered, a vagrant who didn't even have a name, and lived in a pile of cardboard boxes under the bridge hole for many years.

In the picture, the doctor picked up the scalpel and made a cut in the center of the two collarbones.

The pitch-black viscous liquid immediately gushed from the wound, and the mummy opened his eyes.

His eyes are so pale and swollen, reminiscent of a fish that died in the sun in a pond.

The doctors stepped back in fear, but the corpse moved faster than they thought.

The skinny arm possesses a huge force that is completely inconsistent with the appearance. With no difficulty, it shreds a poor forensic doctor. The corpse bathed in blood is restored to a human at a rate visible to naked eye. face.

Then the police guarding the door broke into the house and tried to knock it down with firearms.

Although police pistols do not have terrifying formidable power, the extremely penetrating small-caliber bullets can still cause trauma to the deceased-after the seventh bullet lifted off the skull, the mummy twitched Two times, he slumped to the ground, immersed in a pool of blood of the doctors.

The video is not over yet. The deceased’s belly suddenly swelled, swelling rapidly like an inflated balloon.

Then, pa!

The flesh and blood flew across, and the crystal clear and near-transparent rice grains were scattered all over.

To be more precise, it is not rice grains, but one after another tiny insect egg.

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