Li Ang didn’t know what he thought of, said with a smile: “An expert who can develop such a sophisticated program will definitely not be as strange as those brain circuits, and the final plan is LOW. Like the Low Level villain of the heart, he does ridiculously stupid things."

As the final boss of hundreds of Superhero and Supervillain, Li Ang has collected historical records of his men.

After a lot of sorting, Li Ang was shocked to find that a large part of transcenders had fallen into a kind of weird knowledge barrier.

For example, Magneto's Mutants expansion plan implemented several years ago.

At that time, Lao Wan tried to use some kind of nuclear magnetic resonance instrument similar to the "Gate of Truth" effect, intending to transform most of the residents of New York into Mutants, in order to enhance the political voice of the Mutants ethnic group.

However, at that time, Lao Wan not only followed a large group of pig teammates, but also because of his own styling for too long and the huge sound and light effect caused by the nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, which led to the X -Men effortless positioned his position, efficiently, and resolved the crisis.

Another example is Lizard who is unwilling to provide his name.

After an accident caused Professor Curt Connors to become Lizard, he became an out-and-out anti-socialist.

This Lizard tried to spread biochemical agents to every corner of New York on the top of the tall building, so that the people of New York were like him, incarnate as half human and half lizard.

As a result, because the activation time was too long, Spider-Man, who came to hear the news, easily defeated and resolved the crisis.

Not to mention these New York transcenders, even in Gotham, there are acting cool habitual offenders like Scarecrow and Bain.

The marrow of these villains seems to be engraved with a self-confidence of "I want to show the audience". Every time a terrorist activity is created, some big news will be dedicated to the crowded downtown The district is messing up.

If you can, you have to choose the most conspicuous rooftop of a high-rise building in the downtown area, so that the people of the world can see the oneself valiant and formidable looking side.

If you sneak into the village, don’t shoot. These failed transcenders wrote a truth to posterity with blood and tears: making a fortune in silence is the best.

Li Ang said: "Since the leader of this plague, dare to make such a big battle in the New York City all over Superhero, if it is not because of his stupidity, it is because he has enough It’s self-confidence that can withstand and destroy all resistance."

As if to prove Li Ang’s judgment, a squad consisting of seven F-35 Lightning II fighter jets swept over Manhattan and headed towards Empire State. The Building flew away.

F-35 is the world's largest single-engine single-seat carrier-based fighter, and it is the world's only one carrier-based fifth-generation fighter that has been in service.

Undoubtedly, the appearance of these seven F-35s gave the people who were hesitating below a little courage. Just like those performed in Hollywood movies, the USA army representing justice, civilization, and hope finally take action.

The F-35 with a cost of 200 million USD was worthy of the expectations of the people below. The fighter group dragged an arc-shaped track and circled the Empire State Building without firing any weapons.

Iron Man looked at the Cowering F-35 fighter group, frowned and said: "What are they doing?"

"Just watch the situation."

Li Ang said with a smile: "Killing the mutant will cause a spore cloud to erupt. The military impossible does not know.

Besides, this is the center of Manhattan. It is not the Middle East where gunfire can be poured out. Any action needs to be cautious. Be cautious."

Before speaking, the F-35 fighter group seemed to get closer. A cocoon on the upper floors of the Empire State Building suddenly burst, and a huge bird was hatched from it.

The bird looks like a vulture, its body is scorched and there is no feather on the whole body. Instead, it is replaced by a green purple blanket of strains, which is covered with pitted sarcoma, which is impressive. Bored.

Not only that, the mutant birds also have three sets of meaty wings, four claws, and a deformed and bloated body that does not prevent it from breaking out of the cocoon and shaking its wings with a wingspan of 15 meters.

"Hey, isn't this a deformed chicken specially used for KFC or the Golden Arch in urban legends?" Li Ang said with a smile while standing and talking, softly said with a smile: "The degree of restoration is really high. ."

Is it time to make a joke?

Iron Man's eyes jumped twice, but he saw the depilated bird crowing into the sky with a very sharp sound, and then fluttered its wings, slowly loosened its claws, and soared.

"Can this also fly?"

Iron Man sucked in a cold breath, looking incredible at the silhouette of the depilated chicken soaring lightly, "Leave aside aerodynamics, The flapping speed of this thing is completely impossible to provide power, right?"

Indeed, the speed of the three sets of flapping wings is not fast. Compared with the bloated and deformed belly of the depilated chicken, it is questionable about its weight-to-weight ratio. .

"Look carefully,"

Li Ang said slowly: "The bird’s chest cavity is full of close and numerous hollow holes, and those holes are used to communicate with the air. Yes-this means that most of its chest cavity is hollow, and even the skeleton may be hollow, which reduces a lot of structural weight."

Iron Man glanced at it, and it was true.

Dehairing chickens are so large that they have to rely on reducing their own weight to fly.

Moreover, its flying speed is extremely slow. Compared with those F-35s that can reach a maximum speed of Mach 1.6, it is no different from a donkey cart.

However, as Li Ang said just now, the F-35 fighter group wrestled unintentionally and ignored the swaying hairless poultry. It only slightly increased the circling radius. Enough to make depilatory chickens beyond reach.

"gā gā gā!"

The hairless bird yelled three times angrily. Seeing that oneself couldn't catch up with the fighter, its abdomen suddenly swelled.

Iron Man's pupils dilated suddenly, loudly shouted: "No, it must self-destruct!"

Once the birds self-destruct, the spores broadcast from the high ground can completely cover the lower part. The boundary has infected those residents who have nowhere to escape.

"No, that's not self-destruct."

Li Ang didn’t know where he took out a pig-nose-shaped full-covering respirator and put it on oneself very indifferently. "That's..."

This hairless chicken has a series of loud farts.

The visible air ripples of naked eye spouted from the position of the chicken's ass, and the powerful thrust pushed the birds to rush out, crossing the distance of several hundred meters, and the sharp bird's beak directly hit the last F. -35 fighter.


Li Ang said the last word calmly and added: "The abdominal cavity of this hairless chicken is actually a powerful pump. It is a powerful pump. The hole in the chest penetrates the air, compressed by the pump, and ejects from the shoji to provide thrust."


Tony Stark was dumbfounded and stunned. Watching the wing of the F-35 costing 200 million USD broke, it dragged out a long black smoke and carried it into a tall building.

The explosion sounded loudly, and the fire and smoke danced together.

Stark’s complexion ashen, because the tall building that was killed was not far from the Empire State Building, and the huge billboard "Stark" was pasted on it.

That is the Stark Building.

"This damn-death, his-mother..."

Iron Man took a deep breath, suppressing the surge of swear words in his heart, angrily shouted: "Who designed this thing!?!"

"sorry." Li Ang spread his hands and gently said with a smile: "The designer of that bird is right there. "

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