Apocalypse did not wait long. Soon employees from the underground experimental base removed him from the special prison and escorted him to the interrogation room for interrogation.

At first, the interrogation process was not smooth.

Neither Harry Quinn, a professor of criminal psychology, nor the white queen and the others who are proficient in psychic powers, can make Apocalypse speak voluntarily.

Until the employees of the interrogation class personally take action, threatening Apocalypse that if he refuses to cooperate, he will accept a series of body modification projects.

Most of these body transformations involve heavy flavors, mixed with hundreds of cutting-edge technologies, including but not limited to side art, magic, divine technique, biochemical technology...

The Surgery will only be carried out on the most vicious criminals with innumerable crimes—those exterminating prisoners come from federal prisons. According to the terms of cooperation between the federal government and the Academy City, "extreme prisoners" are also one of the trade items.

If Deadpool has received 10 points of pain and curiosity of human body modification in Weapon X Project, then the most extreme human body modification in the underground experimental base has a pain degree of at least 50 points, and The curiosity level is 500 points.

Even because the remodeling operation is too distorting and evil, most of the operation steps will be handed over to the wise servant, that is, the mechanical octopus. The entire process is forbidden to be contacted by bystanders to prevent mental breakdown after witnessing. Symptoms.

After appreciating the pictures of "artistic" reconstruction operations, Apocalypse realized the true meaning of Sebastian's "evil door".

Frankly be lenient, go home for the New Year; resist strictly...then you can only stay in the underground laboratory until you die-anyway, Apocalypse has the ability to recover, and it won't be bad to play.

The oldest Mutants immediately corrected their attitudes and realized that own mistakes were made. Generally speaking, oneself would tell the truth all that oneself knew.

San Gong Demon.

Whether it is Lars Gul El, Abel, Apocalypse, they often talk about this name.

According to Apocalypse, he was already an extremely powerful Mutants thousands of years ago. He maintained his rule in Egypt through his own powers, comparing oneself to a god.

But as time goes by, Apocalypse gradually ages, and its abilities are also inadequate. In the kingdom that seems to be filled with flowers and burning oil, undercurrents are surging, danger lurks on every side, and many people intend to overthrow his rule.

Out of fear of Death, Apocalypse began to summon sacrifices to explore the law of immortality, but no matter what he did, he could not prevent the own body from falling apart.

In desperation, an alien wizard asked for an audience at the palace.

The wizard was covered in black robe. He couldn't see his face clearly, and his speech was muddy and hoarse, as if thousands of people shouted in unison.

The wizard told Apocalypse that as long as he is willing to worship a god named "San Gong", he can get extra lifespan.

Apocalypse adopted the advice of the wizard and built magnificent temples in Egypt, dedicated to the Three Palaces, and used living sacrifices to please the gods.

The god was very pleased. He lowered his enlightenment and revealed to Apocalypse a kind of longevity ceremony-pouring oneself soul into the body of Mutants youngster.

This kind of life extension ceremony is much more reliable than Witch Rebecca's oneself. The ability to continue to inherit Mutants can make Apocalypse stronger.

Recovering the young Apocalypse consolidated his rule, but because of the large-scale bloodstains needed to prolong the life of the ceremony, it caused social unrest, and the appetite of the priests who worshiped the Sannomiya was growing, and they continued to persecute the original The religion of Egypt has led to more chaos in the kingdom.

Finally, a certain change ceremony was interrupted by the insurgents, and Apocalypse fell into a long sleep.

The people who overthrew the rule of Apocalypse tried to kill him. However, the oldest Mutants were so powerful that swords, flames, and poisons could not completely kill Apocalypse with super-high recovery ability.

In desperation, the people had no choice but to seal him in a coffin and bury him deeply underground.

As time goes by, Apocalypse occasionally wakes up from long sleep, but after losing an entire kingdom to support him, he is very weak and can only intermittently hide behind the scenes to stir the wind and rain, and most of the time he still lies. In the coffin, energy accumulates.

"The content I know is nothing more."

Apocalypse, who was in prison, said to Li Ang: "When I wake up, I will enshrine three The temple of the Palace Demon has long collapsed, and the ancient books that record the San Palace Demon have also been destroyed, and there is no trace of his existence anymore."

"Is that so?"

Li Ang nodded, asked: "Then what is his spiritual connection with you?"

Apocalypse hesitated and said: "...That is a very wonderful The manifestation is as if oneself is plunged into the bottomless chaos and darkness, unable to see anything, but can vaguely feel a mountain-like behemoth standing in front of him.

hard to describe A sense of fear flowed through my body and held my heart."

Here, the oldest Mutants shivered involuntarily, dripping sweat on the gray blue face.

Li Ang gave him time to breathe. After a while, Apocalypse slowed down and continued the interrogation.

He took out a glass cup from behind and placed it in front of Apocalypse, "So, do you recognize this taste?"

Apocalypse turned his head and saw the cup full of With some clear water, it smells extremely sweet.

Half a month ago, Lars Gul El, who underwent a personality modification operation, returned to the headquarters of the Assassin Alliance and led his men to find the Pool of Lazarus.

After research, there is nothing special about the water in the Wangchi water itself. It is just the devil pattern carved on the huge rocks around the water. There is a wicked and strange energy that has soaked the water for a long time, causing the water source to happen. Mutations.

From a biological point of view, the water in the Lazarus Pool can greatly transform the single cells so that the cells can keep dividing for a long time. If the time is in time, it can even repair the Death cells and bring the dead back to life.

The pool of Lazarus was soon blocked by the security personnel of the meme company, and some rare samples were sent to the school city.

Apocalypse looked at the water glass, hesitated for a moment, and chanted the ancient Egyptian mantra, mostly praising the devil named Sannomiya.

After a while, a jet of dark smoke slowly rose from the water glass, corroding the inside of the glass, and cracking it with a bang.

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, stepped forward, and found that he could no longer smell the sweet scent in the pool.

He invited the wise servant to collect water samples, looked at the gloomy Apocalypse, and asked, "Is that aura his?"

"Yes." Apocalypse nodded, hoarse Said: "I smelled this kind of breath somewhere a few months ago."


"United Kingdom," Apocalypse replied gloomily : "London."

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