Li Ang could feel that the god who gave wizard power is approaching, and stared at the city with greed and gloomy eyes.

After stepping into the Golden Core Realm world, his premonition has become stronger and he can clearly experience the depressive breath of wind and rain, but he doesn’t know what time and place this storm will come from. Log in to London.

He doesn't care about the survival of the British Empire, but the arrival of a foreign god is a scientific research project with very observational value that should not be missed.

In order to achieve this goal, it is extremely necessary to secretly manipulate the wizard group.

Li Ang’s words seemed to be magical, corroding and bewitching Ollivander’s mind, and carved a mark in the mind of the most outstanding wand maker in the United Kingdom and even in Europe—he must Spread these news.

He will tell the Ministry of Magic about the theory of divine blood, notify the Daily Prophet, and even tell every wizard child who buys a magic wand in his shop.

Li Ang looked at Ollivander’s sluggish and chaotic eyes, nodded with satisfaction, took out a bag of bulging Jin Jialong from his pocket, gently placed it on the counter, and turned around to walk into the row after row. Between high shelves.

He walked around in the courtyard, picking out more than a dozen magic wands, and the majestic spiritual power spewed out, exploding all of these wands.

Peach wood fragments are about to collapse and splash, but they are lightly held up by spiritual power, and under the control of Li Ang's will, they stagnate in midair.

Phoenix feathers, giant dragon cranial nerves, sphinx tendons...the cores of these magical creatures’ body materials were individually selected by Li Ang, intertwined, pieced together, and assembled to optimize Proportioning to achieve a core configuration with high-intensity load attributes.

With the core of the stick as the center, the pieces of stick wood suspended in the air are driven by spiritual power to move closer to each other.

He ignored the Mr. Ollivander who was waking up at a leisurely pace, took his cane and walked straight out of the wand shop, stepped on the pebbles in Diagon Alley, and walked towards Lihen Bookstore.

This bookstore next door to Mrs. Morkin’s robe shop is a great and famous chain bookstore in the European wizard world. Every Hogun Watts student will come to Lihen Bookstore to buy and buy before school starts. A list of textbooks needed for the next semester.

At this time, it was a holiday, and the Lihen Bookstore was slightly crowded. Students and parents with immature faces walked between the high bookshelves, shouting various book titles, and it was quite noisy.

Li Ang found a secluded corner, waved the take action stick and performed the floating spell. In fact, he was driving Spiritual Qi out of his body, holding up a large stack of books, A square array of *4 hovered in front of him.

"Modern History of Magic", "wizard celebrities", "Advanced Transformation Technique Guide", "Power of Darkness: Self-Defense Guide"...

A total of 16 witchcraft books Scanning the ground automatically turns the page, Li Ang's eyes are like the most advanced scanner, quickly reading and understanding the obscure and esoteric content.

"Sure enough, as I thought, these wizards don't even know the source of their power. They simply rely on the experience passed down from generation to generation to superficially use the command Ether that's all."

Li Ang looked at the anecdote in the book about "A certain wizard mispronounced a word of incantion, causing his wife to become a dashing bull." He couldn't help but tsukkomi said,

"I should praise them like Exploding Heavenly Venerable is as adventurous as Nobel? Or is he born ignorant?

No logical thinking ability, no dialectics, no control of variables, even the witchcraft books dedicated to educating students are just Tell them about the general release of incantion. Pay attention to the main points. Any carelessness will lead to catastrophe, and the whole family will spiral into the sky!

Normal people with a little brain will try to compare, study and improve, but these wizards They are willing to get used to and adapt to the dangers of witchcraft. They are on the verge of explosions every day, and they never get tired of it.

If they are not born to explode, it means that the corrosive nature of divine blood has been completely damaged. They have lost their brains, making them completely unable to use logic tools..."

Li Ang doing two things at the same time, while thinking about it, while reading 16 4*4 books , Changed to the next book group array.

After 10 minutes, hundreds of books in Lihen Bookstore have been read by Li Ang, and most of the knowledge of the wizard world has been printed in his mind.

He spits out one mouthful of impure air, picked up the short-handled cane, and experimented with the incantion he learned one after another.

Body protection guards, except for your weapons, phantom manifestations, floating into the air...

According to the authoritative statement of the Ministry of Magic, the essence of incantation is to drive Ether elements and arrange them. Combination, inspire all kinds of incredible "miracle".

But in the eyes of Li Ang, who has the ability to think logically, incantion is simply a line of code. The gestures, intonation, spells, and will in the process of releasing incanation can all be regarded as the process of compiling code.

The wizard is like an elderly amateur code farmer who has only read one or two IT tutorials. He only knows how to type the keyboard indiscriminately and find valid code strings in hundreds of experiments. And inherit from generation to generation.

But in this inheritance process, a lot of content was lost, tampered with, added or deleted, and the original concise and beautiful code was bluntly distorted, forming a lot of completely unnecessary garbage strings.

What Li Ang does is to simplify the optimization and reach the essence.

Hundreds of different spells overflowed from the tip of the short-handled cane, but they were forcibly cut off by Li Ang before the command Ether became effective. He could already see the essence through the phenomenon, through the code of incantation See the final effect of programming.

The secret of the curse was unobstructed before his eyes.

"I guess that any programmer with wizard potential to Hogun Watts will be able to surpass those old wizards who have been famous for a long time at the level of codification and development of witchcraft.

This It's a good idea. The Peking University Jade Bird Wizard Vocational Technology Academy, with innovative vocational education curriculum research and development concepts, specializes in sending professionals to the wizard industry."

Li Ang smiled and put down his books, looking thoughtful. I looked at the wizards in the bookstore and jokingly said,

"Well...If this is the case, these wizards are expected to retreat steadily under the impact of the programmers, and finally give birth to a cause Gensokyo, ruled by code farmers-but I guess those code farmers living in the development park will not give up their high salaries and come to the wizard world where entertainment is scarce to rule. They only need to distribute a vewa to each person to happily return to their hometown. I’m farming."

Li Ang dropped a bag of Jin Jialong at random and put it on the counter of Lihen Bookstore as a borrowing fee. Leaving the peers wizard apprentices who were still young and sprung, they went straight to a certain The shop at No. 93, Diagon Alley, with the label "Facial For Sale".

The shop was empty except for the counter seats. It was obviously cleaned up. Sitting behind the counter was a young wizard. He saw someone coming to the door and hurriedly stood up to receive him, "Hello, Sir, what do you need?"

Li Ang looked at the room casually, casually stretched out the take action rod and pulled it into the void, connected to the underground vault of the Meme Company in London, and dragged it out. Several heavy gold bricks were thrown on the ground, making a dull noise.

Li Ang said calmly in the shocked and shocked eyes of the clerk who looked at the big dog owners: "I want to buy this shop and sign a contract."

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